Alternative theories for UFO origins


Registered Senior Member
There are so many I could take alot of time to get into them all, but the one theory I find very fascinating is the theory that UFO's are not from other worlds but they are of terrestrial origin.

I've read a few articles about the so-called Indian "VIMANAS" that used to be cruise the skies of India in the days if the Aryans and King Ashoka, basically transportation for the elite.

So what I've read is that these ancient civilizations have retreated to the unseen areas of the world and are occasionally "seen" by you and me.

I think it's a fair theory.
good example....


heard & read a little. A little like hotrods of the gods


Many sightings in past history. Like paintings done by famed artists, with a true ufo painted in the background.

Many, many examples........
an old painting ( circa 1600's (?) ) in a church.

what could it be? looks like a sattelite!

thats a pretty nice idea..

im sure that the last civilisations figured that there would be times of solar upheavels and that establishing a home underground/underwater would be something nessicary for survival..

atlantis may have very well sank.. but who sank it?

and why.
Well it definately relates to the Lake Vostok controversy. I mean, what could be down there that "someone's" afraid of revealing?
Here are my speculations:

1. UFOs are from the future (I posted this 2 yrs ago in this forum)
2. From alternate dimensions, where each 3 dimensional space is separated by dark matter.
3. Blast from the past. May be you can not go back into the past but could go forward in to the future. We may have had several civilization on earth over the last 200 million years only to be destroyed by disasters.
4. A secret science project
5. Aliens from another area of the galaxy travelling through our space going somewhere.
6. Mass hallucinations
7. Same as six but human neural patterns affected by something electrical (emf) same manner as you dream. A fluke of nature, since UFOs are seen in good old days.
8. Add your ideas here.

By the way, I like the new look. This is the best.

Originally posted by Malaclypse
Well it definately relates to the Lake Vostok controversy. I mean, what could be down there that "someone's" afraid of revealing?
Lake Vostok? explain please. Thanx
In Antarctica, there is a lake that is actually underneath the ice-sheet. I think it's a few miles down but don't quote me on that. Anyway, scientists have discovered a huge magnetic anomoly in and around the west edge of the underground lake and some theories that are surfacing are as follow :

1- Discovered underground UFO Base.
2- Scientists uncovered secret US (or NATO) ops-station.
3- Something in the lake related to the supposed "pole-shift" was stumbled upon.
5- Proff that ancient civilization inhabited the continent of Antarctica many a millenia-ago.

NOTE : The main reason I find this whole situation intriguing is the fact the NSA has involved itself in this mess and has literally taken jurisdiction over the whole affair, escorting scientists and the like out of the area. WEIRD........

(enclosing a pic of Vostok area).
CHECK THIS OUT ! ! ! ! ! !

<b>I found this site while surfing a little while ago.</b>

<i> Haven't had the nerve to actually go to some of the more ????????...... ones ! ! ! !</i>

<font size="4">If one is into the AREA 51 stuff, then this has to be the best site that I've seen so far! ! ! !</font size>

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Hello all: I like to toy with the theory that _some_ UFOs
are fully automated / robotic probes, sent long ago from
other stars in this same Galaxy. By leaving live, more or less
natural ETs out of the picture, some of the logical difficulties
fall away. A long lived species might well have the patience
to wait decades or centuries for scientific data to be returned.

They could have indefinite life spans at home, stay there to
smell the roses and await the results of cybernetic craft sent
long before.

This also removes sci-fi gimmicks like faster-than-light travel,
extra dimensions, time travel and all that stuff. In short, it at
least sounds plausible, given "they" are far more advanced ..
as one might expect.

Heck, we are really new to this. Others should be _way_ more
advanced in science and tech.

Question: What will WE be doing in say 200 years, with
respect to interstellar exploration? Would we not search
out planets with oxygen in their atmospheres? Wouldn't
we send probes looking for life, and studying it in detail if
any is found?

Why shouldn't anyone else? We have no need for Hollywood
Sci-Fi scenarios. That was there to get your dates to cuddle
up at the movies. How about something more realistic?

Best wishes - Larry