Aliens and UFOs


Registered Member
Who of you out there thinks that there are other Intelligent living beings out there in the universe? I am a belive that we are not the only Intelligent live forms in the universe. I think that way because there are billions of stars and planets and we should be so only Intelligent live forms in the universe. I do not thing so.
I guess there are the believers and the not believers.
Have a good day.
your right there is

i have seen the proof at night it is true i have seen ships that dont look like planes i once saw one when i was 10 or 12 and it looked stange i was waving to it it was right above our eleetical pole 20 fett or better it was triange shape and rounded at the edges and it had red lights that circled three white ones i drew it for my parents but the thought that i had just made it up but then i started to think that i might have dreamed it but when i wached a report on tv not a week ago i saw the same ship someone eles had drawn exactly like mine and there were 300 eye whitnesses to see it and i am 16 now anywhere from 3-5 years later i saw this on tv and then i knew that i wasnt crazy anymore that is when i knew we were not alone and just the other night i saw another i was up late on the net and it was in the sky and moving fast it had a orengeish ligh on top and white on bottom with a cirle of blue lights on top and red on botton when i saw that the flashed in a circular patter i knew that it wasnt just a plane then it starte to like throw these orangeish projectiles form it and that is it i told my brother and he has stay up to try and chatch it again i dont know if you belive this but i knew what i saw
Hi All,

For those of you who don't know me yet, I am an abductee, so I definately believe that there is intellegent life out there.

Personally I have had contact with two types, possibly a third but I can't really honestly say that I KNOW that that experience wasn't a dream. I know people that have had experiences or abductions with several other types though, so three isn't the limit of the universe.

Instead of pondering the IF of the alien and UFO phenomenon is real, I think it is about time for us to start looking at the whys and what it means to us as a race.

Looking forward to talking about this more.

There's a certain equation (if thats how you spell it) called the Drake Equation that says, i think, that if you know the amount of stars and planets in a galaxy you can predict how many have life at all, and how many have intelligent sentient life like us. I've also been wondering, is their only one form of sentient intelligence? Are aliens really on a higher intelligence level than us or are we all the same and they are just more technologically advanced. Most of the time I tend to think the latter, but I can't really argue that my point is the correct one. I'm open to any opinions on this. I guess you could say that I am a believer of intelligence, since it is IMPOSSIBLE to have only one form of sentient life in an infinite, still expanding universe (they're some pictures I saw in a Discover Magazine of a 'universal barrier,' i think that's what its called. Anyway its the explosion caused by the big bang that's trillions upon trillions of years old, but it's there). Somewhere on there's a link heading over to a place called the 'paranormal network' with a link to a book written by an alien organization trying to save humans from other aliens. I can't seem to find it, but if someone's seen it PLEASE tell me. The stuff written in that book is pretty 'heady' but nothing in there proves that what they're saying isn't a mountain of dinasaur sh*t. Their only reason for not contacting us directly is because 'no one human represents all of humankind' or something like that. If they're trying to save us I think they'd have to reach out to us a little more. Empires must be (sadly) the popular form of government in the universe. After all, republics can be quite corrupt.
I've just finished a huge research for the possibility of an extraterrestrial life-form visiting or contacting our planet.

It was a 12 full-page paper about this investigation.
My (shorter) conclusion:

After looking at all aspects that are necessary for life,
the possibility that life will arise on a planet, is very small.
(the change that a planet is a good base for life is very small too)
Because we need a life-form 'near' the earth (else we'll never be able to contact eachother) it is almost impoosible there is life that is able to contact or visit us.

But about life somewhere else in universe.....I believe there is something.

But UFO's, no way, kidnapped by aliens, no way, a message from aliens, no way.
Originally posted by shrike
I guess you could say that I am a believer of intelligence, since it is IMPOSSIBLE to have only one form of sentient life in an infinite, still expanding universe

Well, a little note: The expanding of universe has nothing to do with life at all, the space between the stars and planets is expanding, so they're won't be more stars and planets and life-forms because of the expanding....

And what else I forgot to say...thank you for your URL blueshift..

But the UFO part is a bit to large for my bad english...and amount of time. (1600 pages ?!?!)
But I'm glad with the Roswell part (only 1 page :))
What I meant by a still expanding universe is that (sorry for the grammar) there is a very, very large space for life to begin and evolve in, and the larger the space becomes the better the chances are that another alien race will evolve.
Originally posted by shrike
What I meant by a still expanding universe is that (sorry for the grammar) there is a very, very large space for life to begin and evolve in, and the larger the space becomes the better the chances are that another alien race will evolve.

I don't think so...

Only the space expands, the amount of energy and mass will be the same.

So there won't be more stars, so there won't be more planets, so there won't be more planets where life is possible.

What I tried to say is that although the universe is expanding, the chance for life won't be any bigger then it's now.

Life doesn't need much space, it needs mass, energy and a lot of luck.
First off I'd just like to point out I don't have a Ph.d in quantum physics or anything, I'm just a ninth grader posting my opinions on the net that have no real signifigance (damn thats a hard word) so what I say comes from the little knowledge in my head read from magazines like Discover and the Discovery Channel (no affiliation). What I REALLY meant now that I read your reply Kned is that the possibility of life grows with time, as star systems develop and and evolution takes place. It takes a hellofa lotta time, but thats not the point. As the universe expands the energy left over from the big bang could turn into nebulae, which would form stars-planets-life.
One more thing. Anyone know how to edit your signature?? I hate mine and wanna turn it into a saying. Any help is appreciated. Ty.
You must go to 'control panel' (on top of the site) and then go to 'edit profile', there is a line for changing your signature.

good luck.
You will be better off if you stay ignorant of this subject. Sometimes knowledge can hurt. Remember curiosity killed the cat.
ALSO remember ignorance is bliss. I'll admit probably 95% of whats out there on TV and the internet is probably fake and taken from the supermarket tabloids, but some of these people must be telling the truth, either by hallucination or solid facts. There is SO MUCH truth out there regarding the UFO phenomena, and even more fabrication, but to choose to ignore something so potentially enormous as this subject is like Bush choosing to ignore our heating planet, EVEN though there is a wealth of evidence supporting the fact that it is warming up. Sooner or later something big and important is going to happen and we won't have any idea of the events transpiring around us, whether it be the global extinction of priceless, helpless animals (due to global warming) or the constant (sloppy) observation by the greys.
there are evidences for global heating, but there isn't any evidence for UFO's......only some indications.
:) Life.
Through watching documentaries and reading books I’ve learned that everything evolved from the big bang. Energy is life. On this planet, science tells us that where there is water it’s possible for life to evolve. What if on other planets there is the equivalent of water which instigates life there? New elements, different molecules, different everything. I’m not a scientist, nor do I think I know much about anything, but just contemplate the size of the universe!
Our planet is just an ordinary planet, but look at all the life forms on this planet alone - compare a spider, to a snake, to a tree, to an elephant, to a bird, to a worm, to a human, to a fish, to a wombat, to a gorilla, and on and on and on… Science is discovering new things all the time.
Our solar system is just a plain bunch of planets orbiting a star – one of billions in this spiral galaxy, which is one of billions and billions and billions in the universe. Do you really think that this tiny blue dot (and Carl Sagan fans will know why I referred to it as a blue dot) is the only dot that has life? I don’t think we can evenimaginethe possibilities.

There is one problem, we can't say something about envolving life on a planet, just because we just know one example, and that's us.

I don't say that I don't believe in the existence of life, I do believe, but my problem is the technology and intelligence.

I think that it is very rare to produce life and rare^2 :) to make this life intelligent and even rare^3 to make it so intelligent that they can travel through the interstellar space.....

So let's say that around one of a 1000 stars life exists, and at one of a 1000 life-forms intelligence exists, and at one of a 1000 intelligences a tachnology as great to reach earth exists.

Then you'll will need about a billion stars to create a UFO-possible life-form.......

And I didn't even talk about the distance, if this life-form exists some thousands of lightyears away, the change they visit earth is almost not there...

So I think there's life, but UFO's, no way....
:rolleyes: I think that there are lifeforms out there on planets that are far away and this lifeforms have been there proparply Thousand of years before we walked the Earth and when you see how far we have got in two Thousand. So I think there are lifeforms out there with a lot advance technology.