all religions should unite


not totally merge into 1 it would ruin culture and history, but it should all be pieced together in a religious structure from all over the world teaching peace and cooperation, love and compassion and build towards helping humanity wildlife and the natural world progress and advance into an age of unity,

all religions preach love peace good nature and respect, the main rules are the same and together they are stronger and have a larger voice than alone as individuals,

i have more to say but thats cool for a starting to this thread, reply?

humans dont operate that way, we are individualistic beings with elements of being solitary, no matter how hard we fight it we were not meant to live in total cooperation. we are by nature figthers, which is how we surivived as a species and of course can be very detrimieintal even to the point fo annhialation.

htere are exceptions but this is due to personality traits. for one thing the vmere suggestion of universality is enough to satart riots. even if there was unity there would quikily be dissisention and factions formering fairly quiickly iirresopective of religious beliefs. furthermore people hate to be told what to do unless all elements of sameness are satisisfied. we can change but it has to be voluntary without the aforemenetioned criteria.

this is goining to be hard to readm, usaullay i use a spell checker but mostily go thought every word manually (very slow) but i figured id leave ti. i add letterers and get them in the wrong place often, even when io read or write. i am happy i dont stutter.

that being said, religion will allways contain differing viewpoints. it contains fundamental elements that can never be fully proven. for this reason religiona and evolution will allways be inextricable in debate forums.
yeah but im not saying the whole earth population just the religious folk, because they want exactly this anyway so why not unite,

i will start by wearing muslim mandress a bindi on my forehead a turbin on my head bhuddist prayer beads with the wheel of life around my wrists, a cross on a chain arounf my neck with the greek gods tattooed on my body thors hammer strapped to my back with a chanukha candle in my hand singin old taoist folk songs to a mandolin,

wanna join ?
i dont see much difference between relaigious people and non-religious. its just a matter of faith, as far as i know everyone has faith in somethoing.

but i do like the concept of a supernatatural belief system and the ceremonies that go along with them.

also you would still be stuck with rekigious against atheist, and that would hardlky be fair.
ill join sounds good, make me head monk, or abbot, i can teach the homeless shaolin gong fu, or how to wield exotic weaponry?

seriously sounds good

all religions preach love peace good nature and respect, the main rules are the same and together they are stronger and have a larger voice than alone as individuals,
That's not true.

But even if you could find a lowest common denominator among religions, it just couldn't work in practice.
not totally merge into 1 it would ruin culture and history, but it should all be pieced together in a religious structure from all over the world teaching peace and cooperation, love and compassion and build towards helping humanity wildlife and the natural world progress and advance into an age of unity...

But existing religions contradict each other in terms of fundamental principles and beliefs. You'll never get a Muslim to agree that Jesus is God. You'll never get a Christian to believe in more than one god.

all religions preach love peace good nature and respect...

No, they don't.

the main rules are the same

No, they are very different.
Well we are ALL in this together. And as sad as it may seem to some we are all one, with many parts. There is only one creator many call hin many different things. There is only one enemy and he has many agents.
We are all 2 part beings, we have the light force of the creator and we have the ego, the enemy.

When we finally realize this, the only way out of here is to seriously love our neighbor as ourself. The longer we are cold and inconsiderate and downright ugly, the more we will suffer, and the more pain we will experience.

It is enevitable, we are all destined for the same place. There is no one that can change the plans of the creator, no one who can thwart him, and no one who can overrule him. So things will be the way he has decided. We will be where he decides. Resistance is futile. It is just a matter of the amount of pain you want to experience before you get where you actually already are,
but to you you cant see you have arrived yet.

With the creator there is NO time and NO space. Time and Space are an illusion. Humanity is all ONE. Much in the same way a human body is one
but is full of all sorts of different part and cells and functions.

We all affect each other. Until we learn to treat each other as we ourselves would like to be treated and then act on it we will be here struggling to get out of this world which overflows with pain and suffering.
Buddhism is the best answer. It teaches to look within instead of to rely on outside forces.

There's some sketchy stuff some believe like reincarnation.

But if you skip all that, and look within, it should be the only "religion" anyone needs.
rrram2;1244348]Well we are ALL in this together. And as sad as it may seem to some we are all one, with many parts. There is only one creator many call hin many different things. There is only one enemy and he has many agents.

M*W: While I agree with your sentiments, your idea of "one creator" and "one enemy" seem a bit childish. It's like telling a small child about Santa Claus. Same lie, over and over.

We are all 2 part beings, we have the light force of the creator and we have the ego, the enemy.

M*W: We have biomedical energy. That's all. It is our life force. It's what makes us tick. There is no dark force. That's a lie. It's what we make of our lives. Some may appear to be dark, some may appear to be light. I hope that I have shown my light, especially on this forum. I know that I do not have a dark energy.

When we finally realize this, the only way out of here is to seriously love our neighbor as ourself. The longer we are cold and inconsiderate and downright ugly, the more we will suffer, and the more pain we will experience.

M*W: Of course, I couldn't agree with you more. This sentiment does not require a creator being nor an evil being. This is simple human nature, and atheists everywhere will agree with me on this. Atheists still have compassion and a loving nature.

It is enevitable, we are all destined for the same place.

M*W: Can you describe where that "place" may be? Personally, I don't think there is anyplace that we go after death. All we have is our life. That's all. We don't go anywhere after our death. That is the only chance we get.
There is no one that can change the plans of the creator, no one who can thwart him, and no one who can overrule him. So things will be the way he has decided. We will be where he decides. Resistance is futile. It is just a matter of the amount of pain you want to experience before you get where you actually already are,
but to you cant see you have arrived yet.

M*W: I totally disagree. There is no "creator." How could there be? We have evolved in a natural progression. That's all. "Resistance" is not possible. "Resistance" is what scientists call "mutation." That's all.

With the creator there is NO time and NO space. Time and Space are an illusion. Humanity is all ONE. Much in the same way a human body is one but is full of all sorts of different part and cells and functions.

M*W: Why does a creator need to exist for "no time and space?" It just doesn't make sense. Man created the science of "time" and man incorporated it with "space" as he knew it. No creators need apply!

We all affect each other. Until we learn to treat each other as we ourselves would like to be treated and then act on it we will be here struggling to get out of this world which overflows with pain and suffering.

M*W: There's absolutely "no getting out of this world." There's nowhere to go! Think about it. We are here on our own volition and that of our parents. We must make the best of it while we're here. All we have is today. We don't have yesterday, and we don't have tomorrow. All we have is today. No creator makes that. We do. Atheists concur with your sentiments. We treat each other like we want to be treated. We love our fellow man, and we take responsibility for each other. Personally, I just don't see a difference.

Welcome to sciforums Religion forum. I think you have potential, and I am so glad you posted.

Happy Atheism to you and your Family!