Aliens and Christians


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
Aliens and Christians

Here’s a picture. After 100 years we decide to colonize one of Alpha Centauri planets. So we make a HUGE ship (colonists, food, people, DNA databases, animals, historic records etc etc, etc.) And know what -> colonists discover tht they are too late and an alien colony has been established there long ago. It’s a very advanced civilization with enlightened beings, BUT they know n-thing of Christianity or their god.
So here is a question for you all out there (mainly Christians), ALIENS KNOW N-THING of your religion. Is it a proof tht there is no God, because he would presumably be well known by more advanced culture (in all ways superior). Would tht mean tht there is no God or maybe your god is insignificant one and instead of all tht is, it created only Earth (I hope tht some would consider this to be proof tht there is no god, but oh well……….. we’re not perfect). What would those Christian colonists think……….-> another picture
And they were astonished by the alien culture, but when they found out tht they are not Christians or angels,
1) they labeled them to be demons
2) tried to preach Christianity, but when laughed at, labeled them to be demons
3) ran back to Earth telling tht they had found demons and tht god said to tell all humans never to leave Earth (they were afraid tht their religion would be destroyed if humans knew the truth)
4) jumped out in outer space in hope to go to heaven and never see those demons again.

If you like, you can add other possibilities as well.

How do you think-> could this happen, what are the boundaries of human blindness and believing not to believe facts tht say truth………………..
what are your thoughts on possibilities and assumptions mentioned here……….
Disclaimer: I'm not a Christian, I'm just speculating on the ideas that seem basic to that and most other religions. I’m not saying that most modern Christians even think this way, just that it seems like the tradition.

Humans are the ultimate, most important species in the universe. God revealing himself to us, and living a life as a human, is part of showing that we're great and special.

People in the Americas knew nothing at all of the Christian God... that was basically taken to show that they needed to be saved (or eliminated). God wants the enlightened people on Earth to save the unenlightened. The same would apply in space, God didn't come to Alpha Centauri because he wanted the Christian missionaries to have people (creatures) to save, in order to show their faith.
in the Indian case, those people to Europeans seemed primitive (of course they weren't), but I was talking about suprrior advanced social and scientific culture. Christians could not in this case say they are primitive or force aliens to do anything because they have no such power.

here's a bone for some -> those Aliens confess tht they really were the ancient gods visiting Earth long ago, but then decided to leave people alone. what now???!! heavens collapsing
They would see it as a clear message from God they have been chosen to spread the word and they would evangelize.

It doesn't matter they might be laughed at because the bible tells them that heathens will do that, and of course that will strengthen their faith. Just look at Sir. Loone or ISDAMAN, you can throw any sort of abuse at them and they will simply say they will pray for you.

You need to appreciate the effect of total indoctrination and brain-washing.

Originally posted by Cris
You need to appreciate the effect of total indoctrination and brain-washing.

Consider, perhaps as importantly, psychological reasons why it was developed. People love to feel important, people have to feel important. Believing that a God has declared that you exist to spread true knowledge to the hordes of ignorant heathens could really help the ego. The all-powerful has such confidence in you that he thinks you're up to the most important possible task, that of saving people's souls... and in this case, even the souls of super-intelligent aliens who used to pose as false gods on earth (and so must be evil). Now, that makes you quite an important person.
*Originally posted by Avatar
So here is a question for you all out there (mainly Christians), ALIENS KNOW N-THING of your religion.

This is all hypothetical, so every answer would also be hypothetical.

*Is it a proof tht there is no God, because he would presumably be well known by more advanced culture (in all ways superior).*

When Europeans arrived in the Americas, they didn't find millions of atheists.

*Would tht mean tht there is no God or maybe your god is insignificant one and instead of all tht is, it created only Earth (I hope tht some would consider this to be proof tht there is no god, but oh well……….. we’re not perfect).*

I suspect that, for you, stepping on a crack in a sidewalk would be proof of no God.

*And they were astonished by the alien culture, but when they found out tht they are not Christians or angels,
1) they labeled them to be demons
2) tried to preach Christianity, but when laughed at, labeled them to be demons
3) ran back to Earth telling tht they had found demons and tht god said to tell all humans never to leave Earth (they were afraid tht their religion would be destroyed if humans knew the truth)
4) jumped out in outer space in hope to go to heaven and never see those demons again.

Some might do all of those things, but others might just act normal.

*How do you think-> could this happen, what are the boundaries of human blindness and believing not to believe facts tht say truth………………..
what are your thoughts on possibilities and assumptions mentioned here……….

It's been done before.
As for the limits of human blndness, so far it looks like there aren't any.

*Originally posted by Cris
You need to appreciate the effect of total indoctrination and brain-washing.

It has to be seen to be believed.
Look at how the educational system has brainwashed kids into believing in evolution.
Not a scrap of fact, yet most evolutionists argue for evolution as though their lives were at stake.
Tony, my dear old 'friend'...

Have you ever read the bible well? Who were those Angels who came to Abraham and told him that Sarah, a woman of an age she actually could not get pregnant anymore, would get a son. Amongst those Angels was god himself isn't it? These Angels had wings and were not entirely human. Sarah got pregnant in the same way mary did, when she got pregnant with Jesus, the savior. Only an example. There are a lot of these examples in the bible. Never thought of the idea that this Angels might have been extraterrestrials?

Extraterrestrials mingled with mankind in the days of the bible. That is where the Sons of Abraham come from. Alien nature my 'friend'...;)
Finally the mystery of Tony's provenance is revealed.

but serious, I agree with you Banshee about "angels" in the bible.
Re: Tony, my dear old 'friend'...

*Originally posted by Banshee
Have you ever read the bible well?

I do the best I can.

*Who were those Angels who came to Abraham and told him that Sarah, a woman of an age she actually could not get pregnant anymore, would get a son.*

Let me guess, you want a person to admit they were aliens.
Well, OK, they were, but not the kind of aliens most people are talking about when they're talking about aliens.

*Amongst those Angels was god himself isn't it? These Angels had wings and were not entirely human.*

They weren't human.

*Sarah got pregnant in the same way mary did, when she got pregnant with Jesus, the savior.*

I think Sarah got pregnant in the same old time-honored way, seeing as that's how Hagar got pregnant, too.

*Never thought of the idea that this Angels might have been extraterrestrials?*

Oh, they are extra-terrestrials, all right, just not residents of another planet.

*Extraterrestrials mingled with mankind in the days of the bible. That is where the Sons of Abraham come from. Alien nature my 'friend'...*

That's right, just not "alien nature" like on TV.
Extraterrestrials apperar all over the Bible. Open your mind and your eyes and you will see. Nephilims, Eloheem, Angels!!!! Flying Discs seen in Ezekiel 1:3

im just someone passing by surfing the net...happen to be a Christian and wanted to drop a note on the subject.

It seems here that there are 2 sides. The Christians who believe what the bible is saying, and the extraterrestrialists (for lack of a better word) who believe in aliens.

The ETists are pointing out scripture and claiming that it speaks of ETs....of which they can't prove since none of them were there to see for themselves what actually was seen. They read some very interesting things into the bible. That's fine, we tend to get out of the bible what we bring into it.

The Christians (not here but in generaly) tend to say the ETists are a bunch of crazy loosers who need Christ....thats bad of them to say, certianly not what Jesus would have done.

As a person who truly follows Christ, I am not here to judge ETists. But this is my perspective and i'd like all the readers to think about this for a moment....

The underlying problem on this issue is perspective. I agree that there are UFOs of unknown origin, i've seen the videos and photos, and I know that many things seem to have other-worldly origins. I believe that both sides of this argument are seing the same thing. Christians see angels and demons, ETists see aliens, we're talking about the same things, the question here is "what are the nature of these creatures and objects?"

For the ETist, these come to represent alien creatures from elsewhere in the universe. I would say that the ETist has absolutely no concrete proof that this is the case. I believe it can be reasonably proven that these things are real and out there, but to attribute their origin to off-planet life is pure speculation...

conversely, the Christian usually labels these creatures "demons" which also have off-world origins, but not the same as the ETist states. Again, the Christian has absolutely no way to prove what they are saying.

Some people may claim alien encounters where the being communicates that it is from another question, if you are kindapped by a strange being against your will....why would you trust what you're being told? theres no reason to believe them at face value. Christians believe that demons are master decievers fully able to con anyone willing to believe their story.

so, all in all, both sides are seeing the same thing and there is no inherent contradiction to that. The problem arises when we attribute the origin of these beings. Neither side has evidence to prove the origins of these beings and objects. Therefore, if you want to talk about open-mindedness, the ETist should stop dumping on the Christian and accept that their point of view is valid and does serve to explain the facts. and the Christian should not dismiss the ETists claims and accept that when excluding the spiritual realm, their claims make equally as much sense.

I probably wont be stopping by this board again because im just surfing around, but if you want to talk further, just email me.
Woah. You, my friend, are the most level-headed religious person I've ever met. You are a breath of fresh air. I wish you guys were all as realistic and open-minded as this man is.

Just to clear the air, no atheist is an atheist because he hates god, or becuase he refuses to believe in spite of overwhelming evidence; we are atheists because there is no proof. Nothing of what is written even makes sense. Gods are written all over the place in history, but they all seem to have some human ties. (i.e. use of mechanical devices, reliance on humans to transport them, worship them)

On the other hand, we have drawings and writings of UFOs all over antiquity as well. Most go hand-in-hand with the gods, while some don't. What sells us on this idea is that as spectacular as it may be, the idea of an alien race visiting us is more practical. It has mechanics, which we see today; it has physical life, which we have today; it is backed up by ancient trinkets and carvings and paintings depicting it. Take a look at XFACTS and get a look at why we believe what we believe.

Solid scientific evidence. Something lacked in any religion at all.

Maybe the hardest part to believe about religion is the outrageous claims they make. Like, in Islam, thier holy book (Qua-Ran? Is that how you spell it?) is told to have just appeared out of nowhere. In one, complete volume. Just POOF. There it was. Well, we know that this is rediculous, as differing versions have been found of it. Also, to say someone rose from the dead...c'mon. And, the fact that Peter himself said some of the people at his sermon would live to see the end of the world. That one is just flat-out bull.

If you want to understand why we're atheists, just really, truly take a look at what we study, what we examine and inspect; we have studied your beliefs and read your religious documents and learned about what you believe in, why not do the same for us?

God wants the enlightened to save the unenlightened...

Originally posted by Hoth
Disclaimer: God wants the enlightened people on Earth to save the unenlightened.

So well put! That is why we are here! Instead of using the word 'save,' I like the words 'teach' or 'lead' or 'show the way.'
Demons can take the form of an alien. Well at least that's what one exorcist told me.

JDawg do you have a site with the full translations of the sumerian documents. Also by 600BC Isaiah portends the messiah comming soon. Not too much of a difference between 600 years and 2000 years.

Maybe the hardest part to believe about religion is the outrageous claims they make. Like, in Islam, thier holy book (Qua-Ran? Is that how you spell it?) is told to have just appeared out of nowhere. In one, complete volume. Just POOF. There it was. Well, we know that this is rediculous, as differing versions have been found of it. Also, to say someone rose from the dead...c'mon. And, the fact that Peter himself said some of the people at his sermon would live to see the end of the world. That one is just flat-out bull.
Muslims do not believe this.
Originally posted by Avatar
How do you think-> could this happen, what are the boundaries of human blindness and believing not to believe facts tht say truth………………..
what are your thoughts on possibilities and assumptions mentioned here……….
I think we should do a bit of substitution. Let us replace the 'non-God Aware' aliens with 'God Aware' aliens, and the Christians with atheists. Of course, a similar thread of responses can be deduced. The first expected question from the atheists to the aliens would be; "Where's the evidence?" of course. They would possibly point out the same examples that theists/Christians usually do - the complexity and wonder of our existence, your conscience, your soul, etc. etc... and maybe a few more that the 'God Aware' humans are currently unaware of. Of course the atheist will respond typically; "That doesn't point to a creator, it could have all appeared there by itself." along with the whole denial and 'way of finding comfort and meaning in life' cliches. Consequently, the question arises again...

"How do you think-> could this happen, what are the boundaries of human blindness and believing not to believe facts tht say truth……………….."

Hopefully, this has shed some light on the nature of the original scenario - I'll reserve my judgement. To the point; a surfeit of evidence is available to corroborate many competing hypothesese, theories, and models. Thus the other guy might always disagree. You may choose to believe whatever you rationalise that evidence to be supportive of, thus you have faith that your rationale is correct and that what you see as supporting evidence is such. In the Christian faith your belief has consequences, possibly dire ones; in the scientific faith your beliefs have consequences - they basically determine if others will think you're an idiot or not: of course the 'idiots' usually evolve into geniuses. God/The Christian God/the concept of god is beyond proof via current scientific methodology - He/it is purely subjective, while most things accepted in science are subjective on a wider front [objective] - in other words more people accept them. Considering the consequences to be considered, I'll stick with Christianity while enjoying the benefits of the scientific and pseudo-scientific playgrounds.