An Idea you are welcome to use

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Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
I am assuming that at least one of reader may find interest in this idea and maybe take it and get it up and running.

Simply I call it Sight to Sound. Where by a device that translates a video signal into a recognisable sound format so that persons that are blind can find their way about town with out the need of a guide dog or a white cane.

A small video camera is mounted on a pair of dark glasses. Possibly two cameras would be better. The video signal is then processed so that verticle an horizontal surfaces can be recognised by the wearer. Colour/sound recognition could also be possible. ( but possibly this is too much info)

If done properly the wearer may even get a musical rendition of what the camera sees in a manner that allows him greater comprehension of his environment.

Currently there is software being tested that whilst exciting is I feel fundementally flawed in that too much information is being sent to the wearer to be of any real value.
This software is on dispay at

I personally would pursue this project but lack the expertise and funding.
I think it would make a terrific university experiment and what's more be of incredible benefit to many visualy impaired persons if successful.

What do you think?
Care to discuss?
There are already several Ultrasonic devices available to do this. Producing a tone that represents the distance of object from the users viewing direction.

Interesting there is a school of training that helps blind people find there way around unfamiliar environment with a simple clicker and listing to the echo. If you have ever sat in a car with the window down you can here the echo of the car noise reflecting of objects you pass. With training and experience you can develop this skill, after all we have the best brains.
The reason I have suggested video over ultra sonic is the difficulty of ultrasonic devices recognising verticle and horizontal planes of surfaces.

By translating a video signal with approproate software I think a better outcome may be possible.

For example an ultrasonic device would have great difficulty recognising a foot path due to the angle of the footpath to the walker......

Btw Blindman I value your comments....
Thanks Quantum

What about a stereo pair of ultrasonic receivers. This may well be an easier solution to image recognition. Or even better sonics with imaging with Dolby headphones. I wish I had the time. Different sounds for colour and texture positioned in 3D space (via headphones).

Btw.. Im not blind. Just in case you assumed I was. :)
You may be right .....I have limited understanding of the differences between interpreting an ultrasonic signal and a video signal.
Does an ultrasonic signal require a sound emmision or echo?

If so wouldn't just interpreting a pre-existing signal ( light) be easier?
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