Americans = Believers?


Registered Senior Member
America is one of the most religious nations in the world.

What does this say about America?

Does this have anything to do with the fact they are the only real super power?


Pros / Cons?

My short answers:
-a lot
- no
- tradition?
- pros: sense of togetherness?
cons: stupid decisions

It's an interesting topic of debate. I'd like to go more in to detail but I've gotta sleep
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What does this say about America?
That we are willing to believe anything, and are easily controlled.
Does this have anything to do with the fact they are the only real super power?
That's very possible. If our government can get us to believe whatever they want, they have complete control. Look at the other two countries contending for super power status. Stereotypically, Russians love their governmet, an the Chinese are conformists, which is pretty similar to Americans being easily controlled. Not to say that those stereotypes should necessarily be considered true, but it seems completely possible to me. At the same time that we are easily minipuklated, we are notorious for the amount of crime we have. This is used to throw us gulible Americans off, and since the only objective of the government is to gain political influence, it doesn't hurt them. That's why they cracked down on the mobs, it's all about control. Maybe...
America is one of the most religious nations in the world.

What does this say about America?

It says America will kick anyone's ass in the name of the 'Lord'.

Does this have anything to do with the fact they are the only real super power?

America is actually an exception. With all other countries, the ones that are most prosperous are the least theistic and vice versa.

There always is a statistical edge case. America is it.

Pros / Cons?

Pros: Separation of Church and education are slowly eating away at Theistical power.
Cons: There is still a ways to go.
Well, I am proof that American != religious.

Although the equation does certainly have more than just a grain of truth. ;)
The majority of American "believers" don't know the fundamentals of the religion they claim to follow. They are just told to attend church and to follow the rules their mentors set for them. Most are hypocrites and just use religion to satisfy their own personal needs, and many of these dumb bastards refute science with faith, and don't believe that religion and science are complimentary.

As far as America becoming a superpower through the strength of "believers", I would disagree. I would say that we have gained this temporary status due to the success of powerful individuals, war, and the exploitation of minorities.
and many of these dumb bastards refute science with faith, and don't believe that religion and science are complimentary.

Just how, precisely, are faith and science complimentary when science continually finds evidence that cut's through religious dogma that is propped up only through faith?
It's hard for me to argue from a theistic standpoint, but if you consider God to be omnipotent, then God could have created the framework for all physical laws. The laws of thermodynamics, the electromagnetic spectrum, the construction of an atom and the configuration of DNA. With a variable that fits into any equation, it's easy to conclude that God is the answer, the cause, or the effect. When I say that "religion and science are complimentary", I mean that religion is a set of beliefs, while science explains our perception, measuring and analyzing empirical data. Using science to determine a person's religion, or using reason to make a conclusion, happens all the time. This is how they can compliment each other. Alternatively, you could use religion while studying science. Testing your beliefs against the sciences.

Like I said, that doesn't happen often. People usually use religion to define their religion.