An 11yr old said just Yesterday..


A friend has a daughter who left on Friday to go camping.

She is a young one so the Mother is in contact constantly via mobile phone.

Well yesterday she started her girly thing (3rd one) and it was bothersome to her and she said to her Mom that she was pissed at Eve for eating the apple.

That she is going thru this based on the first sin!

I asked, "why did you teach her such?" And the Mother said, i didn't.

My point is pretty clear; lies damage our children!
A friend has a daughter who left on Friday to go camping.

She is a young one so the Mother is in contact constantly via mobile phone.

Well yesterday she started her girly thing (3rd one) and it was bothersome to her and she said to her Mom that she was pissed at Eve for eating the apple.

That she is going thru this based on the first sin!

I asked, "why did you teach her such?" And the Mother said, i didn't.

My point is pretty clear; lies damage our children!

I agree, Bishadi. I've seen similar things happen.
Listen, that time of the month we'll blame anything on anyone and it doesn't have to make sense.
Listen, that time of the month we'll blame anything on anyone and it doesn't have to make sense.

was that was cause patty hearst to do what she did?

perhaps that is the same type of thinking them girls of charlie manson were living with between their ears?

it does matter what we teach our kids!
(don't need any more bush's pissing off osama's that make o'bam-a as a mess)
was that was cause patty hearst to do what she did?

perhaps that is the same type of thinking them girls of charlie manson were living with between their ears?

it does matter what we teach our kids!
(don't need any more bush's pissing off osama's that make o'bam-a as a mess)

I doubt if this little girl is contemplating murder just yet, but give her awhile, its only her third month.
My point is pretty clear; lies damage our children!

Parents have been telling their children fairy tales and stories about Santa Claus for a gazillion years or so without such "obvious" damage.

Now, with this one little incident of a girl at camp, you're all up in arms, ready to slay dragons, and ranting against religious tales and stories. Interesting.

Baron Max
was that was cause patty hearst to do what she did?

perhaps that is the same type of thinking them girls of charlie manson were living with between their ears?

it does matter what we teach our kids!
(don't need any more bush's pissing off osama's that make o'bam-a as a mess)

Believe me, Charlie's girls didn't let themselves feel guilty about much of anything.
A friend has a daughter who left on Friday to go camping.

She is a young one so the Mother is in contact constantly via mobile phone.

Well yesterday she started her girly thing (3rd one) and it was bothersome to her and she said to her Mom that she was pissed at Eve for eating the apple.

That she is going thru this based on the first sin!

I asked, "why did you teach her such?" And the Mother said, i didn't.

My point is pretty clear; lies damage our children!

Then you should stop lying.

Parents have been telling their children fairy tales and stories about Santa Claus for a gazillion years or so without such "obvious" damage.

Now, with this one little incident of a girl at camp, you're all up in arms, ready to slay dragons, and ranting against religious tales and stories. Interesting.

Baron Max

There has been obvious damage from teaching children lies, recently & thru history.

You call that ranting. Have you read more than a couple of his posts?
Unlike 98% of his, this 1 was simple, clear & concise.
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i don't know what Christians tell their daughters about the "thing".. i don't know what adam and eve have to do with it..

but hey, she's 11..

this alone should answer a certain whole thread in this subforum..