An end to AIDS?

I’m sure there are whole forums especially for HIV/AIDS conspiracy theory wanker losers. Please find one and go there.
If you kill yourself in a nuclear blast then HIV/AIDS will be destroyed.

If you go back in time and force yourself to wear extra thick condom, you will possibly prevent HIV/AIDS from spreading to your system

If you never be born you will never have a chance of having HIV/AIDS

If you are not a human let not HIV/AIDS cloud your daily apocalyptic thinking


Bright future within your eyes, spirit stronger then the summation of current society, take the death within one of the possibilities of this short life's outcomes.
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AIDS is doing good job - just make sure it doesn't get into any of the decent cultures.
Hercules Rockefeller said:
I’m sure there are whole forums especially for HIV/AIDS conspiracy theory wanker losers. Please find one and go there.

But here we have a wanker loser who believes that there is such a thing as HIV disease.
Blue_UK said:
AIDS is doing good job - just make sure it doesn't get into any of the decent cultures.

There are no such cultures that deserve to be spared of AIDS just because of their superiority and there are no cultures that deserves not to be spared of AIDS just because of their superiority. Those who survive will win.
bah, any discussion is pointless if we dont reach a solution, imo we have to find a cure to aids, period.

i am not much familiar with biology in general, but as far as my knowledge goes theres no cure for any viral diseases
, i could be wrong
zion said:
bah, any discussion is pointless if we dont reach a solution, imo we have to find a cure to aids, period.

i am not much familiar with biology in general, but as far as my knowledge goes theres no cure for any viral diseases
, i could be wrong

only nanotechnology can be the only solution to cure AIDS...kill the virus one by one...identify the dormant virus genome within a cell and destroy by one...
zion said:
i am not much familiar with biology in general, but as far as my knowledge goes theres no cure for any viral diseases
, i could be wrong
I think you're right. Herpes, for instance, can be treated and usually controlled with acyclovir and its derivatives, but it can not be "cured".

The problem with viruses is that they're like zombies, how can you kill something that's not really alive in the first place?

Chris Rock did a funny bit on this. He said that nowadays they don't cure you of anything, they just fix you up enough so that you can get by. This way you have to continue buying medicine.
draqon said:
only nanotechnology can be the only solution to cure AIDS...kill the virus one by one...identify the dormant virus genome within a cell and destroy by one...

You mean nanite tech? If AIDS becomes a threat to a culture which can produce nanites then the matter is serious indeed.

Unfortunately nanites won't be around for a while, if at all, in the popularised capacity.

Viruses do not attack all cells equally, they must hook onto various receptors. Perhaps some kind of inhibitor might help slow their progress.

For a cure... the body naturally produces antibodies that attack pathogens through a number of techniques. Perhaps a large number of these could be produced in vitro and then administered to sufferers intravenously?
Blue_UK said:
Viruses do not attack all cells equally, they must hook onto various receptors. Perhaps some kind of inhibitor might help slow their progress.

actually there are some mutations in CCR5 retseptors(no known side effects), HIV then cannot enter the cell and these people are immune.

for uncertain reasons there are more of these people around skandinavian countries and northern europe ~3-5 %

For a cure... the body naturally produces antibodies that attack pathogens through a number of techniques. Perhaps a large number of these could be produced in vitro and then administered to sufferers intravenously?

the bummer with HIV is that virus kills these cells that usualy protect us
Well, perhaps if they stopped paying money to those charities that recommend abstinence, and gave the money to those that give condoms and education instead...

It would be a start.
Viruses especially like HIV kills all the T-1 cells and all other helper cells that make up human defense system. Thus the human dies not from HIV itself but from any disease that he incurs and the body can no longer battle with because all of its defense cells are gone. To make matter even worse, the HIV cells copies the right receptors onto its membrane thus no cells can distinguish it as out of the body...our organism sees the HIV as its own cell. Whats good is...HIV sometimes goes to dormant stage...when that happens the HIV RNA strain gets stored within the cells RNA, but thats not for long, it activates after some years.

The only way I see to battle HIV is to create millions of nanorobots that would distinguish these HIV based on size...the way they look like...the way they act. Its like trying to destroy a stealth bomber when its invisible to radars. Yeah...its invisible to radars...but it still is visible in visible still emits traces of gases that can be detected. And most importantly it behaves in a particular manner. Thus in Yugoslavia there was a case, the only case that this ever happened, that the stealth bomber was destroyed by a rocket launcher. How? The general noticed that bombers flew in a regular time intervals every day at regular air he launched the modified rocket to that location...KAboom the mighty stealth was down.
No one has proven that HIV kills anything. They haven't proven that the tests are any good at all for predicting anything. They haven't proven any of the drugs to be safer than say, smoking three cartons of cigarettes a day. Fortunately for the new multi-billion dollar business, they didn't have to.
MetaKron said:
No one has proven that HIV kills anything. They haven't proven that the tests are any good at all for predicting anything. They haven't proven any of the drugs to be safer than say, smoking three cartons of cigarettes a day. Fortunately for the new multi-billion dollar business, they didn't have to.

HIV destroys T-1 cells and this is proven for sure.