Alien Threat

The Communist

Registered Member
Anybody remember when the american president proclaimed during the cold war that if an alien threat did occur how all their troubles would just fall away? Could it be that he was preparing the world for an intergalactic war after a diplomatic mistake made by some Earthlings which brought us close to a war which prove disasterous for all of mankind?
We have as much of a chance in intergalactic war as an anthill has against a nuclear strike.

I doubt our politicians could ever offend an alien space-dwelling race; it would be something akin to a newborn offending an adult.

I am; therefore I think.
Even if extraterrestrials were to invade this little spitball of a planet we call home, I think we'd have the home field advantage.

A civilization that can traverse the vast reaches of space and conduct operations would have to be pretty organized, I would think. Organized forces have a history of falling apart at the seams when faced with a force that doesn't fight by conventional warfare. We (the US) did it to the British and in turn the Vietnamese did it to us. The guerilla tactics employed by the underdog in both scenarios worked far better than the rank-and-file tactics employed by the top dog.

Also, just because they are more advanced than us doesn't necessarily mean that they are more creative. Where Dr. Ziploc might think I'm unarmed just because he has shot the rifle out of my hand, I might find a crude but handy weapon in a hubcap.

Of course, this assumes that they want the planet intact. If they don't care what happens to Terra, maybe they'll just bring in a planet-buster and push the button, in which case we're all screwed.
We should think "outside the box" when it comes to non-human intelligences. I seriously doubt they want "us" or our "planet"...they see things from a much higher spiritual perspective. If they abduction reports are to be even partially believed, they view us as "containers". Our CONCIOUSNESS is what they are interested in, our ability to add something to their own gestalt of conciousness that is not already there. Whitley Streiber calls it "communion". I call it "pyramiding".

They exist in a higher dimensional manifold, and move both in-time, and "out of time". They touch physical reality very lightly, and their motives for monitoring and influencing human events are far beyond anything you can comprehend. The pay-off for them is the evolutionary conciousness of mankinds collective "soul", our collective spiritual force. Think of it this way: All life forms are like brain cells. individually, they are not all that impressive. But joined with others, they merge to create a thinking, creative force for greater expansion of all that is. LIFE CREATING AND CONTEMPLATING ITSELF. So, our "aliens" are not interested in such pedestrian things as our bodies or our planet. They want something more. Communion.
Brian-The ancient Romans wanted nothing so much as to expand their empire and increase their resources regardless of what the indigenous people of the conquered lands wanted. They weren't interested in spiritual enlightenment or opening up the doors of universal brotherhood. What's to say that a hypothetical extraterrstrial force doesn't have similar motivations? They have phyisical bodies, fly physical craft, they need physical resources. Hypothetically, of course.
ooooo...that's an interesting point about communion, and you're absolutely right, they do want communion. Ok guys, now let's see if you're paying attention....the million dollar question issssssssss


Do you guys remember by chance who it is that we're SUPPOSED to have communion with???

Oh, well could it be JESUS???????

You guys are getting to be border-line retarded with this BS. Will you all please wake the f*%k up????????!!!!!!!!

God loves you and so do I!
Flash!!!!!! That's the whole frickin' point!!!!! Now will you please STOP wanting to "bet your life" on other things besides Jesus??????? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WOMAN, LISTEN TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!

God loves you and so do I!
Ok Ok there ya go bashing on Flash again.
I want you all to read a book called Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs....outstanding book that even Lori will like ROFLMAO anyway it goes into deep history talking about Annunaki,Nephilim,Nibiru the whole nine yards. I've also got 12th planet but been to busy to pick it up and read book at a time. Anyway they want 'communion' with us because one race engineered the human for slaves to mine their minerals on your planet. Their was human/alien breeding going on which created the Nephilim. They knew that returning to Nibiru would cause earthly cataclysm but didn't want to tell the earthlings this but one alien did tell who else but Noah which is why he survived. God is not in this picture

Eric Cooper
I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to. I just get so frustrated. Why do you believe what they tell you? What if they are lying? Hey, they're lying, ok? What you're saying doesn't make sense. The Bible just hasn't been misinterpreted that bad. I mean, you're basically agreeing with me that you think the aliens are the same beings that are referred to as angels in the Bible, right? Man, you need to read your Bible some more. You are missing a huge point. Did you read that link I put under "PLEASE READ"? Would you please read it and give it some thought? It's the truth. The Bible says that Noah was chosen because he was pure. Some think that means genetically speaking. God created us, but Satan and his angels have been f'ing with us ever since; literally. What do your little g's say about Jesus? Then read what the Bible says about Jesus. It's very explicit. What your trying to tell me really is that those who have been saved by the Word of God and believe it the most, are the only ones who don't understand it. That makes absolutely no logical sense.

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited October 05, 1999).]
LMAO...she can't help herself!
I guess disagreeing with her will bring
it out LOL that's why I deleted my post
like 5 minutes after I had sent it.. I guess
she was there before I did. oops LOL
I do know her intentions are good though.
She meant nothing bad about it.
have a good one! *S*
If anyone of you have seen the "Babylon 5" series there is an episode in there where Earth Cruisers ( in space) are looking for that race they have been hearing about from another race called the Minbari. The Minbari have heard scattered rumours about Earthlings and their aggressive attitude towards things. At last, The Earthlings bump's into them, and while the Minbari has a custom of opening all their gunports to show them all the secrets, the Earthlings misunderstand them and starts firing.

A War then broke out, and it didn't take long before the Minbari was prepared to invade Earth itself.

In the last battle, they decide to bring one human aboard so that they could talk to him and get to know the race better before they were wiped out.
They test him with an intrument, and to their shock. Humans had the same souls as the Minbari.. The Minbari then unconditionally surrendered because of that...

Think about the concept.. Every race out there could actually be using the same soul.. Now would that generate the "interest" in us?
Maybe that's why they are here to enlighten us...
To Oxygen:

OX, I think your point about them being physically real, with physical craft is partially true...SOME of them, certainly do have craft, and would theorectically be interested in us and our planet purely from a territorial perspective....But i would not lose any sleep over these types, as they are no match for our "WATCHERS", our "bodyguards", for lack of a better word....There are an enormous number of beings, both physical and non-physical, that exist IN time, and out of bodies, and without "bodies"....IN space, and INSIDE of space.......In fact, there are so many intelligences vying for earth, it is giving me a freakin' headache !!!

The earth is a chessboard, and we are pawns in a larger game....So, in that sense, you and i agree Oxygen....
Brian your theory sounds interesting. I'm not trying to dispute your theory as on this board we should all keep an open mind but...One thing I've found in history is that humans have always tried putting themselves in the centre. We once thought we were the centre of the solar system, but we now know the sun is.

Now we've gone to a different perspective of saying that we're the centre of a potential alien conflict. I mean we're not exactly in the centre of the universe or nothing. The closest star is 4.2 light years away. Thats about 36 trillion Kilometres away. BTW a mile is equal to 1.6 kilometres for you old imperial system folk.