

From what I gather aliens are actually a psycho-social phenomena that developed recently in our culture. Many researches claim this to be due to the actual abductions taking place, in that as more occur the greater the interaction that occurs with humanity as a whole. So then we must ask ourselves is television the real driving force for sightings, abductions, etc. taking hold or is it that there are simply more of them?

I must honestly inquire as to whether or not abductions are occuring, but then to I must decide if they can be dealt with by our species. So I ask what precisely do all you think?
I think you've been really busy working out how to start topics without actually using polls.

As for the actual topic which I guess needs an addition, to me it seems as you say psycho-social, I think everything that people claim to be alien related is psychological and exists for one reason or another. Either they want to make their lives more interesting and fullfilling or something more exotic is creating the delusion. (Like mind control for instance)
I think everything that people claim to be alien related is psychological and exists for one reason or another. Either they want to make their lives more interesting and fullfilling or something more exotic is creating the delusion. (Like mind control for instance)

Are you saying all UFO witnesses, including astronauts and presidents like Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, lead uninteresting unfulfilling lives?

A little simplistic.
Witnesses? Did you ever hear any of the US presidents state they saw an alien (Other than Bush with a guy in Alien Drag)

Politicians are notorious for being boring with anything they do, the only time people listen to them is when they have something interesting to say and that usually means finding something that is publically acknowledged as being interesting.

As for Astronauts, don't you think that the press themselves would be grilling them for anything out of the ordinary for the sheer purpose of sensationalism. Isn't it seen the number of times that such (bad) press merchants push Buzz Aldrin to the point of physically expressing his distaste to their methods of questioning?

Those "Witnesses" you imply to be so "truthful" (to my knowledge it's a politicians job to lie well) can't really be held as evidence producers at all.

"Simplistic" is point up to the sky and saying you saw an alien as soon as you spot some heavenly artifact.
Carter for sure, and I think Reagan also, reported seeing UFOs.
More than one astronaut has, reluctantly, reported seeing them.
You might note I purposely used the term "Aliens" as apposed to UFO's as everybody at some time in their life will see something be it a trick of the mind or something they just couldn't identify as being anything in particular.

My point however is that it's a major leap to go from something you see to "Aliens exist and are invading my back porch"
You might note I purposely used the term "Aliens"
True. I actually missed that. I must be tired.
My point however is that it's a major leap to go from something you see to "Aliens exist and are invading my back porch"
Unfortunately it is only a major leap if one is using logic and evidence. To paraphrase, "That's one giant leap for man, one small step for a self deluded fool."
You might note I purposely used the term "Aliens" as apposed to UFO's as everybody at some time in their life will see something be it a trick of the mind or something they just couldn't identify as being anything in particular.

My point however is that it's a major leap to go from something you see to "Aliens exist and are invading my back porch"

Ah, I see.