America and Socialism


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
Lately on the TV I hear about plans in the federal legislature to make it easier for people to go to Canada to get prescription drugs because they are so much cheaper than here in America. The reason for the price difference is that America is a free market where pharmaceutical companies may charge what they like for their product. Canada, though, has a socialized healthcare system, and their government regulates drug prices, setting caps on how much they can cost. The problem is that the companies that make pharmaceuticals are in the US. They export to Canada, then citizens in the US buy them because buying drugs in the US is crazy due to the high prices.

Is America acting in a cowardly fashion by not admitting that a socialized system would be better for the citizens or is it amoral to try to keep the pharmaceutical companies from making the profit that makes the whole biz worth it for them?
Acting cowardly? Good lord no. They are acting like Americans in accordance with American idealism; free market. I suppose they will convince the public that Canada poses a threat to their way of life and that they should march their army northward in defense of that. The powers that be in America will sell this position on the premise that the Canadian Government is oppressing it's people and harbor terrorists who are conspiring to destroy America and it's institutions through cheap prescription drugs.

Don't laugh, America has done this sort of thing time and again.
Canada, though, has a socialized healthcare system, and their government regulates drug prices

setting caps on how much they can cost.

I don't know where you get your information from, but it is wrong. Under our wonderful socialized healthcare system, drugs are NOT included. If you want it, you have to pay for it yourself. The reason prices are so high in the United States is because insurance companies end up paying for it, and they can be milked. In Canada, more often than not, people pay for it out of their own pockets.

Socialized health care does not work.
Well it must work better in some way than what we are doing, because Americans seem to be chomping at the bit to buy American made drugs from Canada, and our TV pundits are saying its because of Canada's socialized healthcare system.
Do you really believe everything the TV says?

Do you know what this wonderful socialized medicare got us?

A 12-month waiting list for a simple MRI.

A 15-month waiting list for most major surgeries.

In Petersborough, a major town on Ontario, there are 5 doctors. None are taking new patients. Similarly, there are no doctors in my town of Georgetown. None in Kitchener and Waterloo that takes new patients.

People die in ambulances which are forced to wait up to 8 hours outside a hospital because there are no beds.

What is the problem in the United States? All the ridiculous lawsuits.

You don't need to see a chiropractor for 5 weeks at $399 an hour because you bumped your head when you hit the car in front of you at 10 miles an hour.

Because the doctor could not save the patient's live does not entitle you, because you are family, to a $5 million settlement.

When gynocolists stop catching babies because people sue them so much that they can't afford the insurance, you know something is wrong.
The issue im talking about is prescription drug costs, not the high insurance rates doctors have to pay. Different issues, and the fact that Americans want to buy drugs from Canada instead of America is evedence that despite whatever else you have going on, you have it all over us on getting drugs to people.