Amazing Picture!!!


BBS Whore
Registered Senior Member
Check this out! Last weekend this thing came over to our party. It was quite the animal. It didn't want us take a picture of it, so we got it as trashed as we could and snapped this photo...

I never knew they were such binge drinkers. They sure know how to pound them down. By the end of the night it was blabbering loudly about abducting us and somthing about anal probes. How can you take a face like that seriously?

those slimy bastards...
can't trust them.....they either empty your bar or try to anal probe your ass.
So... the alien conspiracy is all about sneaking in for beer?
of course, we have the best alchocol in the known universe.:D

and the best parties

although I'd (and two my friends from th us) refer to the american beer as "sockswater"
Yes, I found USA beer to be horribly weak and almost tasting like some kind of child's beer. I think Budweiser is about 1.8% alcohol. Australian beers are around 5.8%, but also taste like crap.
What the heck, stop judging American beer by 'pop culture' american beer. BTW, Annheiser busch is the biggest beer company in the WORLD, so technicaly its not really american beer anymore is it? People everywhere consume that stuff by the gallons, what can I say?

Now back to American beer being bad.

Ever had sierra nevada? Sam adams? Pete's wicked ale? Anchor?
These are some of the best beers in the world, and they are distinctly american. I find all of your comments on beer, ignorant.

I take beer seriously.:D
Point taken good sir. I will some day investigate these other American beers! Purely for research purposes of course. :D
It can't be that bad if the Aliens are drinking it... But then again, Aliens will drink anything these days. I've even seen them take alcohol from a Ferengi:bugeye: :D