aliens killed JFK?

ralph malph

Registered Member
how did lee harvey oswald kill the great JFK (RIP) from such an angle with such speed and accuracy.
i have a theory...
i believe (and have evidence that i unfortunately cannot show because my security may be at risk) that mr. oswald was a highly trained alien operative. he had to assasinate JFK from orders of the US and Alien governments because JFK was going to reveal publically new evidence from the roswell incident...proving the existence of ETs.
The governments came into an agreement with the alien governments by the following terms:

the americans said that they would keep the aliens presence 'under wraps' if the aliens sent an operative on a mission to assainate JFK (the aliens wanted wanted the safe return of the operative)...

this was all done for the aggreement that aliens would collapse communism

the americans didn't keep their end of the bargin, they experimented on LHO and this did not please the aliens... they mutilated US cattle and radiated crops (these are known now as so called 'GM crops', ha what a load of bull)

does anyone want to join me and liberate our alien friends that have tolerated our malicious action and cheating ways...
if so, reply with the :) symbol (it indicates friendship)

i'm sorry if i have overwhelmed any of you but the truth must be told...

(sorry for the cliche) 

i just want friends
and what level is your clearance and what agency do you work for?
i may be able to believe your theory but i have my own personal evidence that theres more than just that species working on this planet and not all are benevolent,so as far as liberating your aliens BS.

Eric Cooper
Hey Ralph,
Are you afraid the other kids at school will pick on you if they found out you were posting such absolute and utter garbage??
There are more sociable ways of making friends then talking out of your ass, boy.
( All said in the nicest possible way :) )
well now isn't this some interesting food for thought. Although it is interesting and i do have an open mind so i'm not going to deny what you're saying. it's just that it wouldn't be all that hard for oswald to kill kennedy ssince it wasn't to hard of a shot, and I doubt any president has info on roswell that is most likely kept under wraps by the military.
though aliens do exist, they did not assassinate JFK, or martin luther king, or robert kennedy, or anwar sadat, or gandhi, or archduke ferdinand, or president mckinley, or president lincoln, or julius caeser. thank you, case closed mystery solved. sometimes people kill people. even if one person (lee harvey osward) gets to take the wrap for something that 2 or three people may have done.
The Learning Channel just had a show on cattle mutilations and they think it is the government secretly using black helicopters to gather samples to see how much radiation is left in the area from the atomic bomb tests and doing it as not to alarm people. The cattle have all over the area and the samples are being taken from vary wide ranging locations.
cats-- yes i saw that show...however i believe it is more a case of monkey see ....monkey do...... the aliens are in the animal species testing phase i guess at least since they arrived here to explore this planet and us.

its the same thing we would be doing if we were exploring other worlds....

as for the radiation exposure of human food sources as the TLC purports the animal mutilations reveal.... the R.Sauder (sp?) book on USA military underground installations is a fine resource to prove at least half of the TLC show was correct....But the big question was....why try to deny evidence of UFOs sighted in cattle ranch areas? why try to say all the mutilations were directed by humans in black copters?
one cover up theory is being used to hide the ufo cover up... how nice... and declaring it (real alien UFOs) non-existent at the scenes of animal mutilations.

Ralph Malph,

So was Sam Giancana an alien then? I think the malicious actions and cheating ways were JFK's, and he paid for them with his life. I believe the Kennedy clan was in bed with the Mob since the days of Prohibition, and the Mafia even helped to put JFK in the Oval Office, but once they had risen to power they forgot to scratch the backs of those who had scratched theirs. In fact, not only did they turn their backs on their former friends, they publicly declared war against organized crime.

Not that I think that's all there was to it, but I doubt the aliens had much to do with the whole thing.