Allah signed the tsunami


I sa'id so
Registered Senior Member
allah/god * signed the tsunami,,2-10-1777_1645055,00.html so my hats of to

The Holy Prophet said: "It is written in the Turah: 'I am Allah, the killer of murderers and distractor of fornicators."

Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 554

Imam Sadiq [a] said: "There are six effects for a fornicator, three of which are in this world and the other three will be in the next world. Those that occur in this world are: taking the honour of the person and defaming the one; causing the one to become poor; and shortening the length of life, (i.e. hastening one's death). Then, those which will be in the Hereafter are: the wrath of Allah, graveness in Reckoning, and residing in Fire eternally."

Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 541

The Holy Prophet said again from the Turah:

"O' people, do not commit fornication because your wives will do the same, too. That which you sow, you will reap." (The same as you do will be done to you).

Al-Kafi, vol.5, p.554

The Holy Prophet said: "...He who embraces a woman who is unlawful (haram) to him, will be bound by a chain of fire alongwith Satan and both will be thrown into Hell."

Man La Yahduruhul Faqih, vol. 4, p. 14

Once, 'Ammar ibn Musa asked Imam Sadiq [a] about commiting sexual intercourse with beasts or masterbation by the hand or other limbs of one's ownself, and he [a] replied: "Any form of these kinds and the like of them by which man pours forth his water, is (considered as) fornication (and it is unlawful)."

AI-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 541

The Holy Prophet said: "Cursed is he, cursed is he who copulates with beasts."

AI-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 270

The Holy Prophet said: "Lesbianism between themselves is (the same as) fornication."

Kanz-ul-'Ummal, vol. 5, p. 316

that whole tieing the tsunami in with gods wrath is just beyond belief. I had read that some imams were claiming it was punishment for sex tourism and celebrating christmas. I don't think there were many people, if any practicing either in the area hardest hit. I had also heard some christians (haven't seen any news stories to back it up) claiming that the few christians left in Aceh province had been forced to celebrate christmas in the hills further inland and they of course claim they were spared while the muslims suffered gods wrath for ignoring christmas..ho ho ho :rolleyes: Where does it all end?
mustafhakofi said:
The Holy Prophet said: "It is written in the Turah: 'I am Allah, the killer of murderers and distractor of fornicators."

Meh, not particularly impressive. Maybe if this Allah character were the fornicator of distractors, or something...
I don't understand your point, mustafakofi. What has any of that got to do with the tsunami?
nothing really, all you see on these boards, infact the whole net, is allah the merciful, allah the X etc...and Pbuh, I was born a muslim, and this thing is no way good just like the biblical god, and yes I know there the same. the religions not good either.
I'm just pointing out, how islamic fools can believe, such stupidity, and how it says in the qu'ran how nasty allah is to.
that Pbuh, should be Mltme(more lowly than my excreta).
and yes I know it should'nt bother me, being an atheist, but it bothers me how it makes others react.
so if I can make that clear to just one person, I'm on a winning team.
After reading this:
mustafhakofi said:
allah/god * signed the tsunami,,2-10-1777_1645055,00.html so my hats of to

The Holy Prophet said: "It is written in the Turah: 'I am Allah, the killer of murderers and distractor of fornicators."

Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 554

Imam Sadiq [a] said: "There are six effects for a fornicator, three of which are in this world and the other three will be in the next world. Those that occur in this world are: taking the honour of the person and defaming the one; causing the one to become poor; and shortening the length of life, (i.e. hastening one's death). Then, those which will be in the Hereafter are: the wrath of Allah, graveness in Reckoning, and residing in Fire eternally."

Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 541

The Holy Prophet said again from the Turah:

"O' people, do not commit fornication because your wives will do the same, too. That which you sow, you will reap." (The same as you do will be done to you).

Al-Kafi, vol.5, p.554

The Holy Prophet said: "...He who embraces a woman who is unlawful (haram) to him, will be bound by a chain of fire alongwith Satan and both will be thrown into Hell."

Man La Yahduruhul Faqih, vol. 4, p. 14

Once, 'Ammar ibn Musa asked Imam Sadiq [a] about commiting sexual intercourse with beasts or masterbation by the hand or other limbs of one's ownself, and he [a] replied: "Any form of these kinds and the like of them by which man pours forth his water, is (considered as) fornication (and it is unlawful)."

AI-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 541

The Holy Prophet said: "Cursed is he, cursed is he who copulates with beasts."

AI-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 270

The Holy Prophet said: "Lesbianism between themselves is (the same as) fornication."

Kanz-ul-'Ummal, vol. 5, p. 316


I would never have guessed this:
mustaphakofi said:
being an atheist
Life goes on after any disaster, "with" or "without" god. But are you saying Woody, that the whole tragic disaster was somehow worth it or o.k. because of one supposedly Allah inspired happy outcome?

Wouldn't allah be more inclined to punish a place NOT overrun with [deleted] muslims?
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wasn't there an image of jesus on a nacho or something aswell?its easy to make gullible people see what they want to see.
streched said,

Life goes on after any disaster, "with" or "without" god. But are you saying Woody, that the whole tragic disaster was somehow worth it or o.k. because of one supposedly Allah inspired happy outcome?

No I'm not saying that. I am not in the position to be the judge, but neither is anyone else.

Why do atheists always look at the negative side of everything? Why does bad news sell newspapers? Why do people want to watch movies and tv shows where everything is all screwed up? It's just human nature, and there is something wrong with it.
But are you saying Woody, that the whole tragic disaster was somehow worth it or o.k
Are you implying, stretched, that the whole "tragic disaster" was somehow not ok?
That's rich.
mustafhakofi said:

you may be an atheist, but to all who are involved in islam, I say that not only is it a false religion, but also a weak imitation, if they had not had an army of fanatical warriors to 'spread islam by the sword', it would have died a slow death, probably what will happen now, now that islam has been exposed as an intolerant religion, a religion that holds people back into the 7th century, since it froze that period as the 'standard of thought, action, morals, customs, etc..." & unable to live in a modern world, or change for the future
By Abu Iman Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires. © Muslim Answers
Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word "Allah". For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for "God" - and there is only One God.
the problem with islam is, that it is totally false, the name 'allah' is the ancient arabic name for the crescent-moon god of Mecca, the same 'alla' that was married to 'allat' & had daughters named "al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat".
see below:
It is an undeniable fact of history that before Muhammed was born, the moon god "al-Ilah" (Allah) had three daughters named al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat. The first two were even named after their father. Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca, where Allah's shrine was located.
We have already cited evidence that these deities were all in place before Muhammed. Now, we need to examine more carefully one last thing about Mecca and the local environment. That is, we need to get to know Allah and Allat better as husband and wife.
First, the claim of Muhammed and Islam, that Allah is a god without a physical body or representation, does not hold up under examination. Arabic, like many of the languages of the world, gives male and female gender to nouns, and it genderizes the verbs to harmonize with the noun or subject they modify. In "Fatiha," the opening Sura in Al Koran, the Sura consists of only twenty-nine Arabic words, the masculine gender is used in twenty-six words, twelve applying to Haji Allah.

Let there be no doubt - Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus - peace be upon them all.
not true, muslims worship the god of mecca, a thousand miles away from Palestine (the Land of Abraham, David & Jesus), Mohammad would never have known about the real God, except form his wife Khadijah, her relatives & his time around the caravan storytellers campfires
see below:
In addition, Muhammad may have been influenced by Khadija’s Ebonite Christian
background, as well as Nestorian Christianity, and some knowledge of Judaism.
Ebionitism : The idea that Jesus was a human being and not at all divine, but Jesus was given certain charismatic gifts by God's spirit which set him apart from other people. Because of what God gave Him, Jesus was deemed the Messiah or Christ, but that meant only that He was chosen by God, not that He was savior of all humankind. The Law of Moses was still what counts with God. The earliest Ebionites apparently came from Jewish Christian circles, since they reportedly used a version of the Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew. The church rejected the idea behind it possibly as early as 100 AD.

However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims - like Jews - reject the Christian beliefs of the Trinity and the Divine Incarnation. This, however, doesn't mean that each of these three religions worships a different God - because, as we have already said, there is only One True God.
actually, Jews & Christians worship the same God, islam worships the false god of mecca, they even kept the black stone & the qaba & other pagan rituals associated with that fallen idol

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim to be "Abrahamic Faiths", and all of them are also classified as "monotheistic".
Abraham would recognize Judaism & Christianity, but islam would be foreign idolatry to him

However, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas.
the only distortion is from islam, Mohammad came later & jealous of the place of the Jews, he founded a religion that would place arabs in high status, a religion whose god speaks only arabic, was started by an arab, is worshiped at a shrine in Arabia, demands a pilgrimage to Arabia, gives arabic names to its adherents, so therefor it must be an arabic religion!

First of all, it is important to note that "Allah" is the same word that Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use for God. If you pick up an Arabic Bible, you will see the word "Allah" being used where "God" is used in English. This is because "Allah" is the only word in the Arabic language equivalent to the English word "God" with a capital "G".
that is a convention forced on all Jews & Christians that lived in muslim-dominated lands, forced by the religious & military authorities, why would jews or christians use an arabic-loan word for a God would already gave His Name as "I AM" ( in hebrew 'YHWH')
He is the same G-d as the G-d of the Old Testament, whose name is: I AM THAT I AM! Baruch Ha Shem! Blessed be His Name!
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Randolfo said:
you may be an atheist, but to all who are involved in islam, I say that not only is it a false religion, but also a weak imitation, if they had not had an army of fanatical warriors to 'spread islam by the sword', it would have died a slow death, probably what will happen now, now that islam has been exposed as an intolerant religion, a religion that holds people back into the 7th century, since it froze that period as the 'standard of thought, action, morals, customs, etc..." & unable to live in a modern world, or change for the future

the problem with islam is, that it is totally false, the name 'allah' is the ancient arabic name for the crescent-moon god of Mecca, the same 'alla' that was married to 'allat' & had daughters named "al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat".
see below:

not true, muslims worship the god of mecca, a thousand miles away from Palestine (the Land of Abraham, David & Jesus), Mohammad would never have known about the real God, except form his wife Khadijah, her relatives & his time around the caravan storytellers campfires
see below:

actually, Jews & Christians worship the same God, islam worships the false god of mecca, they even kept the black stone & the qaba & other pagan rituals associated with that fallen idol

Abraham would recognize Judaism & Christianity, but islam would be foreign idolatry to him

the only distortion is from islam, Mohammad came later & jealous of the place of the Jews, he founded a religion that would place arabs in high status, a religion whose god speaks only arabic, was started by an arab, is worshiped at a shrine in Arabia, demands a pilgrimage to Arabia, gives arabic names to its adherents, so therefor it must be an arabic religion!

that is a convention forced on all Jews & Christians that lived in muslim-dominated lands, forced by the religious & military authorities, why would jews or christians use an arabic-loan word for a God would already gave His Name as "I AM" ( in hebrew 'YHWH')

Oh it's Randolfo again. Oh nooooooo!!!!! :D

Peace be unto you :)

I am saying, it`s not o.k. If you have ever lost a loved one, you would understand that. Christians have a habit of finding an explanation for destructive "acts of a loving god" by throwing out titbits of good luck stories, as if that changes anything at all.