
Ragged Rascal
Registered Senior Member
This is really for Craterchains:

I was wondering how many people on this forum you believe to be ETI - your fallen angels. I don't believe that we're being visited, or that our planet is host to ETI, although I am certainly not this forum's most vehement proponent of this view.

Am I right in assuming that you belive Q, Persol, Guthrie and Ellimist etc. to be disinformation agents or ETI? How many do you think are in on this? Am I one?
This just in: My most recent purchase made with the money I get for being a disinformation agent working for THE GOVERNMENT™ is an air purifier. Mmm, you know, you cook something with a lot of garlic or onions in it and the smell is gone in just an hour or so. It’s wonderful. Ahh the benefits of selling out your race to the ET invasion.
Yes, Karass, THE GOVERNMENT™ sure does pay well, doesn't it? Our secret alien masters sure do know how to raise a whole lot of Earth money. I'm using my bonus this year to take a vacation on our secret base on the dark side of the moon.
Bloody Pathetic (not the thread, the 2 replys above)

Will you be taking the piss when its disclosure time, it may be a lot closer than anyone could have imagined
... How could something be closer than you could imagine? Like, what, some infinite fraction of a second? I guess thats pretty close, but I can still imagine that. Maybe you are just an sociopath who dosn't give people credit for thier imaginative abilitys.

But actually, I don't think I'll mark my calendar for any of you true believer types, remember planet X and the poll shift? Where are all the nutters who were raving about that? Did they just get new names or did they wander off in confused shame?
Star_One said:
Bloody Pathetic (not the thread, the 2 replys above)

Will you be taking the piss when its disclosure time, it may be a lot closer than anyone could have imagined

I can't help it. I have to point out the similarity between "disclosure time" and the "second coming!"

My hypothesis: The UFO/ETI movement is a representation of a new Post-Axial, but unconscious religion.

Post-axial religions of modernity have 1)hierarchical structure (priests, reverends, monks, preachers, deacons); 2) prophets & prophecy; 3) sacred places; 4) texts/doctrines; 5) alternating phases of world-rejection/world-acceptance; 6) ceremonies & rituals.

The UFO/ETI movement consists of (respectively) 1) de facto leadership of Stanton Friedman, Greer, Streiber, et al, as well as organizations like MUFON and sub-cults like the Raelian's, Heaven's Gate, etc.; 2) "disclosure time" is coming! 3) Roswell, Marfa, etc. 4) Majestic 12, Schneider "lecture," numerous UFO lore such as the Lear article, etc.; 5) consistent rejection of humanity by UFO/ETI proponents; 6) MUFON meetings, gathering in Marfa to watch the lights, traveling to the "UFO Meca" of Roswell.

Robert Bellah outlined and published the development of religion and its stages in 1964. How right he was.
I can't help it. I have to point out the similarity between "disclosure time" and the "second coming!"

Blah blah blah blah

- This is because of the apples to orange fallacy for the nth time
crazymikey said:
Blah blah blah blah

- This is because of the apples to orange fallacy for the nth time

Perhaps... but they're both fruit that come from trees, have seeds, contain fructose and make really cool breakfast juices. The similarities are startling ;)
Faulty, and just how would anyone be able to tell the difference between agents of IC that are ETI’s or humans? Their goals would be the same. Test their genetics? Polydactylism could be an indicator if one goes by what the bibles says is an indicator of ETI’s genes mixing with humans.

SkinWalker has a couple very good points. Religions have played a major role along side of political powers in keeping all this covered up. The fairy tale beliefs of the reality. I’ll have a glass of orange juice please.
Try catholic history, try JW history, just to give a couple trail markers along the path of christianity. You have to do the research for yourself, like running the race for yourself.

Star_One is correct in thinking it is far closer than anyone realizes.
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craterchains (Norval said:
Religions have played a major role along side of political powers in keeping all this covered up.

And your evidence being what? of what coverup?

Oh... I almost forgot to whom I was speaking. Never mind Norval... no need to remove the tin hat for me.
Crazy, if you and Norval believe that angels, demons, God &c. are all aliens, then why is comparing "disclosure time" and "the second coming" the same as comparing apples and oranges? Your whole beef all this time has been that religion and aliens are intimately bound up with one another.
No Big, I believe those were icons were used to depict aliens, but I do not believe biblical and other religious prophecies have a direct bearing on aliens. These prophecies were just biproducts of ET awareness. There is nothing to suggest ETI perpetuated them.

Disclosure is just a natural event, because public knowledge of ETI is now inevitable.
The idea of “disclosure” and the so-called “second coming” does seem to tie in. As Mikey hasn’t read the bible, yet, his speculations are for the most part based on hearsay. For those that have studied the ancient writings there is a parallel that I found to be intriguing to say the least.

What “science researchers” have given us is a very broad knowledge of what our universe is and just how big. Where it fails is when it seems to indicate there are ETI’s involved. Scientist’s “theories” seem to be quickly forgotten when proven wrong by greater understanding. But I remember them and the track record is pretty bad. Coupled with the dammed religionists that kept us in the dark ages too. Hell, it’s a wonder we even know what we do with all the misinformation around in the sciences and religions.
Actually the whole "disclosure time" comparison to the second coming is interesting...the world Apocalypse means unveiling. What does post-axial mean? But, it's true at any rate that the whole UFO phenomenon is a religion...but the question is has there always been only this "religion?" All religions could have come from this phenomenon.
sorry faulty, i gotta disagree wit u.
in order to be ETI, u gotta be intelligent :p
soz ppl, just thought of a joke and blurted it out, cya
Robert Bellah wrote a paper based on a lecture in 1964 called "Religious Evolution," which was published in American Sociological Review, Volume 29, pp. 358-374.

In this paper, Bellah outlined the development of religion and religious thought and assigned five stages: 1) prehistoric religions; 2) archaic religions; 3) historic religions; 4) early modern religions; and 5) modern religions.

The Historic Religions, he stated to be the "axial" stage. Previous to this stage, or pre-axial, religions tended to connect the cosmos with the familiar world. Gods, demons, etc. weren't considered supernatural by the believers but rather just natural parts of the one world or plane of existance. Pre-axial relgions were connected with the world and embraced nature and the world. Aboriginal religions of the African, Australian, South American, and North American continents were and are good examples of this.

The relgious stages that followed the Historic Stage are considered to be post-axial and are typically world rejecting (though alternatingly so) and rely on "salvation" as a means to be able to move on from this plane of existance to the next (heaven, etc.). The current world is considered to be temporary and eternal life is said to be had if certain "conditions" are met. Pre-axial stages typically believe that upon death, the person simply continues to exist as a part of the world but in new ways... they don't depart this world.

Interestingly enough, the pre-axial religions seem to follow the law that states matter can never be created or destroyed, only changed.

The term "axial" merely refers to the center of change that occurs in the Historic Stage with equally distributed stages prior to and after.
In my opinion, the UFO religion is a return to pre-axial religion. Aliens are the gods, demons, angels and are just part of the natural world not supernatural beings. Also, that one Harvard psychiatrist (last name Mack) that studied the abduction phenomenon said that many people who've had an abduction experience felt that the aliens were trying to warn us about harming the earth, he even ended up interviewing shamans to get their input.