alien technology?

I think we took or should I say the military and the government took most of the alien technology and then reverse enginered it. It's easy to explain how we got the fiber optics, night vision goggles, and all kinds of other technology that we never had up until July of 1947.

everything is not what it
appears to be
How about hard work by some people with visions of a faster better future? Oh wait I know that new freaking robo-dog was on the ship and Sony used their secret military to break into area 51 (the one no one knows about but everyone knows about) steal the robo dog plans and relese it to the waiting public!
Your explaination gives us so much Im sure those dem der' aliens had VCR's CD players, Coffie makers, cable modems, electirc staplers etc.

You know the old saying put a infinate number of monkies in a room with keybords and they will write all the plays of shakespear? Perhaps it should be put acouple hundred smart humans in a room with the quest to make things faster one will come up with fibre optics.

I think your giving 100 smart humans too much credit. Look in history before fiber optics was even a dream....the pyramids etc yes i bring that up once again but tech was boosted in that era as well. Use your brain and broaden your mind Mid12 or is fun in your closed room of a world. Much safer for you to grasp i suppose

Eric Cooper
i think this matter has been covered allready fully in the ex col us army philip corso book - THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL...printed in 1997....(?)

that ex military soldier,officer and pentagon operative is now deceased from old age and his story was not told til he was far along in his life to a point where no repercussions for speaing the truth could really affect him.

gee..sounds alot like what major jesse marcel did in exposing the truth of the Roswell UFO crash of 1947....Marcel did not come forward to speak for over 30 years.

read the Corso book but the paperback version is the best price-- the material in the book covers only a short time of corso's military carreer, so not worth the hardback price for a major ufo research resource book.
