Aliens take side in the Iraq war

Have you ever noticed that Aliens and God tend to talk to the same type of people all the time?

I wonder if they plan it that way, or if it is just a coincidence and they think that ALL humans are like that.:eek:
That'd be a damn shame. Honestly, though if they thought that the sort of people they talk to were all that existed, then they'd probably have blown up the earth already. I'm pretty sure they just do it to get a good laugh. You know, the same reason god makes epileptics, he likes to watch 'em squirm.
Yeah, I heard that the aliens still use spark plugs in their space crafts. Get with the times guys!
If any of you don't believe in u.f.o.s then why are you all talking about them. I suppose the disinformation the government puts
out really works. I'm thinking if you all were given the chance to see something you"d dismiss it as a natural phenomennom. like the flint balls made before an earthquake. Just maybe, just possibly there might be something beyond your understanding that the top brass has seen fit to keep from your scared closed
minds. Its just possible your making fun of something thats beyond your capacity and your repeating something your friends or parents say. For whatever reasons I really don't care. All I know is I've seen a W-h-o-l-e L-o-t Of stuff, I can't explain it away as some sort of mass halucination or anomaly. Untill you see someting that freaks you out you'll never know how the govt.
has lied and misled the public. I do believe the govt. is afraid of the power structure the aliens live by. I believe that they offer everything freely and not in a monetarial democracy. That is probably the one most feared reason the govt. does'nt want us to know about these beings. They probably would also change a lot of things about our society that for the moment were not ready for. Anyways thats my 2 cents worth take it or leave it.
read Arthur C. Clarke

Childhood's End. That's the book.

So we evolve into energy beings...big frigging deal! Imagine sex with an amorphous glob...I like the way God made us, and the idea that "aliens" are interested in us for beneficial reasons also is incomprehensible...ask the Incas and the Aztecs if the funny visitors were there for beneficial reasons
People claim they have seen ufos when the only ever real alien ufo crashed in roswell,get real oh they couldnt speak for themselves,that is the stupidiest shit i have ever seen.

Indeed there is a conspiracy our goverment is apart of.. but not what the usually "ufo person" may think it is. The conspiracy involves covering up the fact that UFO's are man-made electrical machines... invented by Nikola Tesla. If you want to go into the physics of how they fly and manuever then you should (you meaning everyone reading this) Send an Email to and ask him how to buy Occult Ether Physics from him. (a really good book) But if you want you shove this asside and go back to believing that old as hell story that UFO's are something man can't comprehend. Oh.. and roswell was a fake. NOt only were there no aliens there, there was no wreck either.
Originally posted by setmind
I do believe the govt. is afraid of the power structure the aliens live by. I believe that they offer everything freely and not in a monetarial democracy. That is probably the one most feared reason the govt. does'nt want us to know about these beings.

I dont want to pee on your party, but humans have a two sysems like that as well, socialism and communism, and both make slaves out of somebody so that somone else can live better. Not that this is a forum for political discussion, but what you described IS already on earth and it ISNT some kind of utopia.
Now lets think about this a minute: The kind of aliens that come to earth usually pick up the most stupidest people they can find, shove things up there butts, take nude photos, have massive orgies followed by happy hour, then drop the humans off without even a thanks for the free blowjob. Now seriously would you want to hear political opinions from these kind of creatures? I would rather like to hear: “Sorry, where the cause of anal hemorrhoids” and “Yes we know we need help but the planet of Asylumonia kick us out for anal raping the other patients”
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The whole events of the Sep 11, as painful and revoking as they are, seem to be orchestrated by a guiding hand from above to waken up the dormant giant to take action._ The USA is the only power on Earth that can do the needed job. This statement don't give any legitimacy to Bin Laden and El Qaida crimes. The individuals will be punished as they should. But from a historic perspective nothing happens by chance.

AY AY AY.....I believe in aliens,but no in this ones that are in Israel.......
If this is such an important message, you'd expect them to at least spell check it, and make sure the images on the page actually worked. :rolleyes:
If there are aliens with an important message, why don't they just use their technology (you know... the kind that got them many light years across space) to liberate a little airtime on the major networks of the planet and tell EVERYONE with a television?

Instead, they seem to keep telling the people in society we are least likely to listen to.
Originally posted by setmind
If any of you don't believe in u.f.o.s then why are you all talking about them. I suppose the disinformation the government puts
out really works.

Isn't it interesting how people say, "believe in u.f.o.s" as if it's a religion. I can't speak for the others here, but it's my hope that by dispelling the UFO culture (and other poppycock like faith healing, esp, etc.) from believing in alien visitation out of hand, then perhaps it'll help someone develop their critical thinking skills.

When I was a kid, I bought into that stuff -hook, line, & sinker. But it was because I wanted it to be true. Not because there was any real, tangible evidence.

Looking at the idea of aliens visiting Earth, that's the real problem. Not that it isn't possible, but that there is no real, verifiable evidence to support it beyond anecdotal account.