Allah wants You to HELP Him. ;P


Ultra Electro Agnostic
Registered Senior Member

  • O ye who believe! If ye help Allah, He will help you and will make your foothold firm.

    And those who disbelieve, perdition is for them, and He will make their actions vain.

    -Quran 47:7-8

    O ye who believe! Be Allah's helpers, even as Jesus son of Mary said unto the disciples: Who are my helpers for Allah? They said: We are Allah's helpers. And a party of the Children of Israel believed, while a party disbelieved. Then We strengthened those who believed against their foe, and they became the uppermost.

    - Quran 61:14

If Allah was a true God then why in seven heavens would he go around asking people to help him??? And by the context of those verses he wants muslims to help him KILL or dominate people who dont believe the unfounded words & claims of the self proclaimed prophet called Mohammed. Doesnt this prove that Mohammed's version of God only exists in his imagination?
[deleted], this is saying pary and belief in Allah. it isn't literllay asking for help. becasue if Allah was then what does he want? he cant get anything from Mankind cos he can do it himself. if he did want to kill those [deleted](which he doesn;t) then dont you think he would of done it himself.

what a stupid argument. shows how desperate [deleted] are to hat on Islam. each thread you make loses its quality greatly. your emmbarrasing yourself.

and by the way [deleted]

wow, Dr. NO 100 posts. what a great way to use up your valuable life. you [deleted]. but me, defending Islam is fufilling my life. i will see the benifits in the next life.
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Such nasty language for a pious young man munim! Actually Dr. No is gaining points for paradise with every post and getting a substantial reduction in his income tax to boot :D
munim_786 said:
this is saying pary and belief in Allah. it isn't literllay asking for help.
think again. How would you help somebody if you don’t even believe he exists? No the context of that passage is war and allah, according to mohammed, was literally asking people to help him win the war.

In fact mohammed went so low as to sell the promise of salvation to those who would give their lives & money to the “cause”.

munim_786 said:
becasue if Allah was then what does he want? he cant get anything from Mankind cos he can do it himself. if he did want to kill those [deleted](which he doesn;t) then dont you think he would of done it himself.
You are begging the question here. Your question would only be valid if we assume that mohammad’s version of God (allah) was indeed god. Im sorry but we thinking non-believers will not assume anything without adequate evidences. And this quranic verse actually proves the opposite, that allah was either an embecile god who needs mortal help, or a totally false god who only exists in the imagination of the brain-washed.

munim_786 said:
what a stupid argument. shows how desperate [deleted] are to hat on Islam. each thread you make loses its quality greatly. your emmbarrasing yourself.
You wish. :D

and by the way [deleted]

wow, Dr. NO 100 posts. what a great way to use up your valuable life. you [deleted]. but me, defending Islam is fufilling my life. i will see the benifits in the next life.
You wish. Your futile efforts at helping your virtual god only serves to add spice to my exciting life. So be my guest, continue wasting your life for islam. ;)
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If Allah was a true God then why in seven heavens would he go around asking people to help him???
I suppose we could always ask Jesus.

That's what really cracks me up about the quote and the question.
tiassa said:
I suppose we could always ask Jesus.

That's what really cracks me up about the quote and the question.
HEH! Well said.

And this quranic verse actually proves the opposite, that allah was either an embecile god who needs mortal help, or a totally false god who only exists in the imagination of the brain-washed.
And the bible shows that God (Christian etc) is actually an imbecile who needed a mortal's help when he needed a mortal to give birth to his son. In fact, he was such a 'God' that he couldn't tell Mary himself that he knocked her up, instead he sent an angel to pass on the message. Yeah.. 'he da man'... :rolleyes: If you're going to pick on one aspect of religious belief NO, don't leave out all the other idiocies of all other religions. But then, I forget, you only hate the Muslim God. :rolleyes:
To hell with the bible for all I care. It is irrelevant here. Create your own threads about that if you wish.

Also Im just one guy. The most effective thing I could contribute to humanity is attack the most dangerous religion threatening our future.
DoctorNO said:
To hell with the bible for all I care. It is irrelevant here. Create your own threads about that if you wish.

Also Im just one guy. The most effective thing I could contribute to humanity is attack the most dangerous religion threatening our future.
Ok I have to ask. Hypothetically speaking, what if ALL the Muslims converted to Christianity. Whatever would you do with your time? People like you and Vienna, what or who would you whine about then? Would you then turn on Christianity? Hindus? Jews? I swear, I think that if you and the likes of Vienna farted too much in one day you'd blame the Muslims. Get a life! Do you know what I see as threatening our future? People such as you and the Bush's of the world. I see those such as you and them (Bush and his kind) as a bigger threat to my future than anyone or any group on this planet.
Bells said:
Ok I have to ask. Hypothetically speaking, what if ALL the Muslims converted to Christianity. Whatever would you do with your time? People like you and Vienna, what or who would you whine about then? Would you then turn on Christianity? Hindus? Jews? I swear, I think that if you and the likes of Vienna farted too much in one day you'd blame the Muslims.

I think Id go attacking the Church of Scientology next. One at a time, eh? :)

Bells said:
Get a life!
I love my life, thank you. :D

Bells said:
Do you know what I see as threatening our future? People such as you and the Bush's of the world. I see those such as you and them (Bush and his kind) as a bigger threat to my future than anyone or any group on this planet.

You forgot to say why.
DoctorNO said:
You forgot to say why.
Why? I'd have thought it was obvious. Because he and his kind are hateful, greedy little prats who's only interest is in attaining wealth, regardless of the cost to humanity or the environment. They put their pockets and their greed before any notion of human decency. Hate breeds more hate and it's a never ending cycle.
Christianity, Judaism & Hinduism are pretty ok by what they are today. Their adherents are peaceful and actually helpful. People like Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, etc.
Bells said:
Why? I'd have thought it was obvious. Because he and his kind are hateful, greedy little prats who's only interest is in attaining wealth, regardless of the cost to humanity or the environment. They put their pockets and their greed before any notion of human decency. Hate breeds more hate and it's a never ending cycle.

I think Bush meant well but made the wrong decisions. He thought Saddam was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction and attacked him based on such false Intelligence.

But hey you said Bush AND DoctorNO. What do I have to do with any of that?

And is all forms of hate negative? Is it wrong to hate wrongs & dangerous idelogogies like Nazism? You must understand that. Islam is wrong because it is intolerant, discrimatory, sexist and anti-freedom. All this for a false assumption that islam came from a god. You can see Islam's bad fruit all around the planet & the planet's history. There can be no peace while islam is around. And each and every muslim contributes to the power of islam. I would be most happy if i help prevent a couple of people into converting into this false & dangerous religion. converting a muslim is just a bonus.
DoctorNO said:
I think Bush meant well but made the wrong decisions. He thought Saddam was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction and attacked him based on such false Intelligence.
Oh my. Ermm never mind. Bush meant well... LMAO! Ah that's a classic...

But hey you said Bush AND DoctorNO. What do I have to do with any of that?
No I said people who hate as you hate. Those who think like you and believe like you do.

And is all forms of hate negative? Is it wrong to hate wrongs & dangerous idelogogies like Nazism?
I think you know what and how I meant it. And to tell you the truth, I find your ideology and others who think as you do just as dangerous and similar to Nazism. You single out one group of people for their belief. You see them as evil and being less than you. You call their God a false God, therefore their beliefs are false and flawed. You denigrate and insult them and put them down, much like the Nazis put down the Jews. You refer to Nazism as being bad, yet your comments on Islam is very similar to Nazi thoughts and beliefs.

You must understand that. Islam is wrong because it is intolerant, discrimatory, sexist and anti-freedom.
And you are intolerant, discriminatory and wish to deny them their freedom of believing in their God. So that would make you just as, if not more, wrong.

All this for a false assumption that islam came from a god. You can see Islam's bad fruit all around the planet & the planet's history. There can be no peace while islam is around. And each and every muslim contributes to the power of islam.
Refer to above on my comments about Nazism.
Bells this is becoming way off topic. Ill just create a thread for this kind of discussion. :)
Putting down islam is wrong? Geez...and I thought the muslims were doing a pretty good job putting down the christians.