All That Lies Between (Energy)


Valued Senior Member
All That Lies Between (Energy)

Many wonder how it is that everything goes on, sometimes orderly, sometimes seemingly haphazardly, from nature’s growth and decay to civilizations rising and falling.

It is all from one cause, the dispersal and association of energy in time, its quality altering, but not its quantity. Since there is time, everything can’t happen all at once, but things must happen, for energy is of the balanced realm in which and where energy events have to be orderly enough to take form, but not so much frozen that they cannot change.

A longer analysis will follow, in the next post.
It is a beauty and a brilliance flashing up in its destructance; for, everything isn’t here to stay its “best”; it’s merely there to die in its sublimeness. Like slow fires making their brands, it breeds; yet, ever consumes and moves on, as more it feeds, then spreads forth anew, this unpurposed dispersion, an inexorable emergence with little reversion, ever becoming of its glorious excursions through the change that patient time restrains, and feasting upon the glorious decayed remains, in its progressive march through losses for gains.

We have oft described the causeless—that which was always never the less, as well as the beginnings of our quest, and, too, will have detailed, in the rarest of glimpses, the slowing end of all of “forever’s” chances; so, then, we must now turn our attention keen to all of the action that’s here in-between—all that’s going on, and has gone before, out to the furthest reaches “ever-more”; for, everything that ever happens, including life and all our questions—meaning every single event ever gone on of both the animate and the non—is but from a single theme played upon.

This, then, is of the simplest analysis of all, for it heeds mainly just one call—that of the second law: dispersion, the means for each and every occasion, from the closest to the farthest range—that which makes anything change. These changes range from the simple, such as a bouncing ball resting still or ice melting that gives up its chill, to the more complex, such as digestion, growth, death, and even reproduction.

There is excessively subtle change, as well, such as the formations of opinions tell and the creation or rejections of the will. And, yet, all these kinds of changes, of course, still become of one simple, common source, which is the underlying collapse into chaos—the destiny of energy’s unmotivated non purpose. All that appears to us to be motive and purpose is in fact ultimately motiveless, without purpose; even aspirations and their achievement’s ways have fed on, and come about through, the decay. The deepest structure of change is but decay; although, it’s not the quantity of energy’s say that causes decay, but the quality, for it strays. Energy that is localized is potent to effect change, and, in the course of causing change, it ranges, spreading, and becoming chaotically distributed, losing its quality but never of its quantity rid.

The key to all this, as we will see, is that it goes though stages wee, and so it doesn’t disperse all at once as might one’s paycheck before a month. This harnessed decay results not only for civilizations, but for all the events going fore in the world and the universe beyond, it accounting for all discernible change, of all that ever gets so rearranged; for, the quality of all this energy kinged declines, the universe unwinding, as a spring. Chaos may temporarily recede, quality building up for a need, as when cathedrals are built, or forms, and when symphonies are performed; but, these are but local deceits, born of our own conceits; for, deeper in the world of kinds the spring inescapably unwinds, driving its energy away—as all is being driven by decay.

The quality of energy meant is of its dispersal’s extent; when it is totally precipitate, it destroys; but when it’s gait is geared through chains of events it can produce civilization’s tenants. Ultimately, energy naturally, spontaneously, and chaotically disperses, causing change, irreversibly. Think of a crowd of atoms jostling, at first as a vigorous motion happening in some corner of the atomic crowd; they hand on their energy, loud, inducing close neighbors to jostle, too, and soon the jostling disperses, too—the irreversible change but the potion of the random, motiveless motions.

And such does hot metal cool, as atoms swirl, there being so many atoms in the world outside it than in the block metal itself; entropy’s statisticals average themselves. The illusions of purpose lead us to think that there are reasons, of some motive link, why one change occurs and not another, and even that there are reasons that cover specific changes in locations of energy, the energy choosing to go there, intentionally, such as a purpose for a change in structure, this being as such as the opening of a flower; yet, this should not be confused with energy achieving to be there, in that specific bower, since, at root, of all the “power”, even that of the root of the flower, that there is, is the degradation by dispersal, this being mostly non reversible, and universal.

The energy is always still spreading, thencely, even to some temporarily located density—an illusion of specific change in some region rearranged, but, actually, it’s just lingering there, “discovering”, until new opportunities arise for “exploring”, the consequences but of random opportunity, beneath which, purpose still vanishes entirely.

Events are the manifestations of overriding probability’s instantiations—of all of the events of nature, of every sod, from the bouncing ball to conceptions of Gods, of even free will, evolution, and all ambition; for, they’re of our simple idea’s elaborations; although, for the latter stated there and such for that as warfare, their intrinsic simplicity is buried more deeply. And yet, though sometimes concealed away, the spring of all creation is just decay, the consequence and “instruction” of the natural tendency to corruption. Love or war become as factions through the agency of chemical reactions, all actions being the chains of reactions, whether thinking, doing, or rapt in attention, for all is of chemical reaction.

At its most rudimentary bottom, chemical reactions are rearrangement of atoms, these being species of molecules, that, with perhaps additions and deletions then go on to constitute another one, by fate, although, they sometimes only change shape, but, too, can be consumed and torn apart, either as a whole or in part; so cruel, a source of atoms for another molecule. Molecules have neither motive nor purpose to act—neither an inclination to go on to react nor any urge to remain unreacted; so, then, why do reactions occur, if unacted?

Molecules are but loosely structured and so they can be easily ruptured, for reactions may occur if the process energy norm is degraded into a more dispersed and chaotic form, and, so, as they usually are always constantly subject to the tendency to lose energy as the “abject” jostling carries it away to the surroundations, reactions being misadventure’s transformations, it then being that some transient arrangements may suddenly be “frozen” into “permanences” as the energy leaps away to other “experiences”.

So, molecules are a stage in which the play goes on—but not so fast that the forms cannot seize upon; but, really, why do molecules have such fragility, for, if their atoms were as tightly bound as nuclei, then the universe would have died, being frozen, long before the awakening the forms “chosen”, or, if molecules were as totally free to react every single time they touched a neighbor’s pact then all events would have taken place so rapidly and so very crazily and haphazardly that the rich attributes of the world we know would not have had the time to grow.

Ah, but is it all of the necessitated restraint, for it ever takes time the scene to paint, as such as in the unfolding of a leaf—the endurations for any stepping feat, as of the emergence of consciousness and the paused ends of energy’s restlessness: is of the controlled consequence of collapse rather than one that’s wholly precipitous. So, now all is known, of our here’s and nows within this parentheses of the eternal bough, as well as the why and how of it all has come, and of our universe’s end—but, that others become.

(The lines above, being like molecules, warmed, continually broke apart and reformed about the rhymes which tried to be nonintrusions, eventually all flexibly stabilizing to conclusion.)
a) it's no analysis b) it's not science c) instantly forgettable That's a whole 3 minutes of life wasted. Why?
Scientific formulas will remain somewhat dull and sterile if we don’t attempt to envision what is going on, demonstrating the larger picture in reality.

Some responders here may think that free thoughts can’t be related here; but that is a wrong stance, for this is the place.

Energy’s doings is up for discussion here, and I don’t believe that is impossible.

Yes, energy, not some Deepak Chopra woo-woo of conscious being all, or something like that, or what we see in the religious threads.

(Look for one final thread to complete the trilogy of the beginning, the middle, and the end of All.)