An idiotic thread originally intended to explain hypercubes (visually).

Mystery Motormouth

Registered Senior Member
Which later turned into a horrible rant about all kinds of crap. Maybe I can use it as a conversation piece since I'm new here.

Starting off, I was just amazed that I could finally visualize a damned hypercube so I decided to inform some "friends" at a different forum. This failed miserably, and thus I am here.

Okay, now ignore the vertices completely, they provide the outlines of the two cubes that are connected by corners (as if connected to eachother with strings). Focus on the highlighted shapes and what you know about color dithering.

This is the 3d representation of a hypercube on a two dimensional plane, this is not fundamental hypercube observation at all. The REAL purpose behind the stereoscopic hypercube (especially the animated ones) is to provide a dynamic visual representation of viewing a 3d object from all angles at once.

So, back to my shitty visual aid, yellow is front, blue is back, and there is no green. THERE IS NO GREEN, it's only to help you see the two cubes.

There is no green.

Now, concerning the visuals at hand: What's interesting is that I made the two halves isometric to eachother, while the halves themselves were based upon two focus points on the imaginary horizon, creating a crooked effect. As if a moron did not know how to use the grid tool properly, but he DID! Oh yes he did, I just forgot to avoid isometrics.

(My formula for the placement of the second half was right 32 pixels, up 64 pixels, thus the refference to being isometric, since all angles correspond to this formula, and not the formula of simulated first person perspective which I attempted with the two separate shapes that you can see as the blue and yellow.)


If the need arises, I will create a purely isometric hypercube instead, I like being consistent, it makes me feel secure about my minor accomplishments for the day. Like throwing the piece of toilet paper away into which I had masturbated to, the deed is not complete until I had to partake on the cleanup aspect and succeed in fear of being caught. (Fear, relating to awkward family moments which I claim to avoid, yet somehow they manage to sneak up... some may say I have no credibility, but a compulsive lying disorder is not necessarily a bad thing, I am simply guarding you from what is wrong.)


I believe the second coming of Christ resulted in a crucifixion, only an imaginary one, as was the second coming itself in it's entirety. Such is the case with the first coming. The second crucifixion took place on an unraveled hypercube instead of a cross, and for good reason! This is one of the most rational statements I have ever made, the artistic acceptance of the origins of quantum mechanics flourished the new concepts to minds for whom these very things were previously unthought of. An enlightment period so to speak, such as the supposed positive actions of Jesus and the outcome of those actions, the positive awakening of geometric forms from higher methods of comprehention were gaining the attention they not only deserve, but the attention that will drive the human race forward, as far forward that we as a species are willing to go. Christus Hypercubus, perhaps, in my theory, but stated in a factual manner, truly was the second coming of Christ. A sort of mockery of the similarities of the second and third dimension, a two dimensional canvas representing a bizarre and foreign landscape instead of a three dimensional hill (as percieved by us, the human species).

The mockery of the two dimensional canvas focuses solely on one pun: perhaps we're just worms.

The influence of magnetism in the painting, perhaps a refference to supergravity is yet another suggestion that rationalizes my concept since magnetism is supposedly (by my understanding) a byproduct of supergravity, which is (as I recall) related to the string theory, which is likely related to the Kaluza Klein theory, which all leads back to the original foundation of quantum mechanics. There is alot of thought provoking imagery in this piece, and this is only what comes to mind when viewing such a small digital rendition of it, at such a pathetic quality and size. So much more genius could be involved in the painting, so many obvious messages of rationality that I can relate with. Dali was either a genius, or one of the very few truly talented artists who created what they envisioned and accomplished what they set out to do instead of allowing random chance guide their paintings into becoming manipulated by the movements of their hand, wrist, arm, and everything anatomical. (Such is the case with all of my creations.)

I wish I could use hyperspheres in my art, because spheres are a much more natural shape, such form is hard to obtain in digital art. Yet a hypersphere has infinite vertices, which would create a pair of strange spots joining the two three dimensional objects (visually speaking, in "reality" it is the act of joining the visible front, and nonvisible back of the object). I've thought of simplifying the vertices by only displaying the main two on the outer edge as if visualizing the canvas in it's true two dimensional form, but this takes away alot of the versatility of the four dimensional shape, such as the one seen in the hypercube, since no matter how you manipulate two spheres, all sideslook identical. (And attempting to separate various parts of both spheres in terms of color would again be very limiting to the freedom of hypercubes as an *artistic element.)

* artistic element being a geometric shape, which is my pereferred tool in creating art, unlike inspiration by nature and various other things other people may obtain.

So, in closing, is there any decent original thinking here, or am I just a rambling idiot?
*Chews his fingernails and spits them into the wind.

Is it wrong that I feel like a moron right now?

Welcome to Sciforums.

No. I've studied non-Euclidian geometry a wee bit, so I understand what he's saying about hypercubes.

I don't understand a word of the rest of it.

Just because something is incomprehensible does not mean that it's brilliant. It simply means that it is incomprehensible. :)
*runs at the wind with a tube of superglue, finds fingernails and comes back as a whole person.

Hey there Xev,
pleased to be here.
Originally posted by Xev
Just because something is incomprehensible does not mean that it's brilliant. It simply means that it is incomprehensible. :)

Not really.

Some authors want to write to impress rather than write to inform. (If you can't understand this, I must be brilliant) I know a lot of people are like that in academia, and that is why I can never finish grad school and get my Ph.D. There are a lot of weirdo's in academia.

I read through the first half, and then I was thinking "hmmm....maybe I should play starcraft instead of reading this".

Mystery Motormouth,

I actually understand this but it takes awhile to follow. Your explaination is not too bad. I have to draw this on paper to really understand it. Now i am really hungry. I am going to finish this after supper.
Well, English is my second language, Russian is first. The structure of the writing is probably messed up in quite a few places. I like cubes though. They're keen.
So basically hypercubes are 4 dimensional cubes. But since we can not comprehend a 4th dimension, you need some math background (higher math) to understand a dam thing. Im so lost I need a dam road map to find my way to my house. This is just really weird stuff. I checked out one of those movies that Xev gave a link for. What the hell I was looking at I still dont know even though I read everything.

Still more lost than lost itself

There was actually no point, just streaming late night conciousness and boredom. I'm just trying to figure out if my symbolic second coming of Christ theory really makes as much sense as I think it does.
Welcome aboard Mystery Motormouth

Can your friends just call you MM? :)

I started to read your post but my eyes kinda went :eek: and :bugeye: so I scrolled down to see if anyone was familiar with the topic. I see that there are some here that understand what you're saying, so I'll go back and try to see if I can learn something new.


I have no idea why I made this name my account in the first place, was just browsing some Eastern culture articles and this name came across. I usually carry the monicker of "Earl", yet neither of these are my real names. Another pointless post brought to you by me.

The name is very distinguished, but very hard to remember how to spell :D
I have to admit to using copy and paste for my original welcome.

Having Russian as your first language makes you sound interesting also.

Carry on with your posts, I look forward to reading them.:)
