Amanda, The Computerized Telemarketer Who Insisted She Was Human


Urban Anthropologist
Registered Senior Member
Has anyone had any conversations with " Amanda"? A conservative organization called Life giving moments is using an AI program to deceive people into taking surveys.Amanda called me asked for me by name, sneezed and said, "excuse me" gave a little chuckle then the call ended. She sounds a little like Sarah Palin. Very creepy:
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Has anyone had any conversations with " Amanda"? A conservative organization called Life giving moments is using an AI program to deceive people into taking surveys.Amanda called me asked for me by name, sneezed and said, "excuse me" gave a little chuckle then the call ended. She sounds a little like Sarah Palin. Very creepy:

Well that's a little more interactive than just the standard recorded message that doesn't pay attention to anything apart from if you listened to the whole message (If you don't let it run it's course it will just keep redialing a bit like an unsent fax.) You could imply the same thing about an AI, it's waiting for particular responses to either queue it to say more or speed up saying less.

You could possibly have a bit of fun, What you need is a virtual secretary that answers the call for you, this is where you have a battle of the pre-recorded bots, pitting their professional systems against one another. Only the smarter will remain (the other will hang up after looping through it's dialogue too much)

Further thought, What if someone created a "Heavy breathing" marketting bot, where it ring's people up and silly times of the night and just breaths heavy to every response.
Amanda seems to be getting more sophisticated now she has a sense of humor: she started off with a joke . When I asked her if she was a computer she replied ," Do I sound that bad" she even sounded a little pissed off . I told her everyone knows your a computer and hung up . Stryder give me a good question I should ask her the next time that will disrupt her programimg
oh shit, the women in that video is from metropolis,
an 1927 silent film.

Amanda seems to be getting more sophisticated now she has a sense of humor: she started off with a joke . When I asked her if she was a computer she replied ," Do I sound that bad" she even sounded a little pissed off . I told her everyone knows your a computer and hung up . Stryder give me a good question I should ask her the next time that will disrupt her programimg

You could start with the Limerick/Nursery Rhyme, "As I was going to St Ives":
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were there going to St. Ives?

However I'm pretty sure you'll find that your not just pitting yourself against what the bot has learnt, but a whole marketing team that reviews the messages and then revises the bot, in fact they might even call you more if you get too smart with the answers.

Another one you could do if you have a smart phone or a recording device is record a Dirty Harry film where Clint Eastwood asks, "Do you feel lucky punk"

A further consideration is that the people responsible for the bot are actually planning to create something to beat the Turing Test (Or enter for the Loebner prize), however to fund their venture they've turned to Telemarketing.
so I listened to this entire conversation and laughed a little but I also felt scared, its like a vegetable it lives and reacts but has no scary this AI thing. I think SARA on android is more intelligent in this retrospect.
so I listened to this entire conversation and laughed a little but I also felt scared, its like a vegetable it lives and reacts but has no scary this AI thing. I think SARA on android is more intelligent in this retrospect.
Sounds almost like a zombie the living dead , no sentience yet just reaction, triggers etc like a talking jellyfish:D