allah--Al Illah al Hilal Jack--Chick needs to brush up his Arabic!

GB-GIL Trans-global

Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member

If you take a look at what Allah means in Arabic...

it is constructed this way: "al", the definite article (like English "the"), and "illah", meaning god (as in, one god out of many). Al Illah means the god, as in the only god, the one god. Al Illah is slurred together to become the name Allah. (that's why there are two LAMs when if it were not a contraction there should only be one)

Also, the first time they show that kid's face... HE LOOKS LIKE A FRIGGIN' DEMON!!!
Hey Randolfo , is that where you always got your information from ? :p

GB-GIL , what exactly do you mean with :
that's why there are two LAMs when if it were not a contraction there should only be one

Im not sure I understand weither you assert that the 2 Lam are because of the merge of *Al* & *Illah* ? Could you elaborate more on what you mean ?

As far as I know there are several theories :

1)The link with Allatu , the stern queen of the infernal regions . In ancient Babylon she was the Goddess of the nether regions, of darkness and desolation, as her counterpart Ishtar was the chief goddess of the upper regions, of reproduction and fertility, associated with the planet Venus.

A very good read is : Ancient Forms of {Pre-Qu'ranic} Pagan Worship

An even better read is The Religion of Babylon & Assyria

One should remeber however , when dealing with ancient scriptures and history , that most western accademic (especially classical) texts (as such) oftenly show an approach of very poor quality that suffers from racism , mis-interpertation and oftenly even mistranslation of concepts under study .

Anyways this theory understands Allah to have derrived from Alla which derrived from Allatu .

2)The MoonGod . Alla(h) was how one of the deity's (a questionable way to call the statues) of the Ka'aba .

Surely this is Chick's approach , and a similar one is found

Or for an even better read , Allah Divine or Demonic

Do remember they're all full of attempts to refute Islam as a Judeo-Christian religion , ofcourse that doesnt mean they're attempts arent usefull to gain knowledge on the semantical origin of things ..... or at least a better historical understanding.

The MoonGod idea is based on Ba' (Lord)
In about 850BC during King Achab's ruling , prophet Elia fights the followers of Ba' , the God of Babylon , according to the bible .
There are theories that Ba' comes from BA'ILI . And then it is sayd that IL , comes from IL the God Of Babyl & Sumer .

Ba's queen was Ba'ilat , and the idea is that both names contributed to the name of Allah .

Within the Pantheon , it was Moongod Hubal who was the Most High , and a period follows in whitch Allah replaces becomes the Most High . Before this time , Allah was also used as a pre-name for the Most High God of the Tribe .

The Moongod is Ismaels Moongod , and Ismaels offspring were heathens in the monotheistic sense of the word . Untill Muhammad , Ismaels offspring , the Arabs , fight the Christians & Jews (Isaacs) for their Moongod Allah .

3)More importantly than a historical understanding might be the actual practice , and today ofcourse this approach of Islam is in the same line as Christianity and Judaism . Perhaps that is why one might consider this a questionable approach , however it does show how the *Al*Illah* form has established itself . To conventional Muslims this is a desired approach to prove the link to Abraham through the Judeo-Christian way .

4)A Sufi approach is one of Ahmad Hulussi , who explains the Qu'ran contradicts Allah to have its base in Illah . This is based on the understanding of *La Illaha Ill Allah* (there is no God but Allah) . The theory is based on the mistranslation of *Ill* into *But* , when it should be *Only* .

All 4 theories are propaganda , that is because everything has bias in its way of reasoning . That doesnt mean they are incorrect , just that they have great potential to be full of shit when the situation requires this for an issue other than what we're dealing with right here , semantics .

What I consider very insightfull , is not just the origin of a pronounciation heard somewhere , but how this pronounciation is written in the Qu'ran . Allah contains 4 Arabic letters and 3 symbols ( Flores maybe you can help me out what they are called as I forgot ..... Tajwuud ..... something , there are 3 correct ? ) The symbols are for pronounciation purposes , ofcourse pronounciation differs logically when meaning of pronounciation differs , surely nobody ever heard of this so its dealt with as not relevant enough ........ this reflects the translations .

As far as the letters go I can quote Wesmorris (where did you get this from Wes ?) from another thread who has put it perfectly :

The name 'Allah' which encompasses the ninety-nine Names and Attributes consists of four letters, Alif, Lam, Lam and the same Hah (ALLAH). The people of Sufism say that the absolute unseen Essence of Allah Exalted and Almighty is expressed by the last letter vowelized by the Alif, "Ha." It represents the Absolutely Unseen "He-ness" of the Exalted God (Ghayb al-Huwiyya al-Mutlaqa lillah 'azza wa jall). The first Lam is for the sake of identification (tacrif) and the second Lam is for the sake of emphasis (mubalagha).

Safeguarding your breath from heedlessness will lead you to complete Presence, and complete Presence will lead you to complete Vision, and complete Vision will lead you to complete Manifestation of Allah's Ninety-Nine Names and Attributes. Allah leads you to the Manifestation of His Ninety-Nine Names and Attributes and all His other Attributes, because it is said, "Allah's Attributes are as numerous as the breaths of human beings."

It must be known by everyone that securing the breath from heedlessness is difficult for seekers. Therefore they must safeguard it by seeking forgiveness (istighfar) because seeking forgiveness will purify it and sanctify it and prepare the seeker for the Real Manifestation of Allah everywhere.

This is what the teaches about the essence of Alif Lam Lam Hah (Allah) .

I think Chick is not the only one who needs to upgrade his-her Qu'ranic Arabic , I think we all do .