Americans and Communication Management Units


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
At Michaels request, I'm opening a separate thread to review this phenomenon:

Not much is known about the new federal prisons called Communications Management Units (CMUs), that house primarily Muslims and political activists, except that they are located in Terre Haute, Indiana and Marion, Illinois. Although the US government refuses to disclose the list of prisoners to the public, inmates include Enaam Arnaout, founder of Islamic charity Benevolence International Foundation, Dr. Rafil Dhafir, physician and founder of Iraqi charity Help the Needy, Ghassan Elashi, founder of Holy Land Foundation and CAIR Dallas, Randall Royer, Muslim civil rights activist, Yassin Aref, imam and Kurdish refugee, Sabri Benkahla, an American who was abducted the day before his wedding while studying in Saudi Arabia, and John Walker Lindh, an American convert to Islam who was captured in Afghanistan, plus some non-Muslim political activists. Most of these prisoners were falsely accused of terrorist offenses and then imprisoned for lesser charges but given sentences meant for serious terrorism-related crimes.

Carmen Hernandez, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers said, “The primary problem with the opening of (the CMU) is that no one knows the criteria used to send the person imprisoned to that unit.” What the prisoners have in common is that they were well disciplined, studious, and often religious compared to those in the general prison population, they maintain strong commitments to various causes, and for some reason the government wants to keep them separate, to restrict their communication with the outside world.

Has The Inquisition come to the United States? Is this religious or political repression?

What goes on in these CMU? What is the treatment of prisoners? Are they tortured? Has anyone died in there?

What does this say about the US Justice System?

What information is available to the public?
From wiki:

The CMU monitors all telephone calls and mail, and requires that all inmate conversations occur in English unless special permission is arranged for conversations in other languages.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons created the CMU in response to criticism that it had not been adequately monitoring the communications of prisoners. "By concentrating resources in this fashion, it will greatly enhance the agency's capabilities for language translation, content analysis and intelligence sharing" according to the Bureau's summary of the CMU.
Some inmates:

Enaam Arnaout is an American Citizen who pleaded guilty to funneling chariety money in support of Jihadi Bosnian Terrorists. His fake charity called Benevolence International Foundation was actually a front for al-Qaeda and is now banned worldwide by the United Nations Security Council Committee 1267.

Dr. Rafil A. Dhafir is an American Citizen who was sentenced to 22 years in prison for sending money to Iraq through the charity Help the Needy. It looks to me like he has been railroaded in a classic case of "looky we caught a 'Terrorist'". The Bush regime probably needed something in the net so they didn't look completely incompetent. Did he break some laws? Probably, but, not enough to warrant 22 years in jail. IMO.

Elashi is an American Citizen sentenced to 65 years in prison on federal charges of funneling 12 million dollars to Hamas for terrorist activities. Do the crime, do the time.

Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer served as communications director for a fund-raising effort sponsored by the American Muslim Council trained in Virginia for holy war against the United States (and sent several members to Pakistan to join Lashkar-e-Taiba) He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. In a plea bargain, Royer claimed he never intended to hurt anyone but admitted he organized the holy warriors after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S.

Yassin M. Aref appears to be another case of railroading. This is what happens when you let crack-pot Christians in the WH. Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks otherwise. From one thing leads another.

Sabri Benkahla is an American Citizen who probably perjured himself. Why anyone would want to make an example out of this small fry is beyond me. It really depends on the judge and/or jury. Sometimes they come down hard to set an example. Anyway 10 years is legal for the crime - even if excessive.

John Phillip Walker Lindh is an American Douche. He was captured trying to kill Citizens. 20 years is probably light.
So basically the cover stories are all very good. Studious, disciplined and religious people who support "terrorists" [defined as such by the US government] are kept in isolation and denied access to media

Why denied access to media?

Here is one example:

Yassin M. Aref is a resident of Albany, New York, who was arrested by Federal authorities in August 2004 as part of a counter-terrorism sting operation, convicted in October 2006 of conspiring to aid a terrorist group and provide support for a weapon of mass destruction, as well as money-laundering and supporting a foreign terrorist organization, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and sentenced to 15 years in prison in March 2007.[1] In July 2008 the appellate court upheld the convictions, rejecting all of the defense's arguments.

Aref wrote a memoir, Son of Mountains: My Life as a Kurd and a Terror Suspect (2008).

Strangely enough, Aref pleaded innocence and was acquitted of most of the charges but still sent to prison for 15 years.

Apparently, the criteria for conviction are

1. Speaks poor English
2. Of Middle Eastern descent
3. Has a beard
4. Is religious
5. Not a citizen
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So basically the cover stories are all very good. Studious, disciplined and religious people who support "terrorists" [defined as such by the US government] are kept in isolation and denied access to media

Why denied access to media?

Here is one example:

Strangely enough, Aref pleaded innocence and was acquitted of most of the charges but still sent to prison for 15 years.

Apparently, the criteria for conviction are

1. Speaks poor English
2. Of Middle Eastern descent
3. Has a beard
4. Is religious
5. Not a citizen
You did read where I wrote he was probably railroaded?
They are holding animal rights activists also.

They might be practicing for something bigger like putting down dissent next time they chose to put an unelected president in office. Suppose the economy really goes bad and the voters get angry and try to elect somebody who would not bail out Wall Street; the US government would have to do massive election fraud and then silence the critics.
Possible, but doubtful. My guess is there's good reason to believe these particular convicts will attempt to pursue their goals on the outside from the inside - it's simply easier to monitor them all. There's a few White Supremacists that are so notorious they're kept in lock down 23h/day. All mail is monitored - yet they still send messages and effect killings on the outside. In the past they'd probably have been put down quickly and quietly.

There's no need for elaborate CT.
Another example:

Yesterday we spoke about the problems with charitable giving by billionaires at the expense of paying their taxes. For many charitable givers in the United States, a bigger problem looms; laws about providing "material support" for terrorism have placed a stranglehold on where donors can send their money. Ghassan Elashi, co-founder of the Holy Land Foundation, faces a 65 year sentence for providing material support through his foundation, which was the largest Muslim charity in the U.S. before it was shut down by the Bush administration in 2001.

Elashi's daughter Noor, a writer and activist, joins us in studio along with Medea Benjamin of Code Pink to discuss what these cases mean for other organizations trying to help civilians in war-torn areas like Gaza.

An interview by Grit TV with Nour Elashi, whose father Ghassan Elashi faces a 65 year sentence for his work with the biggest Muslim charity in the US. Elashi is currently housed in a Communications Management Unit (CMU) in Terre Haute, Indiana

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Could we please refrain from thread titles that single out nationalities for confrontation?

A thread on these CMUs is a fine idea and all, but why shoehorn in all the hyperbolic crap?

I would assume that the purpose of these CMU's (which i'd never heard of until seeing this thread) is twofold. One, to prevent particularly dangerous inmates from orchestrating criminal activities from within prison. Two, to prevent purveyors of extreme ideologies from converting other prisoners to their cause.
That's exactly what I think.
Although, I also think at least one of the inmates convicted was potentially railroaded. Though, we'd have to be on the jury to know why they convicted him.
At Michaels request, I'm opening a separate thread to review this phenomenon:

Has The Inquisition come to the United States? Is this religious or political repression?

Fear breeds fascism.

Despite our best attempts at education, history constantly repeats itself (with new excuses and justifications….. so sad)
Americans have become extremely paranoid about Muslims, so there won't be much grass-roots sympathy for these people. Unfortunately, due to human nature, it only takes a tiny percentage of assholes to make an entire population look evil.

Starting with the occupation of the American Embassy in Tehran, continuing (and I know I haven't got this list in good chronological order) with the fatwa on Salman Rushdie, 9/11, the assassination of Theo Van Gogh, the Madrid subway bombings, the underwear bomber, the London plotters, the Times Square bomber, the Islamic schools in Virginia whose books were discovered to be teaching that Christians and Jews are inferior, the flap over cartoons of Mohammed, the taxi drivers refusing to pick up airport passengers with liquor in their luggage or blind people with guide dogs, the kids from Virginia heading off for a terrorist training camp... well I'm getting tired of writing rather than running out of examples, but the point is that the Islamic world has been churning out quite a series of assholes in the past three decades. Once the press gets hold of an idea that generates fear among their readers (thereby causing them to buy more news and increase their profits), they will keep running it until they can't find any more source data.
John Phillip Walker Lindh is an American Douche. He was captured trying to kill Citizens. 20 years is probably light.
Protecting that kind of cover story would be both sufficient and plausible, as a motive for incarcerating him there.

Lindh was captured by Afghan forces, and as far as anyone has made public never tried to kill a single American himself.

He was mistreated after capture, including multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions and US domestic law. Most of the charges against him were dropped, in exchange for a confession to one or two of them - that tactic was chosen when it became apparent that if tried he would be testifying in open court about his treatment while in custody. Those lesser charges carried lighter penalty - IIRC 20 years was an unusually long sentence.

Keeping these particular inmates away from the news media or other forms of communication with the larger public is a reasonable, plausible motive for this type of incarceration.
Not picking up blind people with Guide Dogs???? Seriously?!?!?!? You have got to be kidding.
The answer is simple: If a cabi refuses to carry a blind person with his seeing-eye dog, then said cabi is (a) sued and (b) if he/she continues doing so, they loss their drivers permit to operate a cab.

I'm sure that will sort things out quickly. Not only that, but I'm sure many other Americans will step up to the plate quick enough - times are tough and people need work.

Anyone happen to know what the final outcome was?
The answer is simple: If a cabi refuses to carry a blind person with his seeing-eye dog, then said cabi is (a) sued and (b) if he/she continues doing so, they loss their drivers permit to operate a cab.

I'm sure that will sort things out quickly. Not only that, but I'm sure many other Americans will step up to the plate quick enough - times are tough and people need work.

Anyone happen to know what the final outcome was?

Oh but the Gods!!
Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board

Just a couple weeks ago :bugeye:

As I have said, and will continue to say, E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N.
(Reuters) - Muslim cab drivers at Minnesota's biggest airport will face new penalties including a two-year revocation of their taxi permits if they refuse to give rides to travelers carrying liquor or accompanied by dogs, the board overseeing operations ruled Monday.

OMG, I just can't believe it, some common sense ... IN the USA??? :p