America studies astral projection


Truth Seeker
Valued Senior Member
for many this is the stuff of sci-fi etc...
many have speculated on this and how such a thing could be done.
for such a weapon as the american military wants, they would actually have to study the soul wouldn't they. I know people speculate on military science every so often on this board.

for me astral projection would have to have a knowledge of unlocking the soul from a persons body, isn't this so. so we can theorise that somehow our souls are locked to our bodies, with some sort of code. if this speculation is true, and i believe it to be. america has knowledge about the fundatamentals of what we call our divine spirit or whatever. we can all suppose that the spirit within us is just a bit of energy.

what i am asking is, has anyone thought about this subject, and what would the american military want with this knowledge, of shall we call astral projection.

does anyone have any theories
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The military's use for astral projection is obvious; see the enemy, find their weapons and find out their plans.
There have been many, countless experiments done within the military on this and other psi-phenomenon. Coincidentaly, the experiments were mostly laid down at the end of the cold war.

And I beleive that the body and the 'soul' as you say are not seperatable, they are synonimous the one is not without the other. Rather astral projection is moving the conciousness from the plain of ordinary relaity to the astral plain. I think somw of the problems the militray might have with this is that the projectors, in their meditative states will become more and more aware of their spiritual paths and less of the materialistic rewards the militray might offer for their projections and any selfish gains their governments may be pursuing. I'm sure the 'enemy' aren't the only ones with secrets.
i am glad someone at least says that it is at least a chance of being real. but what you are talking about is remote viewing which is slightly differnet.

i am speculating that america have advanced knowledge of astral projection. they have studied things like soul transfer and such things.

remote viewing like you say is well acknowledged in the public as one of the weapons the cia uses. they were alot better than even russia in the socalled remote viewing arena.

but like i say astral projection is different, it is the ability to somehow split the lock between the soul and our bodies and somehow move anywhere you want and influenece the surroundings. if you like america have tried to investigate whether you can leave your body and then act say like a ghost anywhere you want in the world.

so the aims for astral projection may be different from that of remote viewing. i can think of various other motives for astral projection, but you will probably say they are c**p, or something.
Ah yes, remote viewing, that's what I was getting mixed up wtih. thanks for the correction:). But they are both esoteric and (arguably) connected to spirituality, and the nature of the energy in the universe.

Do you have any links on astral projection?
I do knid of fail to see why the military would bother with investments in astral projection research.