Anabolic Steroids, NEED HELP!!!

S. Dalal

Mathamatics is my life
Registered Senior Member
Ok, heres the deal...

I am currently a Medical Student in Texas, and have had a desire to get "bigger'", I just want to have a little bigger muscle size, and be more defined, as do my friends. Can anyone tell me, what would happen if I took 1 cycle, just 1, and then never took another one again of Anabolic Steroids. Is this dangerous to my health? ie...will i have a heart attack, stroke...something life threating from takeing just 1 cycle. I would take the Anabolic Steroids via Intramuscular injection, as I've heard that the side effects of the pills are worsesome. I'm not looking for b.s. propoganda about my testicles schrinking up or developing breasts, I'm just looking for an honest answer from someone who knows what their talking about, ie: a doctor, med student who knows about this.

Thanks for your time.

By the way my Total Cholesterol was checked last year and was 100 mg/dl, and I don't have any medical problems, had an EKG done 3 times in 2005 all show Sinus Rhythem, my normal bp is 119/74 mmMG, and I would rate my self on a scale of 1 to 10 as being a 7 in terms of physical excerise I do per week. I have no history of Cardiac problems in my family, my father does have a slight chlosteral problem (200 mg/DL) but hes 60 and he stays in shape. I am a smoker however, with a rate of about 20 cigrettes per 24 hour period, and I've been smoking for 6 years this summer.

lol, I'm kind of eccentric about medical stuff sorry to bore you.....I guess thats why I want to be a Doctor. :)

Thanks... :)
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if you're a medical student, then surely you're aware of the delicate balance a complex system like the human body maintains.
anytime you inject a foreign substance into this system, you run the risk of adverse side effects (death being the most extreme case)

since you already seem to be fit, why take a risk with man made muscle enhancements for superficial reasons?

also, I know alot of folks that CANT STOP once they have started down the road to steroid abuse.

instead of the muscle enhancement, just get two dumbells and a sandwich......
S. Dalal said:
what would happen if I took 1 cycle, just 1, and then never took another one again of Anabolic Steroids.
Absolutely nothing.

It’s not the steroids that build muscle mass. People who take anabolic steroids still have to build muscle the “old fashioned” way ie. hard work in the gym. What the steroids do is enable your muscle to repair itself much quicker than normal, thus allowing you to push your muscles much harder during training and recover from injury much quicker than normal. It's this increase in training intensity that enables the steroid abuser to gain muscle and strength quicker than someone who is not taking them. But if that steroid abuser isn't willing to put in the hours and the pain in the gym in the first place, then he/she is wasting their time and killing themselves in the process for nothing. So using steroids is only of benefit if you take them continuously for a prolonged period of time and train hard during that time. Of course, you then have to deal with all the adverse effects that come with such steroid abuse.

Of course, you can train hard without the steroids and still see a result, just not as much of a result.<P>
you should use a whey protein shake, using that and the regular protein shake (before you work out) can keep your body in an anabolic state (building, instead of eating muscle). the whey protein will give you less, but longer lasting effects, so you can sleep/work/school without going into a catabolic state. I have heard that this can be just about as good as steroids, but safer and legal.

Could you please explain exactly how I would use the 2 different types of Protein supplements to keep me in an anabolic state longer? ie: when do I take protein supplement A vs. when would I take the Whey supplement.
I body build, using steroids is for short term size increase and dexterity... its fucking stupid considering they fuck up your metabolism and god knows what else.

I suggest to increase size is to start lifting weights... 12 repetitions of an exersize, 3 times with 15 second rests in between. Use "Whey isolated protein" if your too lazy to do it the natural way.. it will double results but your muscles wont be as strong or long lasting.

Also run i nthe mornings... cardio does alot for dexterity. you will be able to train longer and last longeru nder physical pressure. Head for 2 miles every 2 days.
ohh, yeah, and as a side note, you have to life over 60% of your maximum (one rep) in order to build muscle bigger, otherwise you just build it's endurance.
Steroids don't cause all the harm that most would believe. Use the intramuscular injections and don't go beyond 1200 for your total free test and you'll be fine. Actually for short term cycles you could even go beyond that. If you use oral steroids it's very hard on your liver. So the injections would be best. You'd also do well if you use a little less andro and stacked it with some proviron. The worst thing you'll get is increased erections. You will build muscle with little training but you'll build a lot more with hard work. I know I've been using roids and I've been followed by an indocrinologist for sometime. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions. I've done a lot of research. Political propaganda doesn't make for good science or medicine.