And while I'm sure we disagree on a lot of the above
Of course.
I'll bet we agree on a lot too.
So why the hell can't we get it done?
Answer THAT question, and I may just vote for you.
Three places you will never find common sense: Government, Religion and Corporate America.
I think we can't get it done for a lot of reasons.
We can not keep a diligent eye on public servants at the federal level in a country this huge - the focus of practical politics needs to be at the local level.
If the person who you vote and hire to represent you lives, works and cares for the community you live in, he has some accountability to the people he knows, and YOU know what is going on - as opposed to having to hear all the bullshit from talking heads on TV.
The two party systems forces people to vote for people who they disagree with on a lot of different aspects (or they have to convince themselves to pull the party line), leading to...
There are far too many politicians playing games to emotionally manipulate the electorate with so-called "wedge issues" and practical politics consistently gets swept under the rug.
As much money and power as there is in politics these days, getting the politicins to vote for things that will limit that is like trying to get a monarch to adbicate the throne.
The larger the government is, the more powerful it becomes, the less it has to answer to the peope and the less it is a real extension of the public.
Reduce the money in politics.
Force open governance.
Reduce the power of the Federal Government.
Reduce the power of the Executive Branch.
Introduce runoff voting (forcing multi-party cooperation and alliances, while allowing other parties to get their feet in the door).
Get "wedge issues" out of public governance discussion.
How does all this get done short of a revolution?
Answer that, and you will have a real following.