Aliens Embassy in Jeruslam in 2004


Registered Senior Member
Are u religious???

Are u Christian, Moslem, Jewish or something else???

The TRUTH is very close, and it is gonna shake the world of the religion...

Enter this site & read EVERYTHING there
& tell me what u think about it.
Pay attention to the aliens symbol.
It is very similiar to the Star Of David (Magen-David in Hebrew)
& to some crop circles....

The aliens, according to many sources, are going to build their embassy (the Third Temple??????) in Jerusalem.
According to the aliens, the Jewish are the sons of the aliens.
The other people are the result of Genetic Experiment.
In "Bereshit" (Torah) it is written that the "Nefilim" (angels from the sky) have been on that days, and breeded with the females...
The Jewish had been at the aliens team which created the life on Earth, but people along the history havn't got right the religion, including the Jewish...

& make peace & love, not war.
Love u all, from Israel. :)

"Our Existence is a gleam of light between two sides of darkness..."
WOW cool!!!!!!

Just now I've noticed that the SciForums Logo is very very similiar to the aliens symbol.... (Rael Aliens)

The shape of the recurrence....inside the Star Of as the SciForums Logo!!!

"Our Existence is a gleam of light between two sides of darkness..."
wait a second gil, which thread is correct? I've replied to both and they both conflict with each other.
Interesting.... They missed the Hindus (and thier Indras, and other interplanetary travellers) big time...May be one of these days, they will drop by at CNN headquarters in Atlanta during the Larry King show (Live)....

Dont hold your breath on it though.....
Here more & very detailed info about the Embassy:

Essential international communication between different nations of the modern world has always been carried out through diplomatic embassies. The major nations maintain embassies in all the other important countries. Such embassies have always been the essential means of ensuring lasting peace and mutual benefit between different peoples.

Arguments continue about the odds but clearly many people accept that there is a strong likelihood that other life exists in space. The possibility cannot be ignored and it is wise to foresee and anticipate contacts, the chances of which can only increase as we explore our universe. This document therefore looks at the rationale for such an embassy that would facilitate proper contacts with a benevolent extra-terrestrial civilisation.

From the horizontal bar, you can read how the purpose of the embassy is to establish contact in a non invasive way, how much their culture has to offer and how the country agreeing to the extra-territoriality required by such an embassy and indeed all of humanity would benefit enormously. They have specified the basic requirements necessitated by such a historic contact and an architectural plan of the embassy. We have provided a breakdown of the cost of such a building and an account of the progress so far, so that those of you who can help either, actively, financially or even politically may know why your time, money and support are essential.


There is at present no way that an extra-terrestrial race can officially enter into contact with humanity without breaking local or international laws, without being perceived as a threat or without appearing to support the politics and morals of that territory. To overcome all these obstacles they need an embassy. Clearly an extra-terrestrial civilisation that has achieved the technology to make interstellar travel possible is aware of the possible destructive effects their appearance on Earth might have on the fabric of our present society, if the contacts are handled insensitively.

If they were to land anywhere on Earth at present, extra-terrestrials would first of all be invading airspace. Their uninvited presence would trigger automatic defence systems targeted at other countries. The panic both among the military and the public might paralyse continents. Also the political kudos obtained by the host country from such an important presence might unfairly be perceived by the world community as tacit approval of that country. So the economic, social and political consequences of such a contact cannot be left to chance. These consequences need to be thought through with extreme care. Any benevolent extra-terrestrial civilisation deserves the chance to initiate contact with us in a gentle and non invasive manner. The only solution that will ensure this is an official embassy for extra-terrestrials located in internationally neutral territory that guarantees the appropriate provisions of security and mutual respect.

Whatever probability you assign to the existence of extra-terrestrials, without an embassy the chances of making successful, beneficial contact reduces to nil.


So far, the Raelian organisation exists in 84 different countries, has over 55,000 members and the messages dictated by the Elohim to Rael have been translated into 25 languages. Just about one third of the projected costs of the embassy have now been accumulated. Raelian Religions around the world are becoming notorious for publicly questioning taboos and creating social changes and the members have been training and organizing themselves so as to orchestrate the multitude of functions necessary for ensuring the Elohim are correctly welcomed and to be able to handle the ensuing political, scientific, religious and social waves that such an historic encounter between two civilisations will create.

The Elohim have expressed their preference for the embassy to be built near Jerusalem. This is one of the places they lived when they originally created human beings and is also where many of the descendants of their sexual unions with human beings also presently live.

Therefore the progress of the embassy has depended partly on the willingness of those controling Jerusalem to allow emabassadorial status. This is the whole purpose of the State of Israel, to welcome the Mashiach and to establish the Third Temple. The Elohim's Embassy is the true meaning of the Third Temple, the place where Yahweh Elohim will be welcomed and live among humans, and Rael, their embassador is the one awaited. It is to this embassy that all the great prophets will return with the Elohim, alive and well as predicted in their respective religions.

As can be seen from the calendar of events below, the State of Israel has been officially approached on several occasions, and Rael has been acknowledged as possibly being the Mashiach by the two Rabbis empowered by the Knesset to study the case, but so far there has been no official acceptance of extra-territoriality.

In a message given to Rael on december 13th 1997, the Elohim explained that in accordance with their Covenant, they have given the State of Israel its chance, but now almost 20 years later, the State of Israel still has not recognized them. They cannot wait any longer, their new Covenant with the children of Israel is coming to an end and the Raelian Religion can now address the request of ambassadorial status to any country in the world.

Once another country gives this authorization, Israel will be given a last chance to grant their authorization during a very limited period time of reflection, and if not, the Embassy will be built elsewhere and the people of David will lose their protection and disperse.


December 1979

The Elohim telepathically transmit the same dream to seven people : Rabbi Israel Abou Khatzira, Rabbi Mordekhai Shaarabi, Rabbi Halberstamm, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, Professor Leon Manitou Ashkenazi, President Menachem Begin, Chief Rabbi Ouiadia Yossef - the Mashiach's arrival is impending.

December 31st, 1979

Guided by the Elohim, Rael writes to each of them. He is truly the Mashiach announced in the ancient writings and confirms the request for an Embassy for the Elohim, near Jerusalem.

May 1989

First public lectures in Jerusalem given by the Raelian Religion. The Israeli Jews discover their creators' messages, specifically the section addressed to them.

March 20th, 1990

Rael, with the Elohim's approval, decides to change the symbol of the Raelian Religion, to ease the negotiations in anticipation for building the Embassy in Israel, and out of respect for the sensitivity of the victims of nazism.

November 8th, 1991

The Jewish New Year; time has come to make the first official request for the Embassy to the State of Israel.

December 5th, 1991

Another request is made to Israel's Chief Rabbi, Mordechai Eliyahou.

January 1992

This Chief Rabbi acknowledges our official request for a piece of land for the embassy. Our case is being studied from then on.

March 10th, 1993

All the National Raelian Religions send a document notifying the Hebrew State of an upcoming event crucial for its existence, to all the embassies and consulates of Israel in their respective countries, as well as to the deputies of the Knesset.

March 25th, 1993

The Mashiach Rael is announced in Jerusalem, at the Wailing Wall, to the sound of the Shofar Gadol.

March 26th, 1993

The Chief rabbi of New York, Schneerson, declares in the Jerusalem Post that he is not the Mashiach and that he never authorized anyone to say he was.

Summer 1993

Following these events, the Israeli government investigates the Raelian Religion. The commission concludes that it is peaceful and harmless for the state's security. In its report, two rabbis stipulate that Rael might well be the awaited Mashiach.

Fall 1993

Therefore, following the positive considerations granted by the State of Israel to the request for an Embassy for the Elohim, the peace between Israelis and Palestinians, which every one thought impossible, is now brewing.

November 18th, 1993

Israel's Prime Minister Ytzhak Rabin is handed another request for the embassy during the Montreal Jewish Convention.

December 9th, 1993

The Prime Minister advises the Raelian Religion through his office, that he cannot accede to our request.

December 13th, 1993

Peace for Israel was scheduled to begin on this the day of the twentieth anniversary of YAHWEH's encounter with his Prophet Rael. Regrettably, peace is postponed.


The Raelian Religion, as already stated, is an international, non-profit making organisation whose prime goal is to establish an official embassy for extra-terrestrials. It is the only body anywhere in the world at present building up the funds and awareness for such a project. It should be made clear at this point that the original stimulus for founding such an embassy was a request made to a journalist called Rael by an extra-terrestrial, during an extraordinary encounter in the volcanoes of central France on the 13th December 1973.

The extra-terrestrial explained that:

It was they who created all life on earth.
Humans in the beginning mystified them and adored them as gods.
It was they who started the world religions as a way of progressively educating humanity.
Now that we can understand them, they wish us to establish an embassy for them.
The embassy, they explained, could become a source of great benefit to mankind and could greatly accelerate human progress in many fields. They explained that their name "Elohim" which has been mistakenly translated as "god" in the Torah and Bible, originally means "Those who came from the sky" in ancient Hebrew. Now that mankind has started creating life in laboratories itself, they judged that we are finally capable of understanding how they created us and how yesterdays religions and tomorrows science are simply two ends of the same string.

For a more detailed account, please look up the Message pages.

When Rael asked them why they don't go to the governments directly, they answered that they don't agree with our political establishments and their associated moral, religious and philosophical systems. Approaching individual governments would in effect tacitly support them. Their only wish is to give support to the Raelian philosophy which they taught us and which they consider positive to the survival and well-being of humanity as a whole and helpful at the same time to the fulfilment, freedom of choice and individuality of every separate human being. Also, they did not wish to risk having their existence covered up by secretive governments and that is why they approached an independent freelance journalist.

These extra-terrestrials, the Elohim, have requested that their embassy be as close to Jerusalem as possible. They wish to descend and land inside the embassy in front of representatives of all the world's media and be open to everyone. From their embassy, they will be able to come and go as they wish and control their own accessibility, rather than being controlled by anyone else. They wish to be able to invite representatives of governments and other institutions to the embassy and also particularly individuals who have clear records of a positive effect on humanity.


The Elohim are many thousands of years ahead of us in scientific understanding and achievement. Therefore their biological knowledge of how we best function can help us design a political, social and economic system adapted to the well-being of every single individual and to the greater good of humanity.

The Elohim would like to help humanity create a world of leisure, creativity and fulfilment, free from the burden of money and need to work, a world where people can exert choice over their lives, discover their own individuality and responsibility and flourish as they wish, thus removing the root causes of suffering, crime and disease.

They have already given us a philosophy based on love, freedom and choice able to resolve all the problems of today, which the Raelian Religions is living and therefore displaying as a clear example to the world. This also includes a charter aimed at world peace where among other things, everyone has the right to food, shelter and education.

These human values are the only ones which the Elohim wish to support which is why they will only land at the Raelian embassy requested and designed by them.

Their presence will also defuse religious tension. The great prophets of the past were people who were contacted by the Elohim. Each one was given a message of peace adapted to the level of understanding of each age. These teachings were often misunderstood and distorted, resulting in the formation of the different religious factions we have today. The return of our creators to their embassy, accompanied by their prophets will unite humanity as never before in one common understanding.


The children of Abraham are part descendants of the Elohim and it was especially with them that the Elohim retained contact as a way of progressively educating the rest of humanity. That is why all the main religions are waiting for their messengers to return to Jerusalem. Jesus, who promised to return on a cloud, Muhammed who said he would return from the seven heavens on al-Buraq, along with Moses, Buddha and all the other prophets, who are presently living with the Elohim, will return with them to the embassy as foretold.

This will demystify and yet vindicate Jerusalem's spiritual role. Jerusalem, the "city of peace", has always been the privileged point of contact between the Elohim and humanity. Solomon's Temple was the original embassy welcoming Yahweh and the embassy which is now being prepared will be the Third Temple. Peace in that region will be assured as people understand the origin of their religious beliefs and see their own individual prophet acting in harmony with the others. Humanity's future world government will no doubt establish itself close by, an international university will be established to pass on the Elohim's scientific and spiritual heritage and the people living in the region will have a renewed sense of purpose. Once again Jerusalem has a chance to shine and fulfil its role as spiritual center of humanity.


Like all embassies this embassy requires that :

the status of extra-territoriality will be recognised by the country on whose land it is established. This means that no authority may enter the embassy uninvited and the Elohim can retain their privacy and freedom of action within it.
the air space above the embassy grounds will be considered neutral. This will allow the Elohim to come and go as they wish without being hampered or causing disruption.

The embassy needs to be located as close to Jerusalem as possible. The grounds need to measure at least 347 hectares (3,470,000 square meters) so that a radius of 1050 meters can be inscribed within it.


During their encounter with Rael in December 1973, the Elohim specified :

"Have a residence built in a pleasant country with a mild climate, with seven rooms always ready to receive guests, each with a separate bathroom, a conference room able to accommodate twenty-one people, a swimming pool and a dining room capable of seating twenty-one people. This residence should be constructed in the middle of a park and should be protected from curious onlookers. The park should be entirely surrounded by walls to prevent anyone from seeing the residence and the swimming pool. The residence should be situated at a distance of at least one thousand metres from the walls around the park. It will have a maximum of two stories and should be screened from the outskirts of the wall by a barrier of trees and bushes. Install two entrances in the surrounding wall, one to the south and another on the northern side. The residence will also have two entrances. There will be a terrace on the roof where a spacecraft of twelve metres in diameter may land. Access from that terrace to the interior is essential. The air space above and around the residence should not be under direct military or radar surveillance. You will try to ensure that the land where this residence is built - if possible larger than prescribed here - is treated as neutral territory by other nations and by the nation on whose territory it is located, by virtue of it being our embassy on Earth."
"….the area containing the seven rooms should be directly under the terrace and it should be separated from the section used by human beings by a thick metal door, lockable from the inside, which is kept permanently closed. An aseptic chamber should be built at the entrance of the conference room."

"The True Face of God" (p90) as dictated by Yahweh Elohim to Rael on 13th Dec 1973

They also said :

"Once a year, on a mountain near the residence, gather together people from all over the world who have heard about us and wish us to come.
Have the largest number of people possible, and have them think intensely about us and hope for our coming. When there are enough and when they wish for our coming intensely enough without any religious mysticism, as a responsible people respecting their creators, then we will come openly and give you our scientific knowledge as our heritage to all peoples of the Earth. If warlike temperaments are reduced to total powerlessness in the whole world, then this will happen. If the love of life and humanity for us, and therefore for itself, is strong enough, yes we will come openly. We will wait."

"The True Face of God" (p91) as dictated by Yahweh Elohim to Rael on 13th Dec 1973

We must plan for around 144,000 people staying on the grounds near the Embassy to welcome the Elohim. Given the 347 hectares requested, that provides around 20 m2 per person, the ideal camping space. To keep that many people healthy and disease free, we must also prepare extensive administrative buildings, food and water provisions, modern sanitation and efficient communication systems.

Hope you have been reading it,
or enter the RAEL Org Site.

Bye, Gil_W
from Israel
I'm going to mention this site although it has nothing to do with any alein embassies... but it might have some philosophies that you might be able to pull some information from (having nothing to do with aliens)

why have I placed this to this topic???

Well If aliens want an embassy here they would be best approaching someone like NATO or the UN and then they could define some Embassy with them for here, and one for us there.
This is of course taking science fictional undserstanding of the whole travelling through space into consideration...

On the more likely scenario it would be like Buck Rodgers... you leave your planet behind, undertake a journey that takes many years to complete and return, your whole planet could have been annihilated by a sun going nova, or destroyed itself due ot war.

So what ever Embassy a bunch of aliens in their vessel sets up, you might find they are the only examples of their entire specie left (An embassy for a race of three)

Dis-information is becoming too readily available.
I'm a bit confused. You see I'm Jewish and I really doubt that I am an alien half breed. You see Aliens cannot breed with humans for a particular reason due to chromosomes and such. Were you even paying attention in skoo.

In the begin of world.....
Gabriel fight whit lucifer......and put it on the floor (earth)
he....lucifer are expluse from heaven..cause he the rebelion...
he ...wants to be powerfull like God
Since that time.......lucifer are ...blind into a intermediary dimension......his not on heaven..dimension.....and his not human
dimension...but.......he is working in our angels of God...are doing too
he.....(lucifer) are doing any kind of confusion.....
And that .....wave of .ufos aliens..etc......are .....doit by him...
and their legion of demons.....
" .....they grays.......of today.....are ...incubus.....or sucubus..from the in the past.....they can not...tell in a space men cause they dont imagine what are space......

so they have sucubus..incubus....kind of....stuff...
and...they ( incubus/sucubus) have sexual relations whit..women sultan harens.....especificly....."
This is a part of Carl Seagan book....." Demons that scary humanity" they do this associations.....Aliens/Demons from the past.....
Elbaz! I'm half jewish! We can be alien brothers-sort of.

(booming voice) we can lead mankind into a golden age of wonder and amazement!

That would be AWSOME to find out I was an alien. I always thought I was smarter than most of the people I know. lol.

Elbaz, I'm Jewish too (as u see - I live in Israel).

I have the same feeling I'm a hybrid...
And 3 years ago, I SAW hybrid alien.

My nickname in the ICQ, for example, is "HU-hybrid"...

I dunno...

Maybe It all has an important REASON...

See, the aliens have created the humans by a part of their DNA...
The Jewish had been originally aliens (humanoids) from other planet that participated & helped the human-beings creation
& breeded with the femals on Earth...
Havn't I said it before???

I don't think it refutes the Jewish religion...

The one and only god exists...


Time is just the energy of doing
Kmguru.. if Aliens created humans, and they had a reason for not making us super intelligence, the question should be "What was the next model out of the cloning vat?"
When the aliens come down and say the jews were the originals and created everyone else that'll really shut those racists up for good. If they do, I mean.
I was going to reply earlier but I didnt have the time. Anyway I just want you guys to know I dont think I'm an alien or even an alien half breed. And Gil_W, forgive me if I sound rude but I do not have the feeling that I am an alien. You claim you saw one........ok:D
Embrace the moment Elbaz! You are an alien, so am I! At least until these Raelans run out of cash!
:D okay enough already!

I'm starting to get the feeling you guys are trying to manipulate me into believing I'm an alien. Am I some sort of an experiment, are you guys aliens?:D