An Analysis of the God situation


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
When discussing God, we really have to keep several things in mind. Now, in case you missed me explaining countless times before, I will have some clear definitions and clarifications at the bottom, of God, concept, and religion, in case you don't understand the context.

Now, I am going to be explaining the several levels of the "God situation" in whatever order I do, however I am not suggesting any particular order of thought or analysis.

There are several ways we can approach the subject of God, and several ways to perceive and act upon it; firstly, the "absolute" way. In this way, we can only declare the existence or nonexistence of God. Of course, this is impossible at the moment, since God can neither be proved nor disproved-

-'atheist interjection'-

" Yes, but the tooth fairy also cannot be disproved"

This is very true, and in the absolute sense, God is entirely comparable to the tooth fairy, or flying spaghetti monster, or invisible pink unicorns. There are, of course, further levels on the God situation that must be understood, which seperate the concept or conclusion from the others (actually, you cannot call any of the others "conclusions"; I will explain further)

The reason you cannot state that the tooth fairy or FSM are conclusions is because they are not based on observation, whereas, as I will later explain, "God" does have a certain observation behind it.

We then move on to basis. This is where God and the others seperate; a logical basis is one that can be supported by observation and logical process to come to a conclusion or logical idea. Now, it is important to understand how I use "God" in this situation, so if you don't already know, please refer to the bottom for clarification

If we are to examine the forces of causality, we can come only to two possible conclusions: intent or non intent. Nothing happens that cannot be categorized into one of the two; nothing.

For instance, my typing on the keyboard is done with intent; however, a tree growing on an uninhabited island occurs without intent.

It is only necessary to understand these two conclusions to continue; details are unnecessary, and have no basis. For instance, to suggest that the universe came to be either without intent, or with intent, is a logical conclusion based on observation. However, to suggest that the universe came to be because of a giant celestial hot dog and potato slamming into each other, or that it came to be because of a giant wizard with white hair who does this and that, cannot be supported by observation. Regardless, the former falls under "non intent" and the latter under "intent"

Based on these observations on causation, we can make the conclusion that our universe was either created or came to be without intent (i.e, wasn't "created").

We can even classify the FSM and IPU; however, they are irrational simply because there is no basis by which we come to the conclusion of a being made of spaghetti or a horned horse that is pink. Both fall under "intent" or "intelligence", but we can go no further than that possibility. Neither can we conclude that the force of intelligence is a white bearded, omnipotent, omniscient, all powerful being; neither can we conclude heaven and hell, or anything of the sort.

The only conclusions are intent and non intent. That's it. And for this, the tooth fairy and the sort, in having no basis for concept and no basis for detail, fall flat on their faces.

God, however, in the sense that I am using, survives. Now, in the sense that I am using, "God" could be the FSM or IPU or the Christian God or Muslim God or any deity; that's irrelevant, however. I am examining the actual concept of intent/intelligence. I cannot go further to conclude or suggest details, because there is no observation that I can base my logic in doing so on.

After basis, we move to probability. As explained, we can observe intent and non intent; now, as to their suggestion in being the cause of the beginning of the universe (I am not referring to Mankind's origins), there is absolutely no evidence nor observation to support either claim. The big bang is evidence only of the big bang.

Therefore, in their equal observation but equal lack of evidence, I conclude a near fifty/fifty chance at the moment or, perhaps a more intelligent stance, that the origins of the universe are unknowable in every respect, but both creation and non intent beginning are both on the table with equal weight.

1.God- An intelligent entity or force higher than Humanity
2.Concept The concept of an intelligent entity or force higher than Humanity without any specifications as to the nature, intent, identity, ability, etc, of this entity.
3.Religion An interpretation of the concept above
So basically you've tidied up the last two weeks' worth of arguments (by you), ignored every single refutation and somehow, strangely, ended up exactly where you started.
Except for the unsupportable numerical addition toward the end.
I give 50/50 you'll still be arguing the same point and ignoring everyone for the next four weeks.
So basically you've tidied up the last two weeks' worth of arguments (by you), ignored every single refutation and somehow, strangely, ended up exactly where you started.
Except for the unsupportable numerical addition toward the end.
I give 50/50 you'll still be arguing the same point and ignoring everyone for the next four weeks.

My arguments have not been refuted. To clarify, my arguments have been contested, but not refuted, and of course they are very strong in and of themselves.
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My arguments have not been refuted. To clarify, my arguments have been contested, but not refuted, and of course they are very strong in and of themselves.

That you have not been refuted IS one of your arguments.
Which is why I gave it 50/50 for a 4-week continuation.
That you have not been refuted IS one of your arguments.
Which is why I gave it 50/50 for a 4-week continuation.

Then refute my analysis. You probably can't, though, because it's valid.
Your beliefs remain strong...
You're almost admirable in a way.
But only almost :)
You believe you're right.
How many times have we been through this?
How far if at all has your position shifted?
Pointless my continuing.
You believe you're right.
How many times have we been through this?
How far if at all has your position shifted?
Pointless my continuing.

I don't "believe" I'm right....I'm offering an analysis of the God situation and concept.

And I expected you to go through and analyze my analysis and reasoning.
(actually, you cannot call any of the others "conclusions"; I will explain further)

Actually as a concept there is no difference whatever name you give it.
God, FSM, Pink Unicorn. If it's concept then so long as the concept is understood the name is immaterial.

The reason you cannot state that the tooth fairy or FSM are conclusions is because they are not based on observation, whereas, as I will later explain, "God" does have a certain observation behind it.
No, they have exactly the same level of observation given your definition of "god". The name is immaterial.

We then move on to basis. This is where God and the others seperate; a logical basis is one that can be supported by observation and logical process to come to a conclusion or logical idea. Now, it is important to understand how I use "God" in this situation, so if you don't already know, please refer to the bottom for clarification
The definition of FSM and Pink Unicorn both fit your definition of "God".
You cannot delete one (or more) without deleting all.

If we are to examine the forces of causality, we can come only to two possible conclusions: intent or non intent. Nothing happens that cannot be categorized into one of the two; nothing.
Except for the previously-discussed fact that the rules as we know them did not apply at the start.
Therefore there are THREE possible conclusions:
Something else (catchy sort of name donch'a think? All my own work).

For instance, my typing on the keyboard is done with intent; however, a tree growing on an uninhabited island occurs without intent.
Doesn't apply - the above examples occur under the present rules.

It is only necessary to understand these two conclusions to continue; details are unnecessary, and have no basis. For instance, to suggest that the universe came to be either without intent, or with intent, is a logical conclusion based on observation.
Providing you add the "Something else" as an option.

However, to suggest that the universe came to be because of a giant celestial hot dog and potato slamming into each other, or that it came to be because of a giant wizard with white hair who does this and that, cannot be supported by observation.
All of the above could fit in the "something else" category.
They cannot be dismissed.

Based on these observations on causation, we can make the conclusion that our universe was either created or came to be without intent (i.e, wasn't "created").
Or it could have been "something else".

We can even classify the FSM and IPU; however, they are irrational simply because there is no basis by which we come to the conclusion of a being made of spaghetti or a horned horse that is pink. Both fall under "intent" or "intelligence", but we can go no further than that possibility.
Their stated defintions fall under your defintion of "god".
They must remain as an option.

Neither can we conclude that the force of intelligence is a white bearded, omnipotent, omniscient, all powerful being; neither can we conclude heaven and hell, or anything of the sort.

The only conclusions are intent and non intent. That's it.
Missed one out again didn't you?
Can you guess what it is?

And for this, the tooth fairy and the sort, in having no basis for concept and no basis for detail, fall flat on their faces.
Granted the Tooth Fairy isn't generally regarded as being a "higher force" than humanity.
But she might have an elder, reeeeeally clever sister.
Or an incredibly smart (and irresistably sexy) teddy bear.

God, however, in the sense that I am using, survives.
To sit on the sidelines awaiting the final score.... along with the rest of the (now-expanded team).

Now, in the sense that I am using, "God" could be the FSM or IPU or the Christian God or Muslim God or any deity;
So you're saying now it could be FSM or Unicorn?
Yay! Go Team!

that's irrelevant, however. I am examining the actual concept of intent/intelligence. I cannot go further to conclude or suggest details, because there is no observation that I can base my logic in doing so on.
Got that right.

After basis, we move to probability. As explained, we can observe intent and non intent; now, as to their suggestion in being the cause of the beginning of the universe (I am not referring to Mankind's origins), there is absolutely no evidence nor observation to support either claim. The big bang is evidence only of the big bang.
Yep, but don't forget the "something else".

Therefore, in their equal observation but equal lack of evidence, I conclude a near fifty/fifty chance at the moment or, perhaps a more intelligent stance, that the origins of the universe are unknowable in every respect, but both creation and non intent beginning are both on the table with equal weight.
Weeeell. Apart from (naughty boy!) missing the "something else" again, there is actually absolutely no way at all possible to gauge probabilities.
You have no observation, no instances, no figures.
In fact, no idea.
There is nothing to suggest that they have equal weight at all.

So the winner is:
big drum roll

Oops we don't have a winner because the whole argument is flawed.
There's an old saying from my profession that's made it into general usage.

Back to the drawing board!
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1.God- An intelligent entity or force higher than Humanity
If of course you believe there is such a thing. This is merely your belief.
2.Concept The concept of an intelligent entity or force higher than Humanity without any specifications as to the nature, intent, identity, ability, etc, of this entity.
A construct: an idea of something formed by mentally combining all of the characteristics or particulars you wish it to have.
3.Religion An interpretation of the concept above
A group mentality having no basis in the objective world, based solely on Faith that the construct may be true, without any corroborating evidence, other than hear say.

So we can safely say, it's all mere supposition.

Hey Norsefire, repeating nonsense over and over doesn't make it any less nonsensical.
The definition of FSM and Pink Unicorn both fit your definition of "God".
You cannot delete one (or more) without deleting all.
Actually that is not true, God is unknown (no one said it had a white beard etc.) while any other name (Pink Unicorn) gives physical characteristics to it, thus severely limiting the chances if there is no observation (it goes without saying that God haven't been observed and thus isn't described with physical characteristics).
Actually that is not true, God is unknown (no one said it had a white beard etc.) while any other name (Pink Unicorn) gives physical characteristics to it

1) Not according to the majority of the world's christians that amusingly believe they have a personal relationship with that god.

2) That entity is furthermore described in the book those christians claim is true and hence a christian couldn't argue that 'god is unknown'. If we take a quick glance through that 'book of truth' we find:

- His body also was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult

- His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire.

- And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "king of kings, and lord of lords"

So, this god is far from unknown. We know he has arms, legs, a head, eyes, hair etc, (he looks just like us). We know he wears clothing, (to keep his godly penis hidden no doubt), and he's got a nice bronze tan.

If you're going to do a Norse and state "when I say 'god' I just mean some unknown intelligence" then you might as well be talking about the FSM, IPU etc - it makes no difference - but in doing so, you would not be using the word 'god' in the manner it is understood and so have no reason to use it in the first place.
1) Not according to the majority of the world's christians that amusingly believe they have a personal relationship with that god.

2) That entity is furthermore described in the book those christians claim is true and hence a christian couldn't argue that 'god is unknown'. If we take a quick glance through that 'book of truth' we find:

- His body also was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult
I think that was Michael the archangel - a angel.

If you're going to do a Norse and state "when I say 'god' I just mean some unknown intelligence" then you might as well be talking about the FSM, IPU etc - it makes no difference - but in doing so, you would not be using the word 'god' in the manner it is understood and so have no reason to use it in the first place.
When I say God I mean the christian God, but Norse meant god as a concept and he continued to explain that this was what he meant, this concept was meant (what I can understand) as a intelligence that brought forth the existance - not using any other characteristics than that of intelligence itself.

Thank you for pointing out though that He is described as having physical characteristics. Nevertheless He is a unknown God as He isn't observable using plain sight, you have use faith to believe.

Also, in what form that God chooses to reveal Himself might be totally up to Him. He revealed Himself as a fire etc. Therefor the true form that God has is still unknown.
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Norse, if I may?

I have to take issue with your argument. First--and I apologize for nitpicking here--a tree growing on an island does not grow without intent. Nature intends that tree to grow; there is always a "why" in nature, and it is simply "because it can". Life exists and thrives because it can.

Anyway, I have a hard time putting odds on creation. The reason being that we have no basis for god. We cannot say there is a creator, and we can't say a creator is even possible, so how can we give it a 50% chance of creating the universe? Do you follow? We don't know that god is possible, so how can we put odds on its supposed actions?

There are 32 teams in the National Football League, correct? If I said to you that I firmly believed that there was, in fact, a 33rd team, it would not be possible to calculate its odds of winning the Super Bowl. Why? Because even if I told you that it was without a doubt the most talented, athletic team in the league, there would be no way to verify the existence of this team, and therefore no way of knowing if it would be available to play in the game.

And yet, you're trying to do exactly that with god. You're trying to calculate odds for the causation of an event without knowing if the players even really exist. Impossible.

Personally, I believe faith exists in human society because we are a curious species. Because we do not always have the means to get the answers for our questions, we cannot be satisfied with "I don't know". "I don't know" is a dirty word in human civilization, because it's wholly unsatisfying. It's pretty basic stuff, really. That's why we used to believe that there was a big ocean in the sky (that's even in the bible, dude), and that earthquakes and floods were our punishment handed down by some higher power(s).

I mean...duh.
Nevertheless He is a unknown God as He isn't observable using plain sight, you have use faith to believe.

Nobody has ever seen this supposed entity? Reminds me of Lenny the leprechaun, (you need faith to believe in him too).
And one could argue that the evidence for the existence of Lenny outweighs the evidence for the existence of God.