An Atheist IS a Polytheist.


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No. Not even close. An atheist takes the theological view that there are no deities, whether actively or through simple lack of beliefs.
Polytheists, on the other hand, take the theological position that there exist multiple deities. I am a polytheist, for example.

Two very different things. I do not see how you could misconstrue them to be the same concept.
It's true.
If you had placed an "A" before polytheist (A-polytheist), then you would have been correct. An atheist has no belief in god/gods, it's that simply. Or any supernatural imaginary creature you or anyone else could conjure up.
The OP is a statement that presents no arguments, supporting data, or items for discussion. It appears to have the sole purpose of being pejorative. Therefore, thread closed.

PM me if you have any concerns.
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