Am I a monster?


Registered Senior Member
Okay, I had a girlfriend for about 3 days before I left for L.A.

I met a girl while I was working and she was cute and seemed fun and I asked her out. We went on one date then she came to my house two days after to hang out and, well, ya' know. We got to my room and she started looking around. The following comments came.

"You like The Beatles?" (I have in my comp/guitar room two Beatles albums hanging up)

"Who are The Doors?"

"Oh you play guitar? Cool! Do you know any Creed or Default?"

(when discussing favourite movies)"One summer me and my friends watched Sixteen Candles like every week...Oh my god, Pearl Harbour was such a good movie"

Tyler - "I like Pulp Fiction, Usual Suspects, Pi, Memento, Annie Hall, Spanish Prisoner."
Chick - "I haven't heard of like any of those!"

I phoned her Sunday before I left and said something like "yeah, I just don't think it's gonna work out. I'm working a lot and not really in the mood for being with someone." Which is complete bullsmack.

I had to break up with this girl though. When she thought it was wierd I liked The Beatles I though "hmm, okay, she has little or no taste". When she didn't know who The Doors were, I was taken back. When the movie lines came up you should have seen my face. Picture a 12 year old who's never heard of death and all of a sudden is told his mom died. I looked so confused. I literally took a step back I was getting so shocked. All that I could think was how did we get this far? I was geniunly disturbed.

Anyway, I told two friends the other day and one looks at me and goes "you did the right thing". The other just looks disgusted and goes "you're an ass. she was a nice girl right? and you liked her right? and you broke up with her because she doesn't like good art?"

At first I just brushed off (remember a Seinfeld episode where Jerry dumps a girl because she likes a commerical he doesn't). But slowly started to think; am I really that much of an ass? This was a beautiful, interesting and perfectly nice and fun girl. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't regretting breaking up with her, I still stand by my action. But ladies (and men too), am I a total ass?
There are no friggin levels. You and her simply don't like the same stuff. You're not better than her, and she's not better than you.
Well, you could have given it a chance. Not every teenager knows The Beatles and The Doors (and more of that dated Music), you know.

She could've come to like the Music while listening to it more and more. Maybe, if you'd given her the opportunity, she would've liked the movies you like, also.

It is not easy on everybody to like the Music and the kind of movies you describe. I think it has to do with what she is raised with either.

Most important however, is your first feeling. If it wasn't right, it wasn't right. Then don't hesitate to let go...
Your not an ass, but you do seem pretty arrogant from that post. How is the girl going to get exposed to those things you mentioned if you shun her. She didn't seem to mind that you weren't into her stuff, yet you did with her. I love the Doors, but not the Beatles, I love rap, but not country, it wouldn't bother me if a chick had different tastes from me.

On the other hand, if a girl doesn't find Happy Gilmore funny, then she needs to go.:D
There's the thing though, I think I did consider myself better than her.
Pearl Harbour as quality art? Forget it. Anyone who thinks that is not as good a human being as me.
No, it's not even that, I just can't respect them. I can't respect anyoen with that cheap, manufactored a taste in art. It disturbs me.

Adam - there are levels. Just everyone views them differently. And some view them not at all. Entirely a subjective topic. I view myself as a better human being that a serial rapist. You, obviously, would not.

Banshee - she had heard The Beatles. She thought it was funny I liked them.
Kind of, it's hard to explain.

Part sounded like a "The Beatles? What are you, a 40 year old man?"
Part sounded like "Don't you like bands like Creed and Blink?"
Then perhaps the feeling was not right anyways. It happens, sadly enough, it happens though.

I think that it is doable though to have a different taste in Music. However, when I really think about it, I wouldn't want to listen to the kind of Music I really dispise.

Then again, I am 42, I do like newer Music also, although less than the Music from years, years back.

Maybe you did the right thing. Certainly as it plays such a big part in your life as it does in mine...
Originally posted by Tyler

Adam - there are levels. Just everyone views them differently. And some view them not at all. Entirely a subjective topic. I view myself as a better human being that a serial rapist. You, obviously, would not.
You were talking about dating, dude, not whether you are a rapist or not.

My last girlfriend liked a certain singer who I had never heard of at all before. Rather than get all snooty and think "I'm so much better and more mature than him", she simply introduced me to the music, which I now like very much.
"You were talking about dating, dude, not whether you are a rapist or not."

Okay. But you did say that no one human is above another.

"My last girlfriend liked a certain singer who I had never heard of at all before. Rather than get all snooty and think "I'm so much better and more mature than him", she simply introduced me to the music, which I now like very much."

She thought the beatles were geeky and wierd. I couldn't respect her.
You are not an ass for breaking up with her, you are an ass for lying to her about why you were breaking up with her.

Still, I couldn't bring myself to say "I don't want to be with you because your taste in art is made-for-teeny-bopper art (if you cna use that word)"
Knowing so little it is hard to make accurate, to the point comments.

I have, however run into this situtation of differences in life styles, and the lack of assoication with what one is familiar with.

Myself, it wasn't such a big thing. I was the one who didn't know the artists or the music. (Of course there were those things I knew the other didn't too) However this is small potatoes to those who wish to make a go of it.

It is the major things that are the difference. For instance, maybe you don't like the way the other takes a stance against you, or maybe you can not stand how the other spends their time or relates to you. These are far more important. The basics of how you relate. If these are the root of the problem, then it is better to look elsewhere.

It sounds to me like the lady may have been younger. Grew up in a different enviroment. It comes down to what you are happy with and what you can accept and not accept. You must follow your heart in these matters or you will never truely be happy.

Good luck in your quest, Tyler...
Depends. Have you been wrecking model Japanese cities?

Then probably not. I actually can't feel attraction for somone who isn't on my intellectual/emotional level.

Actual conversation between Xev and a hot guy:

(Standard chatter - fuck me! I said I was single.)

Him: "So what are you reading?"
Me: "The use of pleasure by Michael Foucault"
Him: "Oh. What's it about?"
Me: (Start chattering about Foucault's hypothesis of social control and harnessing of sexuality, the ancient Greeks and the power relations as they manifested in the man/youth pair bond - not in these words, of course)
Him: "So I thought you weren't taking summer classes"

Ty, you're on the road to becoming as pathetic as I am, only you'll never end up like me.

So, whatever. Do as you see fit, let your heart and conscience be your guide, [insert standard Hallmark advise].
i think you did the right thing. If you found that many differences in taste in one afternoon.. imagine how many you'd find in a week.. and how irritating they get.... opposites can attract.. but everything is only good in moderation.. (hehe i could post this whole reply into one big cliche.. haha) You saved hurting her feelings, and if things change.. left it open to persue a relationship with her later on down the road...
but on a personal note.. the movie momento was terrible.. the back and forth drove me nuts.. i didn't even finish watching it.... NOT as bad, however.. as the royal tennenbaums where they spend the whole time trying to get the borther and not-so-sister to hook up... didn't see the end of that either.
Nightmaster flex,

FINISH MEMENTO. That movie is great but becomes legendary when you finish it. Trust me on this one.

Tyler, to a small ant, yes, you are a monster.

But I think it would've been cool to try to make her your little protege, convert someone like her into someone like you, or (gasp)--DIE TRYING.
of all the things ive been called.. that is definately a new one. but anyhow.. maybe ill rent it again... another $4.. hmmmm... i wonder when it comes out on tv....
Nightfall, you and squid vicious are now brothers, in the way that I call you both ***master flex. Well, sorta...I guess...:bugeye:

It's worth it.
Originally posted by Adam
There are no friggin levels. You and her simply don't like the same stuff. You're not better than her, and she's not better than you.

I think there are levels, but not ones of better than someone else. If someone is more worldly and intelligent than someone else it is really hard to get along because they connot comprehend some of the things you can. It's not a matter of being better than someone else.