An anti-thesis to "evil aliens"?


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A couple people here (notably Lori) have expounded the "evil spirits" interpretation of UFOs. Heavily religious, and Armageddon-bent, it has been rightfully pointed out at cseti that such views play right into the hands of some very interested parties. For example, see this <A HREF="">statement</A> by Greer at the cseti site.

Now, I don't pretend to take either side of the issue, as in my opinion there is not even any merit to the claims that UFOs (and their associated phenomena) have extraterrestrial intelligence behind them. However, as far as believability goes this is just as good as any last-days scenario out there.

So, I'd just like to see the "believers" discuss this a bit (especially where it contrasts to their own views); maybe some minds could be changed or at least driven to doubt. And doubt is always a good thing, because it opens way to new questions and new perspectives.

Here's a little something from Greer to whet your appetites:
Do not be deceived. You need to be awake to the darker scenarios which some would like to thrust upon the world. And you need to know that there are alternatives. If a ‘disclosure' is unleashed on the world which is xenophobic, militaristic and terrifying, know that it comes from the spinmeisters of secrecy - regardless of how respectable the person or group may appear to be.

I am; therefore I think.
Sounds like this guy shovelled every "UFO/The Truth Is Out There/Only I Know The Truth/Buy My Book So I Can Go On Oprah" theory ever put out. He's said nothing new in that statement. I'd give it no more credibility than a car commercial.
I did not mean to assign credibility to any UFO "theory". The question is one of convenience. Certain people claim that aliens are evil. Others claim that aliens are merely portrayed as evil to serve certain human needs. As far as I know, neither group has any more credibility than the other. So that's the point of the thread. Good vs. Evil, so to say.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 03, 1999).]
Interesting. Yet the covert government/capitalist disclosure conspiracy makes the assumption that the ball is in our court. At any moment, the *aliens* could come in and fire up an equally convincing set of lies, or perhaps the truth. Personally, I lean towards the idea that all interplanetary beings are peace loving, not war mongering. But really, how likely is it, that a race of advanced beings could possibly thrive and elevate themselves on the same counter productive attitudes that we think to be paramount? That is why I find all of this malevolent alien garbage quite funny.
So IT IS a battle of good and evil, yes. However, I think that we shoud use "innocent until proven guilty".
This is all very interesting. What does it matter to any one of us though if we are to get "hit by a big bus" tomorrow?

From my experience, it is evident that certain aliens are more technologically advanced than we are (they found us before we found them). However, it also seems that they are quite similar to many humans and their institutions in that they are curious, controlling, scientific-minded and covert in their operations.

Fear of the unknown (UFO/ET in this particular case) is often terrifying for humans. What is the worse thing that can happen, though? We could be deceived? I'm sure that's happened to all of us at one time or another. Frustrating and annoying, perhaps but, we lived. We could die? We will all die at some time in the future. The human race will cease to exist? The human race is sure to be extinct at some time in the future.

What is the bright side? We have an opportunity for our souls to dwell with God in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit for all eternity.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited November 03, 1999).]
What I have heard from abduction testimony is that they propose a good alien / bad alien scenario. In that the bad aliens come first, with the awful medical experiments, the fear, the horrible hybrid baby-taking stuff, and then there are the good aliens, that come and protect you from the bad ones. For some reason, these good aliens offer up all the answers to every spiritual question man ever asked, and their truth is in DIRECT opposition to what the Bible says. It's new age religious beliefs, basically. It's interesting, that they have actually told people that it is spiritually damaging to you to pray to God in the name of Jesus. They tell you that Jesus was just another prophet; just a guy on the spiritual "ladder" (they teach a progressive spiritual heirarchy). But he's not the highest being on that ladder. That would be the master teacher, or the Antichrist if you will. The scenario of these aliens is the only scenario that I can imagine that would deceive that many people. The good aliens are our false saviours, and will support and actually provide evidence to support THE false saviour, the Antichrist. They will teach that the wrath of God, isn't really the wrath of God, but changes that we provoked that are necessary for the spiritual evolution of the planet. And while this is correct in a way, as the wrath of God prepares the planet for Christ's rule during the millenium, they are not attributing the circumstance to what is really going on. They are going down, and I'm afraid a lot of folks are going with them, which is exactly what they want. I about shit my pants when an abductee friend of mine told me that they discouraged praying in Jesus name, and even that she was afraid that I pray for her for the Holy Spirit to intervene into her situation, and show her the truth (cause for crying out loud, she doesn't listen to a word I say!). I mean just imagine how mesmorizing it would be to have beautiful angels appearing in your bedroom every night imparting the secrets of the universe to you in the most loving way. This is happening to people; lots of them. Only the angels are fallen, and they're lying. Not about everything, or it would be too obvious, but ONLY about Jesus being our Saviour and the Son of God. Now read revelations, and tell me it's a coincedence.

God loves you and so do I!
And added note. I talked with Joseph Jordan on the phone not too long ago. He is one of the MUFON abduction researchers that founded ce4 (see website). He said that many UFO/abduction investigators who are not Christian, but that he shares info with and networks with admitted to him, and ONLY off the record, that they too had testimony of the name of Jesus stopping the abduction. They would not publish this information though, for fear of ridicule, or ultimately, for fear that the "space brothers" "aliens are our friends" "science fiction" portion of the investigation would basically be debunked and unnecessary. Also, Joseph was not a Christian when he received this testimony, and it changed his mind. Yes, a scientific-minded UFO researcher born again. I don't think he would give his life to Christ, if this information is not true.

God loves you and so do I!

They fear ridicule for thier findings? I find this rather odd! Pepole who belive in UFO's and alien life tend to be ridiculed to a much greater extent.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 03, 1999).]
Lori- Knowing what I know about 666, his idea of beautiful angels involves see-through nighties and plenty of whipped cream with cherries. I won't go any further, use your imagination. They aren't serving pastries, though.

As far as seeing Jesus stopping abductions, I believe that it is part of a survival mechanism that causes a hallucination. Most of the people interviewed are probably Christian and, as such, are taught to believe that Jesus can protect them. When faced with an impending trauma, many people will have "heavenly visions" as their mind tries to block out what it cannot accept and replace it with something more pleasant. I guess, in a way, you could say that Jesus was "helping" them, as many people take comfort from these hallucinations, and there's nothing wrong or ridiculous about that.
Actually, Oxygen, at one point, MUFON's CE4 group noticed that there were no hard-core Christians among those who reported abductions. Upon further investigation, it was learned that Christians who had invoked the name of Jesus Christ during an "attempted" abduction were able to prevent the abduction... (sorry for jumping in, Lori!)
There is no such thing as evil, or the devil or evil spirits, just people with "good" intentions (Hitler, Stalin etc.). The belief of a devil and such came from the early religious philosophers who believed that for every white there must be a black, that everything must have an opposite, so they thought up an evil spirit to be opposite the good God.
Communist... Those who have seen evil spirits believe differently.

If you study the life of Jesus Christ, you will probably be able to better discern good and evil. :)
truestory- You don't have to be a hard-core Christian to have the ideas and imagery lurking in your subconscious. The mind records everything it happens upon. If at some point in a person's life they hear that Jesus can save everyone's life, then it goes into the library of the subconscious. When the life gets threatened, it reacts like a big search engine. Searching on "save my life", the concept of Jesus comes up in the search pattern whether or not you believe.

Yes, you have a point, but you know it's not NEAR the amount of ridicule one get's for being a Christian. You are familiar with this type of ridicule, yes? :)


Feel free to jump in any time! I'm counting on you to. :)
God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited November 05, 1999).]
truestory- referring to your post on Nov 3, referring to the remarks about Jesus preventing UFO abductions, and offering an explanation of why Jesus might appear to a non-Christian. (one lump or two? :) )

I must ask all of you, to define "good" and "evil" for are those ideas always just perspective. for instace one could say that humans are evil.. afterall we kill thousands of animals every year for our own growth. yet at the same time we could be seen as good for all the culture we have and all the positive acts we do in our society. I.E. we help others with no wanting of anything in return.
Yours zygos
Thats my response also. We do not know how an alien race views us or reasons
therefore we can only speculate. Not
all abduction cases are ended with the abductee saying Jesus(If there are any) maybe the aliens do not like that particular word or it could mean please
come back later who knows!

Evil is anything that is not of God. I could label them as evil based only upon what I think they are regardless of what they do. I think the proof of what they are is shown in what they do though.

God loves you and so do I!
Lori - according to the Bible, it was God who created evil. That certainly confuses the issue, doesn't it?

(I would quote scripture to you, but the last time I did that it plunged you into paroxysmal agony. I wouldn't want to risk doing that again, so if you want chapter and verse from me, you'll have to ask for it. Otherwise, you'll have to take my word for it.)
