An observation I made... something for atheists and believers.


Registered Senior Member
A couple of months ago a friend of mine lost her brother in a car accident, me and a bunch of my friends that knew her decided to head over to her place to comfort her and give her company.

We were all in a group talking about life and stuff when the mother of the guy who died came towards us and asked me and my friends a question. The friends I was with talking to were all Christian, pretty devout ones too and I was the only atheist there.

The mother asked all of us "Was he religious? did he have any religious beliefs?". Her questions were obviously directed around the fact that she did not want her son to have died an atheist, her being religious, and forseeing an afterlife, she probably wanted to know if she would see her son again.

So here are my questions:
For atheists/non-religious people, do you feel somewhat annoyed or at least bothered that a religious person would feel bad for you more because you died non religious?

For Religious people, whats your take on a non believer dying? if you had 2 very good friends, friend A a devout christian, and friend B an atheist, would you feel worst if friend B died? because you may feel like you will not see him in the afterlife?
Why would I feel bad? If anything it shows that they want to see me in their afterlife.
So here are my questions:
For atheists/non-religious people, do you feel somewhat annoyed or at least bothered that a religious person would feel bad for you more because you died non religious?
If they wish to feel good or bad because of their own projected beliefs... that is between them and their beliefs.
Besides, I'd be dead - so hardly in a position to do anything about it. ;)