Aliens are keeping tabs on us


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
This is an article from a book I read discussing the possibilities of Aliens from another planet (no, not Mexicans from Mars)

'People living near London's Heathrow Airport claim to have seen UFO's keeping watch on the Anglo-French supersonic jet, Concorde. Mrs D Godden, 65, of Chiswick, West London, said she first saw one in August 1979 'A huge reddish ball of light appeared in the sky right in a Concordes flightpath,' she said. 'I thought there was going to be an almighty crash, but when the Concorde reached the spot, it just flew straight through it. THe shape looked as if it was keeping watch of the plane.'

Her husband Ernest, 64, also saw the light. 'I was sceptical when my wife told me what she had seen,' he recalled. 'I looked out if the window of our flat, and saw a shimmering object. It stayed in the sky for about 17 minutes.'

At Heathrow, officials said nothing was picked up on radar, so we cannot explain the sighting.' But UFO researcher Barry Gooding said 'Its quite possible that UFOs from another planet are keeping watch on technological advances such as Concorde'

Well, what do you think?

I'm not quite sure I believe the story the couple said, but there is the possibilty that they are keeping watch over us
My opinion (which shouldn't surprise anybody by now) is: BS!

A culture cabable of making interstellar travel isnt likely to consider ANY of our technology advanced, and certainly not the Concorde which even by Earth standards is outdated.

Also, if they have the ability to enable a Concorde to pass through them, and to be invisible to radar, wouldn't you think they would be able to escape visual detection as well?

Heathrow officials said they couldnt see anything so they could not explaing the sighting. Thats a polite way of saying "go soak your head!"

Obviously, the pilots of the Concorde did not notice anything, or they would have reported the incident (would be unlawful for them not to).

Whats an UFO researcher? And who is Barry Gooding?

:bugeye: Hans:bugeye:
Plus, wouldn't the pilots try to avoid the object?

I think that Aliens might be keeping tabs on our advancements. But remember, this was in 1979.

Its a nice idea though and could well be possible
"A culture cabable of making interstellar travel isnt likely to consider ANY of our technology advanced, and certainly not the Concorde which even by Earth standards is outdated."

That's an entirely true observation, but it does not mean they would find the Concord uninteresting. Ever went into a Museum and looked at old forign cars and airplanes? If we are so differnt from them (a very good argument), would it not make sense that they study and monitor us? You would ask "What would they gain?" and I would have to answer curiosity, as well as practicality. If you as an interstellar species was aware of budding technological civilization which was developing in ways in which your civilization did not in any way, shape or form, how curious would you be? If they WERE developing in similar ways, how curious would you be? What will happen when that given civilization as a whole reaches the level of interplanetary and later interstellar travel? Would you not want to monitor such a developing species?

Why do we study Archaeology? What IF just suppose, you could actually find a civilization somewhere which was very reminiscent of the Ancient Greeks? Wouldn't you want to monitor that said civilization to the last detail, to help understand where you came from and mayhaps understand them as well?

"Obviously, the pilots of the Concorde did not notice anything, or they would have reported the incident (would be unlawful for them not to)."

UFO reports from Airlines and the like are often treated (even in France) as something to keep a lid on. That does not mean that their was a report at all, but it does mean we just have no data.

The observers unfortunetly have no corroborating witnesses, so is an unfounded observation anyhow. But, I wanted only to make the point that the merits of someone's claim should always be examined.
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Why do people always assume that Aliens would be like us. People think that they would think and do things similar to us.

Xevious has a very, very good point.
UFO reports from Airlines and the like are often treated (even in France) as something to keep a lid on. That does not mean that their was a report at all, but it does mean we just have no data.

Ye olde "authorities are covering up" theory, but it wont work: Civilian air traffic accident reports are public (a near-miss is an accident report, even if nothing happened). Of course it is quite thinkable that some particular report could have been squirreled away, but it is not something that happens regularly, people would find out (surely some pilots would go to the press if their reports "disappeared").

I can quite imagine that visiting aliens might watch us. But I dont think its likely that they would be hovering near a busy airport in order to get a Concorde peek. The sensible thing would be to follow it for a while over the Atlantic.

I'm not saying these people didnt see something, I just dont think it was an alien spaceship.

Not if said pilots are 'paid' to keep a lid on it. Or even threatened
I won't speculate that far. I will say that any Government with considerable power has the capability to keep it's secrets in whatever way possible.
I will say that any Government with considerable power has the capability to keep it's secrets in whatever way possible.

MMmm, like Watergate? Iran-Contra gate? Sex scandals in British govt.? Corruption in German govt.? Corruption is French govt.? etc? etc? How many times a year do we see some government exposed in the press with their pants down in some way?

Uhhh, and why exactly should governments be so very very keen on suppressing news on UFO sightings? I mean, buying or bullying pilots and other professionals into silence is extremely dangerous in politics; it may work out, but if there's a leak, your'e fineshed!

But how many scandels aren't uncovered? You don't know.

These politians who were caught were probably thinking 'Thank God it wasn't that donkey thing they uncovered'
Mmm yes, but people have been alleging that the government is covering up UFO reports for 50years now. Dont you think that some disgruntled individual/some idealist/some madman/some devious reporter/some political radical/some etc. etc. would have blown some whistle by now?

And I still wonder why ALL governments all over the world during half a century should be that keen to supress one of the most important discoveries in history, dont you? Actually that in itself would be a historic first.

MMmm, like Watergate? Iran-Contra gate? Sex scandals in British govt.? Corruption in German govt.? Corruption is French govt.? etc? etc? How many times a year do we see some government exposed in the press with their pants down in some way?

You are talking about elected officials, not the Beaurocracy. The Beaurocratic arm of Government functions very differntly from the elected officials. Elected officials are in for X amount of time attempting to seek reelection, while beaurocrats are in a very long-term position of power. They have had plenty of time to cover their tracks... not to mention that the press cares more about the Elected officials than the Beaurocracy.

How often do you read articles in the major media about the activities of the Beaurocracy? Hardly none. Their is quite simply less coverage on their activities.

Mmm yes, but people have been alleging that the government is covering up UFO reports for 50years now. Dont you think that some disgruntled individual/some idealist/some madman/some devious reporter/some political radical/some etc. etc. would have blown some whistle by now?

Such people have come foward. They do so OFTEN and in bigger number than you think. But, they are all discounted as crackpots and hoaxters, because they often cannot hand you any physical evidence of their alligations... which means that for you at least Hans, they fit right into the Hoaxters category. Once again, your way of thinking plays right into the hands of people who don't want you to know what's going on.
The main reason the Government wouldn't tell us as they would deem it as a threat first and this threat would quite possibly be more powerful than us...who knows
Two generations of buereucrats? (howz U spellit?) None of the politicians have looked through them. Oh there are plenty of scandals involving them too. Mind you, there is a circular argument there:

"Why doesnt the Air Force know about this?" - "They do, but they're covering up" - So we look in official reports, and there's nothing there -- "See! I told you they're covering up!"

And to sceptics: "You are just helping them to cover up!"

Tell you what: Lets forget about how or why (you still havent answered that) govt. people might be covering up.

IF extraterristial space travellers came to Earth, and for reasons of their own (I could think of a couple) decided not to contact us, and indeed try to keep their presense reasonably secret, would they:

- Leave their accident victims (I'm talking Roswell) for the natives to mess with?

- Catch odd heads of cattle from under farmer's noses, remove parts of them and dump the remains back again?

- Abduct random people, mess with them in various ways and put them back to tell the tale?

- Hover around busy airports and tall buildings for people to see and film them?

- Make funny patterns (lately with digital messages - in ASCII) in crops of happless farmers?

- Make secret deals with corrupt governments?

- Etc.?

For half a century???

We cannot know how aliens think, but they must be rationals and scientists (in order to travel in space), so we can expect their behaviour to be rational and any experiments of theirs to be scientific.

How would they know what a camera was?

Abduct random people, mess with them in various ways and put them back to tell the tale

Not random, they aim at Rednecks:D