aliens and ghosts and psychics oh my

The Ancient One

Registered Member
Greetings from The Ancient One. My name is
Micheal. I am a psychic/metaphysical practitioner in Canada. I have owned an occult store,worked psychic fairs,written columns on the paranormal,written horoscopes,
investigated paranormal phenomena,lectured on alien abduction...As someone who has seen spirits and had an encounter experience ,its
nice to see such an open forum for discussion.Life is an education and we are all students.
Hi The Ancient One

You sound like a very interesting person. I'm from Canada too.

My mother started me on the paranormal years ago when I was a kid. I remember her telling me a story, she was saying bye to dad, he was going to work about 5 am and she said this ufo flow over the lake and by the house and they both had headaches and ringing in the ears for a few days. My mother used to tell me ghost stories and I remember being scared.
I never really believed in paranormal until I experienced it myself. The last house my husband and kids lived in was haunted. This house was freaky. We lived in that house for 5 years and when we moved out, I was so relieved. Even friends who came to visit would ask if the house was haunted, because things would happen when they were over. For example: you would hear glass exploding, the cat would be a sleep on the floor and then fly throw the air like it was thrown. The water in the bathroom would be turned on and running full blast. You could hear things been thrown around in the basement. The tv would change channels all the time, it would go up to 146 and we only had 31 channels. I seen a ladies reflection in the window on evening and my daughter seen this man standing behind me when I was doing the laundry. I asked the former owners if anything happened the them and the wife told me a few stories about that house. I was so stressed out living in that house and so relieved when I moved out of it.

I've lived in 8 houses in my 37 years and that was the only haunted house. I could write a book on the thing that happened in that house.
Joyce-Psychokinetic energy, PKE, is probably the source of your poltergeist. Was there something about the house that you did not like? It's location, maybe it wasn't the one you really wanted, etc?

I've had extensive experience with PKE, most of it first-hand. It has encompassed everything from stuffed animals flying down the hall to a piano being dumped over. (Boy, was I pissed! It was MY piano!) I tracked the source of one PKE case to my sister-in-law, who was upset at my brother for being such a lout (unemployed, no ambition, etc.). After they moved away the attacks stopped. If anything happened at their new place it was never brought to my attention.
Hello Joyce.Fascinating experience you had,very bookworthy.I investigated a place called Hopkins Tomb in Port Colborne Ontario.
Years ago 3 young men tried to break into the tomb. Subsequently one died in a car accident,one lost an arm and the other a leg.
So me and a couple of friends decided to
investigate for ourselves.

One friday night after i closed up at the occult store we set out. It was your perfect b movie night. Thunder and lightning and rain,who could ask for anything more. My friend Colin stayed in the van to videotape while my other friend Brett and I hopped the
retaining wall. The legend states you must circle the tomb 7 times knocking on the door each time you pass.This breaks the curse.Brett performed the ritual while i took
still photos. Upon completion of the ritual he suggested i do the same.I declined arrogantly citing my paranormal experiences as a reason. It would be 24 hours before i found out how wrong i was.That night ended uneventfully.

The next night I was visiting family in niagara fall.Upon leaving my cousins the car i was in hit a tree at a high rate of speed. At the age of 36 i had never been in an
accident prior to this. I remember the impact,then everything went black.The next
thing i remember is standing at the foot of my cousins driveway some 300 yards away.My face was covered in blood.I sent my cousin Jeremy to help my sister and the driver.When Jeremy arrived at the scene the driver was
kicking in the passenger side window and dragging out my sister.It seems that when the driver came to the windows were up and the doors locked and i was gone.It was a two door nobody knows how i got out.3 and a half years later and i still have no memory of
how i got out or made it to my cousins.
Curse or coincidence.I know what i believe.
No, I do not believe these experiences were psychokinetic. We all loved the house, it was only a 1/4 mile from the school but we were still surrounded by the forest. It was a great place to live. We were in the house 8 months before the paranoral things started to happen, and the people who lived in the house before us told us of haunting that happened to them. And this older lady I met, told me she use to use the path by my house 40 years before to ride her horse. At the time theere were house there. And her horse would jump around and freak out and run off. The land was haunted long before I lived on it.
The Ancient One

I've never heard of Hopkins tomb, but your stories are very interesting. Can I find any info. on the internet on it? My husbands uncle lives 30 miles out of Niagra Falls and we were there 3 summers ago, it's beautiful county.

I've watched alot of shows on tv about curses on the Egyptian tombs. And the bad luck people have after their expeditions.

[This message has been edited by Joyce (edited September 19, 1999).]

On the net you will probably just find
what i have posted on it. However there is a book called MYSTERIOUS CANADA which has province by province lists of sightings...

Also in NIAGARA ON THE LAKE they give ghost tours.On friday,saturday and sunday nights on 610 cktb from 10pm-1am they have a show called the x zone from st.catharines.It has local psychics as well as kyle upton from ghost tours niagara they also have an 800
number so people can call the show from anywhere.If you cant get them on radio you can listen on the net.Heres the link:
I've also had a few strange experiences in my home, mostly with objects completely disappearing from their proper place for at least 24 hours (2 weeks, in one case). The whole family would search the house for the missing item, especially in the area where the item belonged, but would turn up nothing. Then just as mysteriously, it would show up exactly where it was supposed to have been all along.

Our "ghost" also liked to lock and unlock doors. Once a door I know I had closed and locked was standing open just a few minutes later. There was no one in the house but me.

Also, about 18 years ago, when my children were very small and we lived in an apartment (I was separated from my husband at the time), I was trying to get my oldest child ready for bed (he was about 3 years old). I was brushing his teeth and he kept trying to talk. He was kind of excited and he was saying, "The man won't get mommy's shoes". That sent a chill up my spine! I said, "What man"? He said, "The man who's messing up his hair and playing with mommy's shoes - he won't get mommy's shoes". Well - nevermind about my shoes! I grabbed the kids and went to a neighbor's apartment. She called her boyfriend, who was a security guard for the complex, and he came right over to check it out - nothing, of course. There was also "locked door" incident in that apartment - I never bothered deadbolting the front door, but only locked the bottom portion of the door instead. One day I got home to find it deadbolted. Mind you, I lived there alone with my two small children who were with me, so no one else could have done it. Again, the security guard came over to check my place - nothing out of place at all.

But the weirdest thing is the lights - our "ghost" liked to turn on lights, and sometimes right in front of you! I remember one time in the last year or two, when my alarm went off in the morning, instead of hitting the snooze alarm as I had intended, I had unknowingly turned the alarm off. I had gone in to use the bathroom, and after leaving the bathroom to go back to bed, I turned off the bathroom light. I took one or two steps towards the bed, when the light switch turned back on with an audible "click"! I decided he was trying to tell me something and immediately realized I had turned the alarm off instead of hitting the snoozer. Once I rectified the situation, everything was back to normal.

I haven't heard anything from our ghost since that last incident, so I'm not sure if he's even around anymore. I kind of miss the guy, to tell you the truth. :)
Ilive in Bethel, Ohio and my late wife had an experience about her late Aunt Dorothy. A fews days after her aunt's funeral, my wife woke up and looked through the bedroom doorway into this room and she said she saw the spirit of her aunt and then it disappeared. I was sound asleep and she told me the next morning.
I have seen ghosts on several occasions and once was near on suffocated by an entity.
Ghosts and poltergiests are real as far as I am concerned and there are good and bad.
I've never had the 'moving objects' or 'missing items' happen to me personally.
The best thing about two of my sightings was that they were confirmed by the house owners who had tried to tell other members of the household what they had seen on occasions and nobody believed them - until I told them what I saw and thereby backed up the others accounts.
No, I hadn't heard their stories before the incidents.
The last house my family lived in was a 3-level townhome with bedrooms on the top level, livingroom, dining room and kitchen on the second level and rec-room, office and laundry room on the first level. We experienced the whole shootin' match as far as spirits were concerned there... The pitter-patter of little feet and the frantic opening and closing of drawers could be heard on the top level while the entire family was on the second level... Water being turned on full-blast in any of the three bathrooms while noone was in them... the sounds of someone moving hangers in a closet when noone was in the closet... quarters being thrown at my daughter when it was only she and I who were home (and she was on the first level, ironing and I was up in my bedroom on the 3rd level)... a chandelier which circled over the dining room table which my mother-in-law and I were sitting at having a quiet cup of coffee (it started in a slow moving, small circle and worked it's way up to a faster-moving, large circle). My mother-in-law simply said, "Oh. Somebody's trying to tell us something." It didn't phase this woman of eighty-four years old. Her entire life, whenever someone in her family died, either their picture fell off the wall or a clock stopped in her home. She always knew, before being told, that a family member had
passed away.