An apology owed


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
To my Muslim neighbors at Sciforums and around the world--

I am advised that I owe you an apology. Everneo has called me out on what he perceives as gross generalizations of Muslims, and apparently I owe you all an apology.

Thus, I am sorry to have erred in the following manner:

• I have asserted that Muslims are human beings
• I have asserted that not all Muslims are Shi'a
• I have refused to convict the whole of Islam based on the actions of a few individuals whose behavior cannot be shown to be consistent with the Qur'an
• I have asserted that Muslim communities will have less strife when they are more secure economically
• I have asserted that Islamic communities have had difficulties rebuilding in part because of external interference from the West

In these and more, apparently I have been wrong, for Everneo says so by accusing that I generalize about Muslims.

For these wrongs against the Islamic community, I can only offer my apologies and beg forgiveness. Please don't bomb my house.

I shall endeavor in the future to correct myself:

• Muslims are not human beings
• All Muslims are Shia
• The whole of Islam is defined by a few individuals whose behavior cannot be shown to be consistent with the Qur'an
• Muslim communities will never escape strife, as Muslims like strife
• Muslims only have themselves to blame for their miseries

Thus holding my Muslim neighbors in elevated respect, may Allah forgive my cruelty and not order the Muslims to murder my child.
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What would Proud Muslim have to say on such a delicate topic? You actually had the nerve to call Muslims human beings.. :p


//EDIT: Unfortunately, in these circumstances, I must actually place a disclaimer here saying that this post is meant as HUMOR. Please do not bite my neck.
Suggestions & Alert :

Tiassa is afraid of looking himself in the mirror.

Those who don't have a clue on what tiassa is exaggerating and whining may have to go thro the threads :

You might need a lot of patience to read out tiassa's mess up.

Muslim brothers here need not worry about tiassa's blackmail of withdrawal of support. He won't do that. He needs 'stereotype' muslims to support more than you moderate muslims need him. :m:
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Dear Tiassa,

I really wish you were wrong about Them.

The Angels DID actually commission me to bring Islam into the New Dispensation. I'll certainly try my best, but Muslims can't even agree among themselves, let alone Well Intentioned Strangers. To them everything is a Threat to Islam and they want to Kill Everyone -- the more innocent their victims, the more they dance in the Streets to Celebrate.

I will consider it a Wild and Crazy Success if I can bring just one Muslim into the New Dispensation, but I won't get my hopes up.

If the Angels rebuke me for my failure, I might ask them in return whether it is not rather a Victory that such are kept out of the New Paradise.
tiassa said:
To my Muslim neighbors at Sciforums and around the world--

I am advised that I owe you an apology. Everneo has called me out on what he perceives as gross generalizations of Muslims, and apparently I owe you all an apology.

Thus, I am sorry to have erred in the following manner:

• I have asserted that Muslims are human beings
• I have asserted that not all Muslims are Shi'a
• I have refused to convict the whole of Islam based on the actions of a few individuals whose behavior cannot be shown to be consistent with the Qur'an
• I have asserted that Muslim communities will have less strife when they are more secure economically
• I have asserted that Islamic communities have had difficulties rebuilding in part because of external interference from the West

In these and more, apparently I have been wrong, for Everneo says so by accusing that I generalize about Muslims.

For these wrongs against the Islamic community, I can only offer my apologies and beg forgiveness. Please don't bomb my house.

I shall endeavor in the future to correct myself:

• Muslims are not human beings
• All Muslims are Shia
• The whole of Islam is defined by a few individuals whose behavior cannot be shown to be consistent with the Qur'an
• Muslim communities will never escape strife, as Muslims like strife
• Muslims only have themselves to blame for their miseries

Thus holding my Muslim neighbors in elevated respect, may Allah forgive my cruelty and not order the Muslims to murder my child.
????What's wrong tiassa????
Sounds to me like everneo needs new lessons on READING COMPREHENSION!.

You've done nothing wrong in the eyes of atheists Tiassa.

Just another religion bashing!. big deal. :rolleyes:

Leo Volont: The Angels DID actually commission me to bring Islam into the New Dispensation. I'll certainly try my best, but Muslims can't even agree among themselves, let alone Well Intentioned Strangers. To them everything is a Threat to Islam and they want to Kill Everyone -- the more innocent their victims, the more they dance in the Streets to Celebrate.
M*W: Again, you are delusional.
Leo Volont: I will consider it a Wild and Crazy Success if I can bring just one Muslim into the New Dispensation, but I won't get my hopes up.
M*W: Get back to worshipping your angels and Queen of Heaven and leave Islam alone. If your Queen of Heaven had wanted for Muslims not to exist, then there would be none -- or do you pretend that YOUR faith and power to convert even one Muslim is far greater than the desires of your Queen of Heaven? It sure seems that it is. Doesn't it say somewhere that what is established in heaven is also established on Earth? Who anointed you???
Leo Volont: If the Angels rebuke me for my failure, I might ask them in return whether it is not rather a Victory that such are kept out of the New Paradise.
M*W: Now you're judging people! You hate Muslims, but you want to convert at least "one Muslim" even if it means you'll piss your angels off! You're playing God here, because you believe it would be a victory to keep them out of heaven! I think you are just another paranoid schizophrenic suffering from psychotic depression with delusions of grandeur (i.e. "the Messiah Complex"). You are narcisscistic with latent Oedipal tendencies (i.e. "I and the Mother are One"); and it's a good bet that you are also rampantly bi-polar with MPD (i.e. "talking to angels, and your angels answering you!"). You need to be on some really good drugs. Help is available! We've already had one messiah on this forum. We don't need another!
Oh, not much actually

What's wrong tiassa

Inasmuch as I can tell, some people object superficially to passion. I feel very strongly about certain things in the world, and people wish to feel strongly about certain other things, and that often seems enough for them.

However, there seems to be some confusion that passionately believing in equality and freedom is as despicable a practice as passionately believing in ethnic, cultural, or other forms of arbitrary supremacism. Everneo is one of a couple posters who have recently asked me to mend my ways. In this case, I have apologized for the generalizations I am most (in)famous for slinging about in the case of Islam and Muslims.

In doing so I hope to highlight for Everneo the absurdity of his complaints. As we can see, he is unsatisfied in terms of this topic.

Aside from that, I don't necessarily like using smilies or parenthetical notes to betray my tone or intent, but I did go so far as to tag the post to display in Comic Sans MS, although I'm unsure how universally-accessible the font is.
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Leo Volont said:
Dear Tiassa,

I really wish you were wrong about Them.

The Angels DID actually commission me to bring Islam into the New Dispensation. I'll certainly try my best, but Muslims can't even agree among themselves, let alone Well Intentioned Strangers. To them everything is a Threat to Islam and they want to Kill Everyone -- the more innocent their victims, the more they dance in the Streets to Celebrate.

I will consider it a Wild and Crazy Success if I can bring just one Muslim into the New Dispensation, but I won't get my hopes up.

If the Angels rebuke me for my failure, I might ask them in return whether it is not rather a Victory that such are kept out of the New Paradise.

Leo how about starting within your own religion 1st? Catholic Church seems to have problems with Priests and little boys dont they? What they dont???You mean I am taking a few "bad apples" and using them to represent a whole religion? where could I have gotten that from? :confused:

but Muslims can't even agree among themselves, let alone Well Intentioned Strangers. To them everything is a Threat to Islam and they want to Kill Everyone -- the more innocent their victims, the more they dance in the Streets to Celebrate

Oh yea now I remember :cool: ....maybe your Angels can help you with this.Surely they cant be happy with your behavior.....Salaam
No. He'd just roll his chair towards his computer, message someone "ROFLMFAO", and resume watching lesbian porn. :D