An Abductee’s Perspective


Registered Senior Member
An Experiencer’s Perspective

‘… if nothing else, as abductees, our perspective has been inexorably altered, so that we may no longer see our world without the fullness of the universe filling our minds as well.’

If the abduction phenomenon were a part of our religious or spiritual paradigm, it would undoubtedly be a welcomed event. Perhaps the experience might even be one of joy and exhilaration for those so chosen, rather than one of dread. But societal norms, those things deemed valid or invalid, real or not by society, are something to which all of us inadvertently tend to adhere, and therein lies the difficulty. For the most part, the emotional turmoil created by these so-called abduction phenomena is merely a result of society not having a place for such experiences. If that were not the case, and society saw these experiences as normal, valid or beneficial in some way, the trauma, which appears to be associated with such events, would not exist to the extent that it does. This trauma is simply the result of not having a socially accepted way in which to chronicle and in turn deal with such phenomena.

Simply put, the emotional pain that confronts experiencers is the result of not being able to justify, categorize and explain something, which society views as not being real, and, in the process, attempting to make it somehow fit within the individual’s belief system as well. Ultimately, each experiencer is forced to stand their ground and say; “... wait, I’m not crazy, this was a real experience, whether or not it fits into what society says is acceptable, and whether or not it fits into my current belief system.” From there, we need, or rather we are required to integrate these experiences into our belief system. The world does not provide a template for us to do this - therefore it is the responsibility of each experiencer to undertake his or her own journey, a journey specific to the individual, and that is as it should be – that is the way in which it was designed to be.

Experiencers must surely be one of the most misunderstood factions within our society. We have been disregarded, ridiculed, exploited and censured. And all of this taking place while we ourselves struggle to determine our own identity, an identity that encompasses all of our extraordinary and varied experiences. It’s rather like coming to terms with your surroundings, as your surroundings are continually changing - constantly being held in flux relative to who and where you are. In short, we are asked to understand what has and is continually happening to us as we exist on this untenable ground. Never knowing from one moment to the next, with any degree of certainty, what might be next for us, what might lie around the next corner or the next night’s incident. We exist as nomads wandering through our very lives as it were, and living without the luxury of the apparent normalcy which others seemingly take for granted. But for us, those of us known of as abductees, contactees, experiencers, or whatever term one might choose to label us, this is our normalcy - this is our existence whether we choose to acknowledge and accept it or not.

We have been burned, subconsciously etched as it were by our experiences, constantly reminded of our plight with each new occurrence, with each new episode encountered. Add to this the fact that each one of us is at a different point in the cycle of our experience, a different point in the realization and integration of our experiences and you may come to understand that no two of us are alike. We are all constantly evolving in the experiencing and integration of our individual experience – that experience being peculiar, or inimitable to each and every one of us.

There is a natural rift, which exists between experiencers and non-experiencers that can never be bridged, which can never be overcome. It is not our doing, it exists through no fault of our own, but rather, it is the nature of things. As experiencers, we understand the non-experiencers, but they do not understand us. We are as human as they, but they not having experienced the abduction phenomena, nor being genetically altered and programmed as we are, can never come to understand who or what it is that we are. We understand our humanness and the extent to which we have become enlightened. Non-experiencers understand only a narrow aspect or portion of their humanness, never having seen themselves through the eyes of the abduction experience, never having received their baptism by fire, as it were - never tracing the true depth of their fears, thereby becoming enlightened at the hands of their keepers, those guardians that all experiencers have.

As experiencers we are more, not less, because of our experiences.

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this as no relevance to what you posted in any way shape or form, but my mind is slipping me, but am i not mistaken that you were the one running arond spouting about solog? Because if you are who i think you are, then i would suggest taking no referance to anything you say at all
I believe that was Jahiro that used to talk all that nonsense about Sollog.

As to alien abductions, only about 2% of the population reports having an abduction experience according to the Roper poll (2002), which duplicated the results of a survey conducted by Paltry & Pelletier (2001). If their are no actual aliens, that would leave worldly explantions like schizophrenia, lying, living out fantasies, hoaxes, etc. Interestingly enough, reports that "At any given time, between 1 percent and 2 percent of the world's population – including 1 to 2 million American adults – is afflicted with schizophrenia." I wonder how many go undiagnosed? In addition, delusions are associated with many other mental health disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder and psychotic disorder.

The personal belief that one has been abducted by aliens is very low, far lower than the occurances of mental health disorders and the propensity to deceive in a given human population. This, along with the distinct lack of physical evidence, would suggest worldly explanations for the notion rather than other-worldly.

Patry, A. L., & Pelletier, L. G. (2001). Extraterrestrial Beliefs and Experiences: An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action. The Journal of Social Psychology, 14(2), 199-217. (2002, September). SCIFI.COM | The Roper Poll (Roper Poll Results). Retrieved 5/1/04, from

what crap. no matter how positive the "experience" was, it was initially an abduction! violence is inherent in that act. if one is taken without consent, i am afraid i must recommend that these "aliens" be beheaded.
I tend to agree with some of Skinwalkers explaination but not all. There is only speculation that any event that people deem as an abduction is alien in origin.

Abductions could be a Mental divergent state that someone has created through their own psyche to escape any harsh wrong doings done to them in reality, or they could be the sum of clandestine tests and control done by cult groups or governments, then of course there is the "few" that could have been abducted by aliens.

I would suggest that for an true abductee to exist, the first thing people look at to clarify their perception of it is how they present themselves. If the "Supposed" abductee presents vast wealths of information suggesting alien encounters, new religious and seems to be the only one outputting that as a source, then the consensus would suggest that they would be looking for a more important roll in life than what they currently lead and even suggest mental divergence.

[Please note, I'm not suggesting that everyone thats abducted is divergent, I'm actually hypothesising that this is the view that the majority tend to take with people and therefore helps to increase the stress on an individual suffering from such an event because they feel that no one is listening]

My own opinion is that if you analyse the very essence of the number of supposed abductions, you would find that they all seem to be very unique viewpoints of events, a mixture of a real problem or occurance meeting the psyche of the individual thats subjected to the event. This generates an output of the individual trying to rationalise with what has occured, and could even suggest a reason of people doing such clandestine research work since the very rationalisation of a human mind is pushed to an ultimate limit to deal with "extreme" data.

[Note: I term "extreme" data from programming, where a program could work with a simple "yes" or "no" answer, but on occasion an answer might be malformed and be ommited as something else. "Extreme" data is the test of handling those malformed cases]

Some people ask 'Why would such people such as psychiatric doctors, carry out clandestine reasearch?', the simple answer is "Observation theory", where when the Observer is Observed the experiment fails because the "controlled conditions" now have hidden chaotic potentials that weren't previously planned for.

For instance if a person that suffers an abduction and saw the abducters to be Human doctors, it would change how they interact with the people they tell and a public outcry about "Doctors doing clandestine research" could ensue, this would undermine the overall "Plan" that the doctors drempt up for the individual and cause their overall project to fail.

On a subject that might seem seperate but is apart of the whole, If the world as we know it continues to increase its use of radio frequencies at an exponential rate and those radio frequencies are known to cause disruption in biological cellular development, then the obvious conclusion is that the number of individuals suffering psychosamatic truama's is also going to rise at an exponential rate (Since the very makeup of memory and thought requires genetic growth to create memory and "mutations" of such growth can develop divergence if not harmful cancers)

I state radiology because this is the main reason why clandestine actions are occuring to deal with the increase in divergent states. The Communications companies (in some areas) have become similar to that of the Tobacco industry, where if we didn't have tobacco in our shops today, the health professionals would ban it from becoming apart of society, however because of the size of the industry it remains because of the control it's gained. Are we allowing the communications companies to do the same?

All in all, I would be more wary the men in white coats with self-imposed powers than an alien abductor (since the men in white coats are more likely to abduct you).
All of us know those things, which we have been taught - those things that we have learned, regardless of how we have come to that knowledge. We then go about to reconcile those things, which we have learned into our lives, daily, as we go about to experience the life lived.

Our intent should never be to convince anyone of anything - we all believe or not as we choose, and that being as it should be, for each of us carries with us a unique perspective that is no more or less valid than the next, save for the fact that it is our own.

But that having been said, we should be resolute, now and at all times, to maintain the sovereignty of our own perspective. Whether we are in the majority, or a minority of one.

Presentation of Abductees in from of public is generally accompanied by aspersions and diatribes on the family.This disparaging form of Tirade adopted by so called scientific minds should not be taken seriously.These are not scientists.Abductees might be suffering from Deliriums that have to be taken seriously by doctors.Or they might be just real?(although a rare possibility...)

Or they may simply be hallucinations induced by sleep deprivation -a distinctly more likely and well-documented source of delusions/hallucinations.

If sleep deprivation can create alien abduction hallucinations, then it seems likely that there are other, natural and worldly, causes to create other-worldly experiences.

Indeed, there are many drugs that can create many of the sensations that alien abductees describe. Alkaloids like beladona can create feelings of flight (witches used to apply a salve to broomsticks in medieval Europe and ride in the nude); LSD can create visual and auditory hallucinations; peyote can have similar effects and give one the feeling of being able to communicate with just about anything; etc.
A Higher Form of Self-Awareness

‘There is a way of seeing, of discerning those things that appear before us - coming to anything that lies before us with an open mind, a mind devoid of any preconceived notions whatsoever, is the only way in which to discern anything of significance.’

It is our thought process that process by which we think that can go about to limit our understanding of the world in which we find ourselves. We bring our belief systems, right or wrong, with us in their entirety, as we look at whatsoever it is we are looking at – thereby do we judge that which we encounter.

This is a marvelous biological machine that we inhabit. And we, for the most part, know very little about its operation. We see the world not as it is, but rather as a result of our thought process, that process by which we think. We are blinded by our own thought process – thinking as we do that the way in which we see the world, is in actuality, the way in which the world exists. We never take into account that our thought process colors every single thing we see. Our belief systems, whether consciously chosen or not, are present at every turn, at every moment in our lives, continually lying in wait to sort out what it is we are seeing according to pre-established parameters - but what parameters – those parameters that were established by our very own belief systems, as we went about living our lives. Starting with how we first learned the world behaved. Each parameter based upon an earlier preexisting parameter – and so on and so-forth - layer upon layer, until we arrive at our present-day perspective.

We think, automatically that is, that the information this process of ours cranks out is the way it actually is, that is to say it is how the world around us really exists. After all it is our thought process that provides the information, which we in turn use to evaluate our world. It never enters our mind that our very thought process is individually and uniquely our own. That our thought process is the result of our genetic tendencies, environmental influences and experiences, as well as those decisions made both consciously, and subconsciously.

Via our perspective, our world is continually being created for us, whether we acknowledge this inherent capability within us, or not. The point here is that we are at the mercy of our own thought process, whether we have consciously chosen that process to which we so ardently adhere, or not – nevertheless it is our own. Either way we are subject to it - limited by it, and ultimately relegated to being submissive to it. Whether or not we are bound by these thought processes and belief systems of ours is not the point - rather it is that they indeed exist within each one of us. And in so existing, go about to continually shape our world without our knowledge.

This process that all of us exhibit is neither good or bad - it simply is. That is to say, it exists in each of us as we go about our lives. All of us carry with us a unique perspective, a unique point of view, in that we process what it is that we encounter based on our genetic tendencies, past experiences and our ‘present expectations’.

As we go out into our world, we should hold on to the concept that our perspective is ours alone and that it shapes and colors our world in a way that is unique and peculiar to each and every one of us. This then is the living out of the matter – as we go about to integrate our learned concepts into our daily lives, they become fixed or cemented into our perspective. So that, as in this case, even what we may learn about our perspective, is then folded back into our perspective, and as we then go about our lives this information, ounce it has been lived out and understood, carries on to influence us in countless ways from that point on.

To know through the intellectualizing, and to know through the living out, are two different matters entirely. We can intellectualize (seeing through the use of our intellect), but it is the living out of a matter, which brings us to the true point of understanding. From the intellectualizing to the living out – from the living out to the understanding. Intellectualizing about a matter is not understanding it – it is in actuality, simply the conceptualization of the matter. Understanding comes by way of the living out - if this were not so, there would be no reason for us to live out our existence here, rather we would simply intellectualize about it ad infintium, at that point where we existed, prior to incarnating here.

Just because we can’t seem to imagine how things are, does not mean we ought to automatically rule them out – it may simply be that our imaginations are lacking. In any given situation, in any given circumstance, there exists a responsibility of the hearer to interpret the sound that is being heard. So then, it can be said, ‘those that are able to hear do, and those that are not, don’t’.

There is a way of seeing, of discerning those things that appear before us - coming to anything that lies before us with an open mind, a mind devoid of any preconceived notions whatsoever is the only way to discern anything of significance. It is those questions that we have, or rather those answers that we seek, that are available to us through the tearing down, the putting aside of what it is that we know or have known in the past, as we continue to encounter the present. For our past can –and often does - act to limit us ‘now’, in the present tense, by framing what it is that we are seeing, based upon past experiences. But by coming to what it is that we are seeing devoid of bias, preconceptions, or preconceived notions of any sort, we allow those things that we encounter to reveal themselves to us as they are.

There again, our responsibility in this endeavor is simply to come to what it is that we seek, what it is that we encounter, with an open mind, that is to say a mind devoid of any preconceived notions, or ideas whatsoever. So that by knowing our inherent tendencies we are then better able to see what it is that we, individually, bring to the table each and every time we look at whatsoever it is that we are looking at.

Our salvation comes by way of the knowing, by way of understanding the inherent underlying process of perception - and thereby do we exist within a higher form of self-awareness

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What separates us from so-called alien creatures is not our physical features, our DNA, our modes of transport, our gadgets or even the knowledge that they possess. It is 'our thought process - that process by which we think'. Not all creatures think as we do. And thinking that they do, or thinking that they should, for that matter, is our biggest mistake.

If Alien abductions do take place, there of course will be little if any physical evidence. But then again, can anyone impirically prove that everything in the universe is imprically testable? Of course not, and indeed we have a name for such things: "Transient Phenomenon". Philosophically that question has been settled. It is only a point of wether you are willing to take their word or not.

I for one think their is certanly enough common ground in all the abduction experiences to state they all have a unifying influence. Perhaps that is merely UFO culture, but so far their is no credible profile which predicts which person will come foward with a story of being abducted by aliens aside from ones based on ridicule of the phenomenon.
Reality - The Greater Whole

There really is only one reality, howbeit one with many different components or facets. As an example, infrared, those invisible rays just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum; invisible to our naked eye, they exist in a portion of the spectrum that can only be seen through the use of infrared photography or instruments such as FLIR's (Forward Looking InfraRed cameras), which are designed to be sensitive to only a specific portion or facet (e.g., infrared) of the entire spectrum.

Likewise, we simply exist in one facet or portion of the spectrum, which we call 'our reality'.

Our existence, our universe, all of creation exists as components or facets of a greater whole. One component or facet may exist without necessarily being aware of the other facets. There are no simultaneous realities, no simultaneous existences - simply different facets of the greater whole. This may seem like semantics, but it illustrates the concept of the ‘greater whole’, of which all things are a part.

Our consciousness is part of the greater whole as well – sometimes called or known of as the collective consciousness.

So in saying that ‘all things are one’ or ‘all things exist as a part of the whole’, it illustrates an underlying concept, precept or construct that runs throughout all things – throughout all of creation - whether those facets are known to us or not. And that is, everything is simply one component of the greater whole.

One universe - many facets....

One reality - many facets....

One 'Self' - many facets....

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Why abduct though, I mean in all this abduction cases they return the victims, don't you think if they were going to study someone they wouldn't return them at least not in one piece.

I still have an ongoing investigation into the apparent medical professionals that have ben using equipment to perform such activities, more information will be made available when more proof is aquired.
I liken the abduction experience to riding a school bus - simply a means to an end. A lot of folks want to know what the school bus looks like, what the driver looked like, number of windows on the bus, when it arrives and departs, all of the details – the minutia if you will. I am more interested in the broad overview of the whole of the experience - what is the purpose served?

Being as concise as I know how, they are modifying our genetic make up or structure to suite their purpose. They need only modify a small percentage of the populace (maybe 2% or so), and then allow time and our inherent breeding habits to do the rest. The changes are then replicated in great numbers within the general populace, within several generations. Remember they are less time sensitive than we.

There again, this breeding and genetic manipulation process of theirs has been ongoing throughout man's existence - it’s just that they, for whatever the reason, are allowing us 'now' to entertain the possibility of their existence.

Maybe they’re gradually pulling back the curtain and allowing us a glimpse of the wizard.

Don't you think the method of "eugenic" manipulation isn't something that our own doctors don't want to aspire to, when I say "eugenic" I'm stating that are they not wanting to remove disease or genetic weaknesses from us all.

The problem currently is that society in general frowns upon such alterations, because of the "eugenic" nature (the removal of fault can be compared to Nazi cleansing, Where weakness exists however is the potential for strength, where someone succumbs to a problem, others survive and might contain the genetic code for cures.)

I'm not suggesting that people should be left to perish, however "editing" people before their bodies have had a chance to adapt naturally would potentially jeopardise us all in the end.

I think you will find that your Abductions are potentially Illegal Gene therapists at work, along with a bunch of other doctors that are too working within the area of attempting to benefit "us all" (Thats loosely termed, since it's more about self-propergation of their careers and status.)
THE COMING AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: Thoughts of an Experiencer

‘We are genetically programmed to fear, but enlightenment is our salvation, daring us to step forward through our fears – arriving at that distant shoreline, the water’s edge of our own subconscious mind. Upon arriving, we then are able to commemorate the passage made; this journey through man’s innermost darkness.’

There is no axiom, no truism that can sum up enlightenment, but if there were a single word that could be applied to it, to quantify its root source, the core or thread running through it, it would most probably be genetics. Genetics is responsible for all things human, all things that appear to us as tendencies, traits, behavior patterns and such – for even learned behavior patterns can be transferred into our genetic make-up as we live and record those events of our life.

Enlightenment is the gathering, processing, integration and utilization of information - or put another way, enlightenment is information that has been received, understood, assimilated and then acted upon. As we integrate and assimilate enlightenment then, it is transferred and recorded in our very genetic make-up, which can then be passed down through the generations, from one generation to the next, and so on and so forth – with each passing generation becoming more enlightened.

The grays, or abductors as some prefer to call them, have in the process of abduction genetically altered ‘all’ abductees to better facilitate the integration of enlightenment into their system, their biological, genetic based, system. Why genetically alter the abductees? In order to receive a more densely packed stream of information, which enlightenment is, it takes the altering of our genetic receptors. A better way to think of this might be to think of a standard modem hook-up which interfaces with a personal computer, as opposed to a DSL (digital) line interface. One is not compatible with the other, and in our case, the energy stream that we, as genetically altered abductees or experiencers, are expected to receive, is both more densely pack and set at a higher frequency rate. In short, we are then able, after having been genetically altered, to receive the higher rate of enlightenment, which has “always” been present, always been available to those souls so able to receive. Simply think of a TV set (prior to cable possibly) that could only receive one channel at a time, but many channels were being broadcast (through the airwaves) at the same time – it took the changing of the channel selector to receive the other channels. So then, our receptors, our frequency receivers, have been altered to receive a new channel; a channel of enlightenment set at both a higher rate of information transfer, as well as a higher frequency of operation - a frequency that has always been present, for those so able to receive.

It's always been about genetics - alter our genetic structure, and it changes everything about us.

There is no understanding of these matters that comes from the trying (one does not understand these matters by trying to understand them by way of the intellect) – rather it is programmed into each one of us – each one of us that has been so programmed by our keepers, abductors, grays or helpers; depending on what one might choose to call them.

The hard part has already been accomplished for us – we have all been programmed to understand – now, from this point forward, we only need do the remembering. It is with ease that we may now grasp these concepts – for the difficult part is behind us – our fear has been overcome, we have walked through our most desperate moments at the hands of our abductors. Ahead lies our ease - having already faced our deepest, darkest fears.

The fear that each one of has faced, at the hands of our abductors, was purposeful - we were meant to travel through our fears at their hands - and so it was that each of us has, with our salvation bearing fruit in the overcoming of our fear.

When the scriptures spoke of Satan, it was meant as an outward characterization of our inward fears - so that in the overcoming of Satan, the one called Christ, overcame his inner fears.

There is only one singular purpose - the rectifying of the Self, in all of its facets, in all of its guises.

Part and parcel of the abduction experience is that of being genetically altered by our abductors, keepers and such. To be an abductee, is to be a genetically altered human being. Depending upon your frame of reference, this may or may not be a good thing. To say that abductees, as a result of their being genetically altered, are superior or inferior as a direct result of this genetic tampering, is really to lose sight of the fact that not all things can be so easily classified, so easily pigeonholed or categorized into either or.

We have been genetically altered for a reason, for a purpose. To deny this, is to deny our abduction experience altogether – we have not been abducted but for a specific purpose, a specific set of objectives by our abductors – the fact that we are unaware of these objectives for the most part is irrelevant. These objectives exist, nonetheless.

Switching gears for a moment, each one of us has come to the realization of our being abductees in any one of countless ways – no two abductees have identical experiences, which is not to say that there aren’t countless similarities among each of our abduction experiences. But, there is a high degree of personalization among our experiences, with fear being a central issue to most of us.

The point to all of this is that we are programmed all, but all are not programmed identically – we are genetically altered all, but not all are genetically altered identically. There are similarities, a master plan that is followed if you will, but there are many variations amongst us.

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I have a proposition for you, Make a website, tell your thoughts on there. I say this because you keep posting mountains of text on a subject that still doesn't necessarily exist the way you see it does.

For years the Theatre, Radio and Television has used methods of Illusion to generate falsities to keep their audience mystified. Why do Aliens seem so real to you? Couldn't they just be another smoke and mirror effect to generate either research into areas through using a clandestine mask of alien intent, or/and perhaps the self perpetuation of the movie makers that want their alien films to be viewed by millions for the number of public that BELIEVE in alien interaction (without aliens in the real world, would the public not tire of the films?).

When religion get's brought into the whole essense of this too it just adds to it being something thats preposed by the delusional or those that want to delude. Hysteria is your own worst nightmare what ever source of information you are using I would suggest looking elsewhere for your clues, since authors tend to write literature to tantalise the public and not necessarily give a factual representation of events.

(For instance why "open the door" when you could "Grasp the delicately engraved brass handle of a thorn in a summers meadow, and turn to make the vast mechanisms that dwell within the confines of the door seek to alter their alignment to unlock. Whilst still grasping pull at the solid oak door to come forth and create your avenue of passage. As the door swings the hindges creak for it's mighty weight, what a splendid Tree this door must have been in a former life.")
Stryderunknown said:
I have a proposition for you, Make a website, tell your thoughts on there. I say this because you keep posting mountains of text on a subject that still doesn't necessarily exist .....etc...

Hello Stryderunknown,

My reality is no less real to me, than yours is to you. It is my hope that in presenting this in this fashion, I might make clearer my position, such as it is.

I never said that your reality wasn't real to you, but it might not be how you perceive it.

My main suggestion was that you perception could get lost just being posted upon this forum and it would make sense to place it in a website format which can then be quoted from (namely posting a small paragraph and link to)

However it is just a suggestion.