Alien surgery on cows in Patagonia?


Tired warrior
Registered Senior Member
Perhaps the news have reached the newspaper headlines and TV news and you already know about it, but I will report this event right from de "scene of the murder". In three different provinces in Argentina (Buenos Aires, La Pampa and Rio Negro) about 80 animals (cow and lambs) have been discovered with some of their internal organs and pack of muscles removed in a very strange manner. Everything is too strange, and veterinarians, surgeons, and other scientists are baffled. They cannot give any explanation for this event. Some details:

1) The removal of internal organs seems to be selective: in some animals, the digestive system was entirely removed using a strange and absolutely perfect tecnhique: the wounds look cauterized; there is no blood in the soil under the corpse, or inside the remains. In other animals other organs were removed: only the eyes, only the respiratory system (lungs and trachea), only the kidneys and bladder (the renal system), etc.

2) On other animals, only specific pack of muscles were removed (notably the masticatory muscles in the jaw, performed in such a clean way that there are not signals of scalpels touching the bone). The same clean and bloodless technique was used in other packs of muscles, fore and hinder legs, a complete rib section, etc. I have examined detailed pictures of these "surgeries" and was amazed by the perfect technique used. There are <B>no remains of tissues in the bones</b>. The bones are clean as if washed in sodium hydroxide, white as snow. I have performed many "skinning" on wild game (wild boars, jaguars, rabbits, deer, etc) and I know perfectly well how messy this task is. A recently killed animal when butchered this way, sheds lots of blood, and the floor becomes a poodle. Here, there is no blood whatosever.

3) There were no signals of people around the animals, no footsteps, no wheel tracks nearby, no nothing.

4) The animals have been exposed in the open country for about ten days now, <b>but the corpses have not begun to decompose</b>. No worms at all. Natural predators in the region, as foxes, pumas and other smaller carnivores have not touched the corpses, something totally unnatural, as I have never seen a dead cow or calf (or any other animal) staying untouched by predators for more than a half day (predators are mostly active during night).

5) Other animals stay away from the site, horses refuse to get near the corpses, and "gauchos" must dismount and walk more than 25 meters to get close the dead cows and lambs.

Three cow heads have been sent to the Atomic Energy Commission for studying, but the results have not been yet disclosed. Maybe in a few days we'll have the result of the analysis. This kind of events have been observed in other countries too, in the Mississippi area back in 1992, Mexico Chile and Brazil, during many years. In Mexico they call the butcher <b>"chupacabras"</b> (the "goat sucker") because many goats who suffered the treatment were drained, with not a drop of blood in their body. In Chile the victims have been birds, chicken, ducks and turkeys.

I hate it, but I have no explanation for these events. It is too weird, and the TV news all over the country are giving wide coverage to this strange happenings. What are your opinion? BTW, there is nothing faked here. This is for real. The region covered by these events are separated by 700 kilometers, and new fresh corpses are being discovered every day. Who did it? Why? :confused:
In Brasil we call them "chupacabra" too. This already happened there too. It's creepy...:eek:

Well... anyways... it may be aliens... who knows?
Who would do such thing and for what purpose?
Seems scientific experiments for me...
The "thing" is spreading

Phase 2 of the "chupacabra" in Argentina. It has spread to other two provinces. Córdoba (where I live) and its neighbour Santa Fe, but this time the cases include horses, chicken and birds. TV News are going wild with this. "Authorities" are officialy working with three hypotesis:

1) Extraterrestrials
2) Climatic events
3) Sects

Of course, they say: "Extraterrestrials or aliens are the <b>least</b> plausible of all". They think religious or satanic sects are to be blamed. Let us analyze it:

<B>Climatic Events: </B>Have you ever seen a tornado (unexistant this time of the year) remove a pack of masticatory muscles from the jaws and leave the body untouched? Or remove the whole reproductive system and leave the rest? Well, the person who included this hypotesis should be sent back to primary school and start his learning from scratch.

<B>Sects:</B> We'll assume, for a moment, these things are performed by sects. These sects must then be quite powerfull, with many well trained technicians, surgeons, and must have an advanced scientific equipment (lasers and helicopters), and must have about 15 different teams performing the surgeries. And above all: <b>they must have a purpose.</B> They must be making a profit from it. We must find out if this is the case.

The cuts are so clean and techically perfect performed, that must have performed by the means of a <b<laser scalpel</b> (as used in cataract surgery), because there is not a drop of blood in the surgical area. There are no footsteps or signs of stepping on the grass around the corpses, so these operations must have been performed from a floating platform (an helicopter is out of the question, as there is not a pilot who can keep a chopper steady enough to allow the surgeons to make such precise operations).

Also, the wind provoked by the helicopter blades would have removed all leaves and loose material from the area, and this is not the case. So these people must have another kind of floating device, steady enough to perform the surgeries. Or the animals were abducted in one place, taken to a operatin room, and later transported by an helicopter and lowered by means of wire cables from high enough as to not remove loose particles from the site. The altitude to do this, would be mopre than 50 meters. It could be done, but, why do it this way? There is a lot of very expensive logistics going on here.

If there were sects involved here, they wouldn't mind to leave footsteps or wheel tracks, or any other signs, and is very likely they would have left written messages (Apocalyptic or other kind) to make they point clear. On the other hand, sects in Argentina are well under surveillance by a private organization composed of journalists and scientists that keep track of any of their activities. This organization has ddebunked the activities of many of these weird people, resulting in the imprisonment of their bosses. (As usual, heads of sects are always making good money from their follower's gullible minds). Until now, there was no sect here involved in this kind of thing, and this organization say "there are no sects involved here".

I say: Why scientists cannot be humble, just once, and say: <b>"I don't know. I have no explanation for this event"</b>?. Scientists and technicians abhors recongizing their ignorance in any matter, and will always give elliptyc answers to hide their inhability to give an accurate answer. Socrates showed them the way to go: <b>"I only know that I know nothing"</B>. Recognizing our own ignorance is the first step towards the truth.
I'm going to put it down like this. There are some human possibilities that could cause a resolvement for the equation:

Notice how the countries that are picked are places that aren't infilstructured to well at present. This means that some of the people in that country will do things to try and escape any poverty they might be suffering or escape to further themselves.

Firstly Organs and portions of animals might be used in their testing of cures or to get a better understanding of biology just so they can enter that line of work. (you never know how many doctors are practicing that might have started through the odd cattle mutilation.)

There is also a worldwide need for BLOOD. It might be possible that people have looked at the genetic sourcing of Blood/Plasma and have realised that through years of eating Cow that our genetics has a preportion of the cow genes embedded within it.
This means that they could be taking the blood and selling it to places that need it in the world like the US.
How about that... Blood Traffickers.

Lastly there is old age ritual sacrifices that some of the locals do that date back to Aztec times and other neighbouring tribes.
There is a possibility that depending on the time of year or season, or even how the weather has been. Sacrifices will change between certain animals.

Thats why notibly so many of the same animals might get abused.

In fact you might see an anti-religion in response to the people that see cows as sacred, perhaps the cultures bumped into each other in a time of war so scare mungering was adopted as a ritual sacrfice before battle.

As for The incissions being made by something lazer like, well it would be easy enough to boost the power on the lazer from a CD-ROM.

There is one other that springs to mind but it would seem proposterous, but it envolves the use of ELF systems, relative string engines, and the creation of null space in EM bubbles.
(but it's a bit complex to explain.)

Why would we use high-tech expensive tools to del with something so stupid as getting food and blood!?!?!?:bugeye:

Do you know... we don't have taht much money to be spent in this meaningless "luxury"...!

Is THAT hard to admit that we don't know what is causing those things??? :eek:

Did you actually read Edufer's post? Look at that:

Also, the wind provoked by the helicopter blades would have removed all leaves and loose material from the area, and this is not the case. So these people must have another kind of floating device, steady enough to perform the surgeries. Or the animals were abducted in one place, taken to a operatin room, and later transported by an helicopter and lowered by means of wire cables from high enough as to not remove loose particles from the site. The altitude to do this, would be mopre than 50 meters. It could be done, but, why do it this way? There is a lot of very expensive logistics going on here.

I hope scientists get humble ebough to admit that they can't explain some things...! Otherwise you (scientists) will never know the truth about those kind of thing.

I'm really proud of Edufer!!! He is pretty much a scientist but he admits he can't explain everything!!

Good work Edufer! :)
Good work Edufer!
Muito Obrigado, Nelson. I just try to report in an unbiased way, analyzing both sides of the issue. A. Conan Doyle showed us a way to investigate any matter: "If you are looking for a mysterious letter, just look on top the table, not behind hidden panels or under tiles in the floor". Have common sense.

Rituals practices in Argentina have been carried on by "witches" and "sorcerers", much in the way of the Umbanda practices, hoaxters that profit from the ignorance and gullibity of their desperate clients. In this case, never before this kind of thing happened. Why suddendly now? Hungry people? It happened about a month ago when starving people attacked a truck loaded with cattle (it had tilted on the curb) and their just scarificed the cows and calfs right there --a lot of blood in the pavement.

Blood trafficking? Perhaps, but why there are no signs of stepping around the place? Why take so much care in leaving no marks on the bones? Why use expensive equipment? It would be less risky if you buy the cattle, dry them out of blood and later sell the meat in the market. On the other hand, the blood in butchered cattle is used here for making "morcillas", (blood sausages) that has more added value than selling the blood in an alleged "black market" (in this country, unexistant).

I repeat, we must wait for the results of the scientific studies being performed in Universities and the Atomic Enrgy Commission. Hypotesis abound; the truth is still absent.
Maybe a high powered organisation/government wanted the organs etc for testing, like someone said. Is there any evidence to suggest that the operations were performed in the fields?? Couldnt the animals have been tested on in a laboratory and whatever was needed (maybe the focus of thier tests) taken out and then the animals dumped in a field (possibly from a helicopter)? This would explain the lack of blood and everything else i think. Maybe new muscle/organ enhancing drugs were being tested illegally (possibly by the governent or some organisation) and were then removed when they had their results and the animals were dumped.

;) pete comes to the rescue again.

btw. these animals are not on farms are they because that would disprove this theory :( lol
Originally posted by p_ete2001
Maybe a high powered organisation/government wanted the organs etc for testing, like someone said.
No way. The total lack of money of ALL government organizations makes this theory impossible. There is no scientific research going on in the medecin or veterinarian area.
[/quote]Is there any evidence to suggest that the operations were performed in the fields??[/quote]Yes, there is ample proof that the operations were performed "in situ".
Couldnt the animals have been tested on in a laboratory and whatever was needed (maybe the focus of thier tests) taken out and then the animals dumped in a field (possibly from a helicopter)? This would explain the lack of blood and everything else I think.
Nope. Think: this kind of operation would require a huge amount of money (the cost of flying hour of an helicopter is gruesome). Then, why return the animals? It would be cheaper to just butcher them and sell the meat in the black market --a common practice in Argentina.
Maybe new muscle/organ enhancing drugs were being tested illegally (possibly by the governent or some organisation) and were then removed when they had their results and the animals were dumped.
The lack of official control in Argentina for illegal research and drug testing makes this theory also not feasible. You just make your tests and nobody cares.

The (alien?) operations kept going for another couple of months, with many starnge things: in one field in Santa Fe 10 cows were found drowned in an "Australian tank" (as we call it ther, a water reservoir made of zinc sheet, about 15 - 20 meters in diameter, and 2 meters high, used for storing and supplying water to the cattle). How did the cows manage to get inside the tank? Why would anyonw wanted to throw 19 cows inside?

Moreover, the experiments were transferred to other kind of animals; dogs, cats, lambs, goats, chicken, birds, etc. Now theere are no more reports from the press, after the government made the stupid claim that the culprits were the "long nosed reddish rat", common in some fields of Argentina. Everybody laughed, because most of the animals tested (by alien?) were in probinves where the such rat does not exist.

btw. these animals are not on farms are they because that would disprove this theory. lol
Cattle is raised in Argentina in open country, in ranchs from 4.000 to 20.000 acres, though some breeding is done intensively in small farms. The cattle in small was not touched, just the one in the open field.
Well im baffled. Could be aliens then.
.......government.....culprits were the long nosed reddish rat
Bloody governments. Do they think the general public are stupid!?? I think they must. They keep everything from us. Why do they think we cant be trusted with information and if they dont know, then why dont they just say that. I dont thihnk anyone would laugh at them because we dont know either! And how could a f****** rat throw 10 cows through the air! :confused: :rolleyes: :bugeye: I think it might have been aliens but i cant think why. :confused:
Pfft! Silly people. It was not aliens or some secret government agency. IT WAS ME!!! I hate cows! They must die, all of them! Die you freaky bovine bastards, DIE!!!!!!

If you check out the National Institute of Discovery Science website you will find plenty of scientific articles on animal mutilation cases such as you have described. Those kind of surgical operations have been going on up here for more than thirty year and scientists and government up here are just as baffled as anywhere else. Look in the Animal Pathology section.
How did the rumor about blood trafficking from mutilated cows ever get started? If there was ever a market for cows blood, the slaughterhouses would have had that sewn up from the beginning.


I personally think that the idea of government involvement is preposterous....Why would they bother sneaking around, only to leave a very suspicious bunch of carcasses around? It is not an average situation, which is why it is attracting peoples attention and inviting their theories.

This one may be a "jawbreaker" for our scientists, or "jelly" for our sensitives...

Maybe we'll catch the culprits in the act and know for a certainty what is going on; then again, maybe we won't!

I have heard of this phenomenon previously and have actually examined some of the pictures provided by the web...quite odd, quite odd indeed...
Just out of curiosity: Has any of you actually seen (not to mention closely examined) any of these cases?

Those picture of the man tortured and mutilated are not comparable to the legitimate cattle mutilations and are more likely to be the handiwork of the CIA or some such outfit. The bruising and tearing of flesh don't occur in the real cattle mutilations. Nor is there the blood residue such as was left in the man and the cattle were never tied up. It's obvious those cases of people mutilation belong on the FBI's website, not in a psuedoscience thread.