Aliens are God.


Registered Member
Aliens are God -- I am here to deliver this message. However, you surely will not believe it at first. I didn't believe it myself either, so I can understand you wouldn't. But it's true and I can prove it. It may sound strange, but it cannot happen over night, because it was a journey for me, and will be for any others. The information doesn't make sense without going through it throughly, naturally as it would come to you normally. I will attempt to give it to you in this manner, bringing you along slowly until it either makes sense or doesn't.
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There is a high possiblity that 'Aliens' are our creators, therefore 'God'. But only as much as, 'Aliens' are humans, millions of years into the future.

OK Lee Cates, I'm ready.
Aliens aren't god. Many are in a further evolution/alien state and use dna from other living beings to activate strings in their dna to alter their 'evolution'.

When the time is right for us humans to understand and accept they will contact us on a bigger scale.
Why would they be humans millions of years in the future? don't you think we would be interfacing with ourselves over a shorter span of time?

As for the whole aspect of "gods", why is it everyone is so willing to bow down and kiss an aliens a$$e for being "god"? I would suggest that "God(s)" existed either because mankind created them as personifications of their belief systems to make it easier to convey your religion and belief to a foreign countryman that spoke another language, or eventually we get to the point were we can interact with our timeline, find out that history didn't go the way that Biblical scholars would suggest and then have to become the "angels" to whisper the actions for those historic people, just to make sure it's all historically accurate.

Admittedly the latter would prove that all religion is a farce, a falsehood generated by "Causality", the need for something to happen to have appeared to have happened "Relatively" from that time point.

The only thing I would quote here is a altered state of paraphrasing from X-Files, "Trust NOTHING!"
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You know this doesn't even solve anything to do with creation just passes the buck back.
Stryde, maybe a shorter time yes. But time will have no relevance when time can be travelled.
Aliens are God -- I am here to deliver this message. However, you surely will not believe it at first. I didn't believe it myself either, so I can understand you wouldn't. But it's true and I can prove it.
Please provide it then, all in one go, no spoonfeeding or any of this journey crap.
It may sound strange, but it cannot happen over night, because it was a journey for me, and will be for any others.
Haha this reminds me of religion.
The information doesn't make sense without going through it throughly, naturally as it would come to you normally. I will attempt to give it to you in this manner, bringing you along slowly until it either makes sense or doesn't.
Just like religion, you wish to spoonfeed people the information you want to give, why not let us decide how we want the information? Anyway you need something fairly substantial, aliens being god in what sense exactly? They created us or earth? Obviously they couldnt be a true god as they'd have to create the entire universe.
Science and religion seem to generate the same kinds of attitudes about their respective “beliefs" instead of just searching for the facts of truth.
I agree, the phenomenon of UFO's is actually God, who we will come to know as the transcendental object peeking through hyperspace, these are the signs of impending arrival.
The ufo/alien phenomenon is spiritual. It is the end times deception...the lie of the antichrist/false prophet...that they are our creators/saviours. They will usher in the one world government of the antichrist...the one world religion of the false prophet...and will be responsible for perpetuating the mark of the beast...which will be a genetic manipulation.
But it's true and I can prove it.

I love reading that statement - really, I do.

And as many times as I've read it, or statements similar in magnitude, I still feel the spark of curiosity triggering within, even though each and every time the feeling is followed by a surge of dissapointment as the 'proof' usually turns out to be personal delusions.
leecates said:
Aliens are God.
which god are you speaking of?
are they a god to you?
why are multiple aliens one god?
did your journey involve consument of biochemicals?
do you distrust the capabilities of your own species?
why are multiple aliens one god?

there has been a number of what you all call "aliens" that have interacted with the earth over the course spanning more than u can imagine.

they have always disagreed with what to do with earth, thus civilisations have fallen many times, restarting the entire process.

The angels represent one side of the Aliens
the Serpents represent another, who i might add gave us knowledge that we are Gods ourselves, we have choices, which caused the angels to become angry and leave humans to do it all on their own.

do you distrust the capabilities of your own species?
what a dangerous question.

believe it or not, thats up to you.
u can really think about what the bible says, or u can discard it (or take King James version of it)
u can consider what Ancient civilisations have recorded, or discard it
u can consider what Channels are transmitting, or discard it.
u can consider the possibilities, or limit yourself.

or u can do nothing at all

(choices, my friends)