amazing kreskin


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Registered Senior Member
Has anyone ever heard of this guy? I saw him on TV a while back, he did some pretty cool stuff, but, as skeptisism seems to be my nature, I don't know if i believe "how" he did his stuff. It seems like elaborate magic (card tricks etc.)...what do you guys think?
When I see and hear about these types, I always ask myself:

Where is his fleet of Rolls Royces? Where is his super yacht, his private castle, etc. etc. Or, if he happens to be uninterested in material wealth (there ARE such people, you know), what impact has he made on History? - - - If these people really have the ability to predict things in the future, to see the unseen, or whatever, how come they seem always satisfied with working in the entertainment business. If I could see into the future, I would keep rather quiet about it, but I'd be sure to buy the right stock, and I would be collecting really hefty fees from industry leaders and politicians for my services.
