An amazing revelation: Contact

I do !
What a load of Bollocks!
The best I could summize on it is the suggestion that George Lucas is a freemason and he based his Star Wars story by ripping off an ancient egyptian myth. After all isn't that what the Egyptian tales are about?
I have never seen anybody reach for such thin hope and flimsy connections and then actually convince himself that it was fact.
Gee! Gosh golly wow whillikers! Well, call Pierre Salinger, we've got our smoking gun! I guess we can tell SETI to stop looking. George Lucas has already found the aliens and got them their Screen Actors Guild cards.

And all this time I thought high winds and erosion would be the thing to make formations like that.

(what a load of bantha sh**...)
Just so you know Bert, the face on mars (the cydonia one anyway) was definitely proven to not be true by NASA.
Ok so I guess this proves that George Lucas is hiring long dead martians to star in his films and to save budget costs he is letting them harvest the organs of cast extras as payment. (so thats why the origional Jabba The Hut was replaced by a puppet!)

Corp. Hudson and others,

Given the Pizza Hut comment, I don't think Bert was being serious in his post.

Thanks for sharing, Bert. That was quite amusing.
Yes, twas done in jest. Quite disturbing that some of you took it seroiusly, don't you think? Maybe you don't think?

It is quite clearly tosh. I posted it partly out of fun and to raise a smile and partly to see the response.

Though, for true nonsense, please try this site.

David S Percy, self proclaimed award winning journalist is responsible for this.

Accept it.
I do not believe a word of this. However, what I would point out is that there are references to the Moon landing and alien life in almost every James Bond Film. You just have to look in the right places.
Oh, man, whatever the author of that page was smoking, I want some!!!

Besides, isn't it spelled Skywalker, not SkyWalker??

Hmmm, I was looking at my cat, and I noticed his stripes coincide with a street map of Washington DC. And he keeps scratching himself right where the Washington Monument is. I think that must mean that it's an alien antenna, and they're communicating with my cat!

Ouch, my tounge was too far into my cheek, I bit it... ;)
Bert Buttock,
so tell me about the lack of humour with some of the heads on this site.
I know it man, I've been there too!
I agree that perhaps we responded overzealously, but you never know what some people will believe on this forum...

You're a feisty little one.

David Percy.....what a laff. I admit that he is quite persuasive on faked moon landings etc. but spinning disks? The only thing spinning is his brain when it passes sphincter. And he can shove two-thirds up there as well, he's definitely got room!

Your old mate,

Chris F.
I'll probably come across as some conspiracy nut but here goes. I certainly don't buy all the "we've never been to the moon shit" but I do think it's a possibilty that there is quite a bit we don't yet know about the moon missions.

It's old news now that numerous photographers have pointed out the fact that many of NASA's official lunar photos leave too many question marks.

Anybody who has not actually looked at what these people are on about may find themselves a little bit suprised. I have to admit I found the whole thing hilarious until I looked at it for myself. Their arguments are certainly reasonable and more than a few questions which NASA needs to answer.

It's not just the photos either. We've all seen the ghostly, and let's face it, crap TV pictures of the Apollo 11 landing. The reason for this poor quality picture was apparently the fault of NASA who would not allow the use of a live feed link up to TV. Why this was the case. So far nobody has been able to put forward even one remotely plausible argument as to why this policy was implemented. NASA (as per usual)refuse to comment....

Unfotunately, some idiots take the conspiracy thing too far and suddenly the people who are asking very resonable questions all look like loonies.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited December 02, 1999).]
Give me a break. Anyone with half a brain can see from the videos that they were actually on the moon. You can't fake 1/3 gravity here on earth. They were bouncing pretty damned high with very, and I mean very little effort.
LOL! Well geee man! I don't have any idea about that but I mean from my experiences.... that certainly looks too suspicious to me.

Sorry man just doesn't pass my exam!
I think were missing the bigger story.I think ALIENS have already staked out the MOON and MARS and when we finally send a representative there, we're gonna have to cough-up alot of dough for parking our vehicles there for all this time,alot of dough.Afterall,who knows how much rent they're charging.By the time they get done adding it up on their ALIEN abacuses,we could owe them the gross domestic product of the U.S.A.$$$. So I say if the ALIENS start calling and making threats about foreclosing on the EARTH.I say ,We get caller-ID and just don't answer those particular calls.

[This message has been edited by Bode (edited December 23, 1999).]
USA - GDP?? Interesting you should mention it when their national debt is 5 times that owed by all the 3rd world countries. Pity.

Accept it.