An Idiot called Tyson

Red Devil

Born Again Athiest
Registered Senior Member
Is this moronic excuse for a boxer, a human being? He is definitely not wired up correctly. Please explain this to me - as a non boxing fan and overseas human:

1. How come if he is out on parole for a savage attack on a woman he is allowed to commit further felonies and remain free?

2. How can he attack people and get away with it?

3. How come he is still "on the streets" when he is being questioned about yet another "alleged" rape?

4. Is it one law for Joe Public and one law for Mike Tyson?

5. Finally how do the US public put up with this pathetic excuse for a human being? This guy is so brain dead he should be certified as brainless!

I'm not a boxing fan either, and I have no answer for any of those questions.

The way I see it any fighting that is done during PR (Press Relations) just increases the MEDIA ATTENTION. Personally I think that the real fight shouldn't take place just as a method of disaplining this time of Media whoremongering.
Pre-fight publicity

Unfortunately not the case. The tickets for this "fight" have been sold out since day 1. All flights into Vegas on that day are fully booked, all tv stations interested have paid up. So pre-fight publicity - no need! This is just a nut on the rampage. A boxer known as Julius was on Sky TV talking about this farce yesterday and he said that Tyson is just an imbecile who cannot keep a sane thought in his head - he needs to be locked away for life now before he commits murder - which will happen sooner than later! :mad:
While occasionally I like to watch a boxing match, I don't much care for Tyson. Neither his out of the ring antics nor his matches.
Most of the boxing circuts get their "recruits" from kids growing up with problems. If they are lucky they find this sport which allows them to take out their aggressions in a legal manner as opposed to frequenting the local police station.

In my mind though, it takes a nut to want to get the snot beat out of hisself by going in the ring. Sooner or later there is always that one who is better, so a beating it is.

Tyson will continue until he can no long particpate in the ring. He has had his warning in the form of revocation of his boxing license. It took a while for him to get it back. I do not think the next time that he will get it back. He continues to show that the ring is not the proper place for him. Woman beating is not amoung the skills a fighter of his calibre should have.

Quote "Woman beating is not amoung the skills a fighter of his calibre should have." Unquote. Sorry Wet1 I must take issue on this phrase. "a fighter of his calibre!!!" He is not a fighter, he is not a boxer, he has made millions out of being a thug nothing more! Would you put him in the same class as Ali or Cooper or even Norton or Foreman - I think not! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by wet1
Woman beating is not amoung the skills a fighter of his calibre should have.
Let us hope it is not a "skill" that anyone should have.
Originally posted by Red Devil do the US public put up with this pathetic excuse for a human being?
Actually, in response to Gallop polls taken after the ear-biting incident, the public responded:
Yes, should reinstate, 23%
No, should not reinstate 70%
No opinion 7%

I guess the 23% are the ones buying all the tickets? :bugeye:
Rather sad, I agree.


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Quote: Greater in battle than the man who would conquer a thousand-thousand men, is he who would conquer just one-- himself. Unquote. Could almost be said of Tyson himself eh?
When I stated that "Woman beating is not amoung the skills a fighter of his calibre should have", it was meant in this way. He has been in the fight circut long enough to know better, long enough to achieve a belt, and long enough to know that women are defenseless against such. That was not to say how he got there. Only the figures reflect accomplishments not methods.

It was a sad joke that circulated about "holyear" after the fight with Hollifield (?). That kind of mentality has no place in or out of the ring.

And I do agree, goofyfish. It is not a skill to be aquired or wished for.
Boxing's bad name

As a disillusioned sports fan who admits to admiring Tyson as he approached the peak of his career, I'm amazed that he's allowed back in the ring, let alone back on the street! His style (for want of a better word) resembled that of Rocky Marciano; in other words, a fearless puncher who keeps coming at you, absorbing terrible punishment to land one crushing blow. Back in the days of Sugar Ray Robinson, the fight game was simpler and perhaps not as sleazy as today. Obscene amounts of money have helped to ruin boxing, I think, as well as most other sports. Peace and goodwill.

John C.
Boxing is a heart wrenching reminder to me of Casius Clay.

The guy was a great Boxer but what disheartens me is that he was mistreated even after winning a gold medal in olympics in a restaurant and wasnt allowed to eat even when his friend showed them the medal.

and while returning back he and his friend was beaten by couple of punks for winning a medal.Talk about Fanatics...i"d never watch boxing...:(
America-Land of Free! ha!
