aliens are god?!?


Science = Ecclesisates 1 V 18
Registered Senior Member
Untested theory...

Fossilized battery remains found from ancient civilizations.

The Nazca landing strips.. the scraping and drawings of creatures depicted wearing shoes, gloves, and helmets in a period where these things simply did not exist.

why would indians create objects that they couldnt see from the ground? That were only visible from the Sky?!? Air strips for chariots on fire, which they have seen?!?

Possibly, these beings they called God becasue they could do things they have never seen before!

ancient artwork

Artwork depicting ufos... Is there something that modern civilizations missed?

What about the massive pyramids that are perfectly jointed at every angle... It would take hundreds of years of a MASSIVE scaled workforce to create a single pyramid... Rollers as a hypothesis, out of wood, is not feasible in many areas pyramids exist.

Any ideas fellas?!?
While I doubt aliens were creators of humans.. The concept of nephillim, along with evolution can correlate.... Lets imagine, its 100,000 BCE... The race of "angels" homeplanet is under massive devastation for whatever reasons... They come to this habitable planet looking for life.. They find life... and the most advanced lifeform is a advanced ape like being.... They have sexual relations with it, and thus it receives from them half of their DNA and half of the animals DNA.... Over thousands of years, this entity reproduces, and the random selection of those entitys that contain primarilly advanced DNA traits, instead of the apes, end up surviving and ADAPTING more successfully than the other entitys that have primarily ape traits..

This would work as RAPID EVOLUTION.. Instead of thousands of years of evolution it happens in each reproduction to a extent... Dominant traits/ recessive traits rather than actual metamorphisis..

This would explain the differences in intelligences among humans, heights (these aliens/ Nephillim were thought to be giants), hairyness, athletic ability ETC ETC..

A interesting hypothesis for sure..

However, I am not a fanatic or so called WOO WOO, but I soon will be labeled so..

I also dont necessarily believe this to be FACT, although it is interesting..

I can also prove the existance of God, but for more of that, along with my other theories, you will have to read my book, which is in preliminary mode as we speak...

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
terpinator72 said:
What about the massive pyramids that are perfectly jointed at every angle.
Have you actually seen a pyramid? Up close? If you have then apparently you didn't bother to look at it. The perfect joints are pretty much reserved for the facing stones and internal passages. And those are impressive.

terpinator72 said:
It would take hundreds of years of a MASSIVE scaled workforce to create a single pyramid... .
No it wouldn't. What makes you think so?

terpinator72 said:
Rollers as a hypothesis, out of wood, is not feasible in many areas pyramids exist.

Now the two main areas pyramids exist are Mexico and the Nile Valley. I've lived in both. There are trees in both.

These blatant errors in just a small part of your post takes it from the realm of pseudo-science into that of drivel.
There were a few things that were mentioned during a previous debate about Egypt and pyramids. (It seems too many people watch "Stargate SG1")

It's suggested that the Pyramids stone was shift to the base of the pyramid while it was being build by excavated channels, where the stone themselves were actually placed upon reed rafts. There is actually evidence of these channels that exists.

As for the stone itself I have a hunch that the stone was actually dug from the Nile banks at some points. The Nile in the past was suggested to flood the lowlands at certain times of year causing some of the lowlands to act like islands, the rest of the time the fertile lowlands were used to grow crops. It's possible that the cutting of the bank would lower the amount of flooding that occured. (Note this doesn't currently have any supporting evidence).

Another thing that I suggested was that if a pit was dug into sand, it would be easier to shift stone to the bottom of the pit and build a pyramid up, meaning that you could at each level fill upto the walls with sand to reach the next level. This also would allow a burial chamber to actually be "buried".
However the channels from the Nile for the stone movement suggested that they did things from Approx. sea level. (Which throws out my theory in this instance, although it's still a pretty good one I think)

There was fossilised post holes found around the pyramids suggesting Scaffolding and even cranes.

It's suggested also that a burial chamber would be placed into construction as soon as a Pharoah had come to thrown. This was aprt of tradition, apart of making sure they were some of importance and part making sure that the people of Egypt were kept busy doing things. It's actually suggested that it wasn't slaves that built them, but paid Egyptians that otherwise would have been poor, homeless and maybe even criminal.

Egypt is not the only land to have burial chambers, there are supposed man made mountain peaks in Turkey that are covered in shale (loose stones) that have chambers deep within them, not to forget of Viking ones in the UK where Upturned boat hulls were then covered in earth generating mounds.

The Incan's built "Temples" in Pyramidic form, not Burial chambers (to my knowledge).

As for the large depictions of animals, Again in the UK there is a Chalk Horse and a Man I believe that are cut from the turf of some hills. One admittedly I think was created in the 17th/18th century however the other dates further back. The purpose for the older was probably to mark a boundary/border. Rather than building a significant wall at the edge of kingdom the creation of an osbcure but extremely large image would let you know where you stood.

In fact you could suggest that the creation of such images within a desert environment could be like generating signposts for travellers.

Now please note that all the things I've mentioned here are my observations from Television, Books and the internet, however my points might be littered with inaccuracies but with what I've mentioned you should be able to find more information out through searching the internet or visiting a library.
Stryder said:
As for the stone itself I have a hunch that the stone was actually dug from the Nile banks at some points.
Well, its nice to have hunches, but this one doesn't match the evidence. The bulk of the stone in the pyramids at Giza, for example, came from quarries to the south east of the site... The banks are soft alluvial deposits so they wouldn't provide any construction material, except for the mudbricks used on a few of the early, small pyramids - and the total volume involved would have made little or no impact on the geometry of the Nile.
En passant two points:
The facing stones most likely came from quarries on the opposite side of the Nile, in the Mokattam Hills. Few of these survive today. It is thought that many were used in construction in Cairo. The impressive Citadel, built by Salah El Din, may have benefited from this. If so it is an interesting twist, for the Citadel lies across the road, literally, from the Mokattam quarries.
You say "The Nile in the past was suggested to flood the lowlands at certain times of year..." There is no suggesstion about it. The flood was an annual event till the completion of the first Aswan dam, by the British in 1889. (This was replaced in 1970 by the Aswan High Dam, built by the Russians.)
Stryder said:
As for the large depictions of animals, Again in the UK there is a Chalk Horse and a Man I believe that are cut from the turf of some hills. One admittedly I think was created in the 17th/18th century however the other dates further back. The purpose for the older was probably to mark a boundary/border. Rather than building a significant wall at the edge of kingdom the creation of an osbcure but extremely large image would let you know where you stood.

In fact you could suggest that the creation of such images within a desert environment could be like generating signposts for travellers.

So you are saying the civilizations in these time periods constructed massive pictograms/scrappings etc for boundarys?

How would these boundarys be seen on ground level since they are only fully visible from the sky?

Also, why would they draw pictures of monkeys, fish, hummingbirds etc for use as boundarys? These pictures again, would only be visible from the sky.. If they were just using them as boundarys why bother with neat, perfectly symmetrical pictures, when a simple line or circle would suffice?

These are pictograms for designed from viewing from the sky.. Not if that is too their mystical Gods, or aliens who knows... I just disagree with the boundary marker hypothesis..

search NAZCA for further information on this topic.

But thanks for your insight, it is very intersting.

If you get someone to place a stick or sign post in the middle of a very large desert, what is the likelihood that you will find that stick or signpost? quite simply it's unlikely, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If you dig a large pictorial creation into the ground that spreads out over a kilometre, then some wanderer might stumble upon either the sight of it from the top of a ridge or dune, or find it near their feet. This pictorial creation can then be used to work out which direction to walk in relationship to where you want to go.

In fact the different creatures could represent the different directions to the settlement/Ceremonial site. Namely one could be to the south of a city, and the other in the North. This means that if you find one, you know which direction to walk away from it to find civilization.
Ok, your theory make sense untill..

The fact is nazca, there are these pictograms in the middle of the desert.. No cliff or mountain is within viewing distance.

How would you see them !??!
I cannot make out the thesis of an author in a single, gestalt appreciation of his writing. I must absorb it word by word, chapter by chapter. Does this mean the writer intended it for a vastly superior intellect, beyond any human?
Different races with technology.

Another question, why all the masks and headpieces? Where they afraid to show their faces? Was their face so different from ours? Would their human slaves and followers run from them in fear if their faces were revealed?
Ophiolite said:
Well, its nice to have hunches, but this one doesn't match the evidence. The bulk of the stone in the pyramids at Giza, for example, came from quarries to the south east of the site... The banks are soft alluvial deposits so they wouldn't provide any construction material, except for the mudbricks used on a few of the early, small pyramids - and the total volume involved would have made little or no impact on the geometry of the Nile.

The 3 Large Pyramids at Giza are the oldest of all the Egyptian Pyramids. The hundreds of smaller pyramids in Egypt that are falling apart are newer.

Another thing that seldom gets mentioned, is the Giza pyramids have no hyroglyphics WITHIN them. No writtings whatsoever.
VRob said:
The 3 Large Pyramids at Giza are the oldest of all the Egyptian Pyramids. The hundreds of smaller pyramids in Egypt that are falling apart are newer.
You are doubtless aware that your claim runs counter to the well established chronologies of Egyptian civilisation. I prefer to take my Egyptology from those who have devoted a lifetime to researching it, building painstakingly on the efforts of earlier workers, than from amateurs intent on selling books based on fanciful ideas.
FieryIce said:
Different races with technology.

Another question, why all the masks and headpieces? Where they afraid to show their faces? Was their face so different from ours? Would their human slaves and followers run from them in fear if their faces were revealed?

I take it your referring to the pictograms which depict a figure with 2 arms, 2 legs somewhat looking like a human, which always have helmets on....

While its interesting that you noticed this, and your probably right.. that is, if these civilizations were actually visited..

But I wouldnt go so far as say they looked like the predator... :)
terpinator72 said:
The Nazca landing strips.. the scraping and drawings of creatures depicted wearing shoes, gloves, and helmets in a period where these things simply did not exist.

you may not be able to get this without buying a 30$ dvd but i think you might be interested in 'is there a stargate' its an interview with a guy named eric von daniken, its atached to the special features on stargate the movie
terpinator72 said:
Fossilized battery remains found from ancient civilizations.

You might have posted this before I answered this in another thread, but the "battery" isn't a battery at all, but rather a 1920's era spark plug (the Cosovo Artifact). The provenience and context (both of which are largely missing) of the artifact's recovery are such that it cannot be dated by strata.

terpinator72 said:
The Nazca landing strips.. the scraping and drawings of creatures depicted wearing shoes, gloves, and helmets in a period where these things simply did not exist.

First, the period was of the Nazca Indians, which flourished from around 200 BCE to 600 CE. They certainly had use of various articles of clothing such as headdresses and footgear as well as gauntlets.

Second, I'm unaware of which of the Nazca geoglyphs are supposedly wearing headgear, footgear, or gauntlets. Perhaps you could point out which one. The ones I'm familiar with are depictions of animals and typical totems of mesoamerican people of the day.

The most important thing to consider here, however, is that stating headdresses, footgear (anklets & sandals), and handgear (guantlets & wristlets) didn't exist is completely wrong. Each of these could easily be misinterpreted by a modern Western person as "helmets, boots, & gloves." The pre-Columbian Mesoamerican would see them for what they were, however.

terpinator72 said:
why would indians create objects that they couldnt see from the ground? That were only visible from the Sky?!?

Ahh... but experimental archaeology has demonstrated that these geoglyphs could be identified from the ground (Nickel, 1983). This experiment, and others, have also demonstrated that the Nazca Indians had the capability to create the lines using rudimentary tools, particularly if they had a design to model from. Many of the geoglyphs have smaller versions of them close by, the condor for instance. Indeed, the same glyphs are present on Nazca pottery.

terpinator72 said:
Air strips for chariots on fire, which they have seen?!?

Doubtful. One of von Daniken's assertions was that the "gods" (aliens) hovered overhead and directed the construction of the glyphs in their "chariots." If this were possible, then why did the "gods" not have V/STOL technology? Vertical/Short take off & landing would negate the necessity for a "landing strip," would it not? Indeed, why use depictions of monkey's, birds, and lizards as landing instructions?

Indeed, why land there at all? For any craft needing a landing strip (presumably to off-set the mass and inertia of the craft in landing or to provide sufficient space for a craft of heavy mass to reach a speed to gain lift in take off), the area is poorly suited. Loose gravel and soft dirt comprise the matrix of sediment in that region of Peru.

Another of von Daniken's assertions was that a particular line was comparable to a modern airport's parking apron or some such nonsense. The glyph that von Daniken used in his comparison was the knee of a bird's leg, barely a few feet wide. It would have to be a tiny "chariot," to park there! But this is germane only in the sense that it demonstrates von Daniken's lack of original thought. Had he really thought out his speculations, he'd have bothered to note the size of the glyph. The remainder of von Daniken's speculations follow similar, spurious trends.

The real mystery of Nazca isn't how the lines were created, it is the purpose. Since the field of ancient ritual and religion is a fast emerging interest to me in my education in archaeology, I find Nazca an interesting site. To suggest that the glyphs were intended for gods might not be far from the truth, but to suggest that these gods were, in fact, ET visitors in UFOs is preposterous. Man has never needed an ET visitation to create fantasies of gods and deities in the past (or the present).

It's just as likely that these lines are part of a ritualistic event that occured regularly for the Nazca Indians, particularly since several of the lines correspond directly to summer and winter solistaces and, perhaps, other astronomical points. Primitive religions, as we can still see in contemporary primitive religions, have a worldview that is foreign to those that are raised in modern religions: there is little or no separation between the sacred and profane and nature consists of deities and gods within.

Walking the path of a glyph shaped like a condor or monkey might have been considered a way to take on the strength or power of the totem. It's likely that the social structure of the Nazca people included clans and perhaps each clan identified with particular animals. Construction of the glyphs might have been a ritualistic method of connecting the clan to the totem.

I admit, this is speculation. There is little artifactual evidence to support the notion, but there is considerable ethnographic evidence. That is to say, there are many contemporary cultures that share beliefs similar to this speculation. But as speculations go, which seems more likely? UFO/ETI or the ritualistic representation of totems?

terpinator72 said:
ancient artwork

Artwork depicting ufos... Is there something that modern civilizations missed?

The iconography represented in many of the "UFO" representations in ancient art is, again, an oft misunderstood set of depictions. First, consider that the art being rendered (mostly in the Byzantine style) was created centuries, if not a millenia, after the events they depicted. Considering this, ask the question, "how does an artist do this?"

The answer, of course, is that he uses accepted accounts of the event as well as accepted depictions of the event. Historic artists of the Byzantine style had little say in what they painted. Their work was more trade than craft in that they were technical in their production rather than "artistic." In fact, "artistic license" is a distinctly recent phenomenon in the world of art. Artists of antiquity through the Renaissance were commissioned and paid to produce a specific and agreed upon image.

Another thing to consider is that Byzantine art relies heavily on symbology and little on realism. This is primarily for religious purposes and the symbols that ufologists see as UFOs represent something else entirely to those educated in Byzantine art and certainly to those that lived in the period contemporary to Byzantine art.

The Carlo Crivelli painting depicted on the website you linked to is a good example. The so-called "UFO" may seem obvious to the modern ufologist, but in reality, it is a symbolic device used by many artists of the period in representing divine power of God. Other Annunciation paintings by Signorelli, Alamanno, etc. use the same device. The "beam" is in actuality meant to represent the anchor, or thread, that ties the holy person to God.

I won't go through and address each of the site's claims of UFOs in ancient art, mainly because my knowlege of art is limited to what has so far been relevant in my archaeological education, but I will discuss one more: "The Crucifixion" from the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

There are a lot of Byzantine paintings that have symbols or icons in the corners of the work itself, particularly with regard to Crucifixion depictions. They are, quite simply, the Sun and the Moon, which were often depicted throughout antiquity to have anthropomorphic (or human) characteristics.

Let me offer an excerpt from the Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols In Art (Hall, 1979).

Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols In Art said:
The sun and moon, one on each side of the cross, are a regular feature of Medieval crucifixion. They survived into the early Renaissance but are seldom seen after the 15th century. Their origin is very ancient. It was the custom to represent the Sun and Moon in images of the pagan sun gods of Persia and Greece, a practice that was carried over into Roman times on coins depicting the emperors.
...the sun is simply a man's bust with a radiant halo, the moon a woman's, with the crest of Diana. Later they are reduced to two plain disks. The moon having a crescent within the circle, may be borne by angels. The sun appears on Christ's right, the moon on his left.

You can see these symbols on other paintings by artists like Crivelli, Bramantino, Durer, and Raphael. They'll range from flat disks to comet-like depictions with the people inside as simply a face or full depictions of Apollo and Diana in horse pulled chariots.

terpinator72 said:
What about the massive pyramids that are perfectly jointed at every angle... It would take hundreds of years of a MASSIVE scaled workforce to create a single pyramid... Rollers as a hypothesis, out of wood, is not feasible in many areas pyramids exist.

There is simply no reason to exclude dynastic period Egyptians from being the builders of the pyramids and much evidence to support that they were. Wood existed in abundance in Africa and the Levant.


Hall, James (1979). Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art (Icon Editions). Westview Press: Boulder, CO

Nickell, Joe (1983). The Nazca Drawings Revisited: Creation of a Full-Sized Duplicate." Skeptical Inquirer, Spring 1983.
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Thank you skywalker, those are the kinds of answers im looking for when I bring up a subject....

I highly appreciate the time it took for your response, and I give you my gratitude,

VRob said:
The 3 Large Pyramids at Giza are the oldest of all the Egyptian Pyramids. The hundreds of smaller pyramids in Egypt that are falling apart are newer.

While there are more recent pyramids than those built in the fourth dynasty during the reigns of Khufu and Khafre (2581 - 2494 BCE), to state that these are the "oldest of all Egyptian Pyramids" is completely false.

The pyramids built during the reigns of Djoser and Huni (2668 - 2575 BCE) in the third dynasty are older. Indeed, Djoser's "Step Pyramid" is considered to be the first pyramid and an evolution on the mudbrick mustaba of previous dynasties. Even in the fourth dynasty, several pyramids were constructed during the Seneferu reign (2613 - 2551 BCE) [Note: dates are approximate and will depend on which Kings List one uses, Clayton (1994) or the Lehner (1997)]

Smaller, earlier pyramids notwithstanding, the many that followed in the fifth and sixth dynasties were, indeed, smaller than the three at Giza. This was most likely due to the capital costs of construction. Seneferu, Khufu and Khafre focused the entire resources of the state on construction, something that no state could sustain for long, particularly one that engaged in the extensive military campaigns that were characteristic of dynasties following Khentkawes.

VRob said:
Another thing that seldom gets mentioned, is the Giza pyramids have no hyroglyphics WITHIN them. No writtings whatsoever.

That fact probably speaks more about contemporary society in this context than it does for ancient Egyptian society. It could simply be that writing, which was a skill limited to scribes, was meant to be read by mortals and considered unnecessary for gods who had other ways of knowing. There are, however, hieroglyphics in the mortuary tombs attached to pyramids.


Clayton, Peter A. (1994) Chronicle of the Pharaohs.Thames and Hudson.

Lehner, Mark (1997) The Complete Pyramids. Thames and Hudson