An internet/technological tool i would like to see


Registered Member
I would like to see someone [or group of someones] create a visual [glyphic] system of categorisation that branches and expands from first principles >> first principles here meaning, fundamental questions like existence, god, reality, language, etc. that was scalable from a single composite glyph to whatever resolution the user decides. This would then be able to be placed within a "knowledge schematic".

So for example:

There would be a metaglyph for the subject: GOD
Depending on what you believed/felt about it, the glyph would have different subglyphs off it >> atheist, mono, pan, undecided, don't care, etc. Within these subglyphs there would be subsubglyphs [for want of a better term] >> mono: judaic, western christian, bob etc. This process goes on as long as someone wishes to differentiate >> western christian: Roman Catholic, Protestant, etc etc.

On the "knowledge schematic" this would be seen as a branching off branches [nice and fractal]. The only problem i forsee here is that it might need to be hyperdimensionally depicted [i don't think 3d will work but it might].

By doing all this, i hope that the problems we face in discussing stuff here and elsewhere will lessen, ie arguing about peripheral ephemera when we may have fundamental differences in reality view [at least this way we can discuss the REAL issues behind disagreement, or save time by knowing we will disagree >> oh he's just a fundie-materialist agnostic existentialist].

The other main benefit is that the "knowledge schematic" [i hesitate to call it the "knowledge tree"] would contain potentially all permutations of thought related to our existence [the closer branches affecting the later branches] and so once its been added, there is no longer any need for new[and old] thinkers to re-invent the wheel as such by arguing the same stuff over and over and over again. We can just go to the KNSCH and see where we happen to be today, and where those that have felt the need to continue differentiating have gone further as well as their opposing and undecided or other positions.

All in a neat collapsible, infinitely expandable Glyph.;)

It could sit under your avatar [it could BE your avatar].

i am halfway joking, but i think it would be good and it would work if technically possible. The glyphs would have an organic quality, plant-like >> a genetics of information....

which of course leads to the thought

...maybe it already exists :eek:

hmmm... on second thoughts scrub all that, i think i'm going for a walk in the park
I had actually been thinking along similar lines somewhat recently. The benefit is that you could very easily educate yourself or study up on any one topic at a time. Everything would be together, in one place, like a big library, but accessable through the internet. You could go as deep into a topic as you want. And, you could choose a related topic to go into. It would in a way, at least the way I pictured it, be like a choose your own adventure. Hmmm, hackers might be a problem.... if anyone can access the thing. But, the point is that everyone CAN access it. I was thinking of this to reduce frustration for people trying to study/learn something, especially for people who want to get in depth, and specialize, in certain areas. I myself have been annoyed by not being able to find some writings/info that is somewhat rare to find. This would eliminate that problem.
I agree. I've been thinking about this for a while and i think that it would benefit all of us greatly.

The hard part, as far as i am able to ascertain, is how to codify information into universal principles, so that there is no need for arbritrary defining by a central body or person. Ideally it should be organic and self-organising.

Information genetics [memetics, i guess]

The idea then was to graphically and aurally represent the data in a three-dimensional interface, so that we could create a world where what you see [or hear, or feel eventually] is intrinsically what it is, rather than the current stretch a texture-mapped skin over some points in space to create an object. I guess it is a permutation of William Gibson's Matrix.

I think that this would be cool, and worth doing.

It may be already being built in some linguistics dept, but unlikely in the sense [and scale] that we're talking about i think [more research needed], and it needs to be built properly from scratch, with the understanding of the complexities needed and future technologies.

The last bit in my last post refers to me extrapolating as far as i could and ending up with reality as we have it, earth genetics and table of elements and a planet library. But's thats a whole nother story.

Anyways, i'm getting back into it [hence the muddleness of my thoughts at the mo] after a break for a while, so i will keep you posted.


What if the glyph was expanded? It "knows" everything, and needs to be updated, so why can't this be a ... it'd be the future news... this would be it... it would be interactive... you can go for the days headlines... when people vote they do it via computer and it gets processed into the glyph, so the glyph tallies the votes, has town hall meeting minutes...

we left out the human aspect... we were thinking info, data, numbers, but the human aspect (interactivity) is important in this process. It's purpose needs the human touch.... we must after all, cater to all... you can get town hall meetings, local stuff, so it'd also be expandable on the locality/proxemics issue... not that you wouldn't be able to access this information anyway... it must be tailored more to accepting a variety of types of people, whether backgrounds, ethnicities, ... ideally EVERYONE could access it, ANYWHERE, and UNDERSTAND it, in so much all languages are available....

and you're always gonna have to define things into categories (for the humans)

So, you're next move? What's the first impression on the particpator going to be? What will be the visual and aural stimuli? How would the first page of my home be decorated if I had a computer?
you got it!

The scenario you describe is pretty much what i envisaged.

eg. if we approached each other wearing our personal glyphs, they would interact to see whether we had common interests, where we disagreed about life, whether we could help each other find things we're looking for etc.

The idea was to find universal principles with which to build the glyphs [prob some kind a mathematics], this would allow all languages to cross communicate. The example i came up with is:

[simplified example]

imagine the infopacket is colourcoded orange, all you have to do is drop it into the system and it would find it's natural place within it , between red and yellow >> ie on the spectrum, there would be no need to codify it separately.

i'm going to do some research today, this conversation has helped me get my enthusiasm back, thanks!:D

A simple version of Glyph could be built into emails so that i could code a message [eg. urgent/work[alpha Project]/reply by Tues] to send to you and your mailclient would automatically sort them into whatever parameters you set [eg. prioritize: work/alpha Project].

It could also be tweaked to filter spam [the codes can only be transferred peer to peer or something]. hmmmm......

Sounds similar to Newspeak from 1984 (from what I can remember, anyway).

How is this similar to newspeak?
NS[1984] is a reduction of the english language designed to control thought by only allowing words that express official viewpoints, what i am proposing is taking language beyond our current form, it is also infinitely expandable and allows ALL viewpoints as it is reflective tool, one outside the restraints of formal language.