alien propulsion


Registered Senior Member
i was wondering what all of you thought about alien propulsion, how they get from there star system to ours in such a fast time, how there ships defy the laws of gravity and all that

Good question about how they get here. They are either a) very long lived, or b) no longer dealing with the silly little problem of travelling faster than the speed of light. If you want some food for thought on the subject of light speeds and beyond, I recommend "Schrodinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality: Solving the Quantum Mysteries" by John Gribbin.

It's safe to assume that they are coming from someplace that we can't get to, be it far away or else in another dimension. If we can iron out quantum mechanics without having to multiply anything by infinity, we might be able to pop on over and say 'hi'.
yes, i agree. but the way i think about it is that we are headed in the wrong direction, our ways of propusion are all screwed up, it takes us forever to get to out own moon, we have to spend all sorts of money onlaunbching veicles into space, wich i think is unnecessary.

and then for intersteller flight you must "snap over" into and alternate dimenjtion or something like that, were all the same laws of physics do not apply. and then you have to fold space in H-spaceso that your destination comes to you then snap out.

You should defintely read up on quantum physics. Hyperspace is taken into account. Right now I'm just studying how photons react under diferent circumstances. I'm sure if you hit the books you'll find a lot of ideas to answer your questions with. It's not hard reading, either. When the official definition of quantum mechanics is "spooky action at a distance", you know you're in for a lot of big-brained fun.

so the reading about how photons react under different circumstances and you don't find it hard reading, then I imagine the words 'Propagation function' and 'Greensian Operator' are not in your text, nor are their formula's.
You know these popular books about quantum physics really are all right but they sometimes give a false feeling of simpleness. In order to make certain concepts clear to the general public one needs to make consessions to his or her model. On the other hand if you actually solve the Schroedinger equation for a simple case like a square potential pit and see how the quantisation of the energylevels flows naturally out of these meticulous differential equations, that gives true satisfaction. At least, it did for me...

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,

[This message has been edited by Plato (edited August 27, 1999).]
As for the question how they came here, I agree with Oxygen. There are so many theories, that would take a lot of space and time to discuss about. I just wanted to tell U some "funny" theory about their moving here in Earth` atmosphere. They have probably solve the theory of everything. So with some kind of "machinery" they annulming the gravity using a strong electromagnetic field ( that explain why cars stops and radios get "carzy", just as the fact they show a strong light at changing the direction of moving). And, as for the speed of moving in the atmosphere ( 5km/h-20 000km/h) they made some kind of anihilation cloud thet destroy all particels in some range. That explain how they can go under wather, ice, and in space. They made themselves their own vacuum.

I would love to hear your opinion,....
Sorry for mistakes,...
I don't know much about physics, but I have heard and read about something called "quantum tunneling". If anyone here knows anything about that, would you please elaborate on the subject for the rest of us? Thanks.

"What is your favorite color?" "Blue...No, Yellow! AAAAAAaaaaaahhh!"
Monty Python
I think that these craft can warp
space-time maybe by using electromagnetic
fields in a way in which we do not understand. Physicists have speculated on this for years and it is possible considering that everything in nature is electromagnetic. The simple fact is we do not know a lot about magnetism other than what we can observe.


[This message has been edited by Alien (edited September 24, 1999).]
The AntiGravity technology is already been studied by the scientists, and we don't know if they have succedeed in anything, we will be the last to know, i guess.. also, there is another theory of the fast travelling of space, not with great propulsion, but with the use of magnetic fields and the kind of teletravelling (forgive my english). you enter a hole and get out of it in another part of the universe. remember filadelfeia in 1940 or sth. that was the proof of the theory i think.
My question is, how long can an alien live? Who' s to say they can' t live 600-800 years? With our medical advancements in the last 100 years, human lifespan has increased by almost 40 years in developed countries. If an alien civilization is 1 million years ahead of us, well, you do the math. The aliens might not be able to break the speed of light. The might simply be able to travel at nearly the speed of light, and with their long lifespan, a 100-200 light-year trip isn' t implausible at all. Plus, as you approach the speed of light, doesn' t time slow down? I believe it slows to as little as 1/7th the normal time. That could make trips taking thousands of normal years possible. It would seem to the travelers to take much less time. They could even build a colony or two somewhere between, so that the crews could be rotated. For what its worth, that' s how I think it could be possible without breaking the speed of light.

You are being too conservative. First of all, time slowdown is not limited when an object approaches the speed of light. In fact, for objects actually travelling at lightspeed (photons) time does not transpire at all. Secondly, why should an advanced civilization have lifespans limited to just a few centuries? They might just as well be immortal!

I am; therefore I think.
You' re right Boris, they wouldn' t necessarily have to have a lifespan of just a few centuries. But, by putting it into a fairly conservative context I was just trying to show not only how an alien civilization might be able to do it, but also how humans might be able to do it in the relatively near future (several centuries ) without breaking our current laws and theories of physics. And as for those laws of physics, I' m no physicist, so I just go by what I' ve learned through some watered-down physics courses in high school, and an intro course in college. My physics background, admittedly, isn' t so hot.
I think the idea Alien is talking about is 'string theory'. Where all the laws of physics are unified into one formula, that expresses everything into waves and their harmonics. This is a multidimentional universe that vibrates like a 12-string guitar. Where waves go down or up a long continuum, from electromagnetic & gamma-rays, to stong & weak nuclear forces to quarks. They all vibrate at different frequencies or their harmonics. So, I guess if you can figure the formula of the universe
like E=mc2, then you can travel from one end of the universe to the other in a split second without breaking the laws of physics, since you would ultimatly know how everything works.

slow down. :D

For example, we know exactly how the internal propulsion engine of a car works. That, however, does not help us with using that engine to travel instantaneously to any destination. Similarly, knowing a complete description of all the phenomena observed to date, does not necessarily grant you the power of instantaneous travel.

Though I must admit, it'd be nice if we could. :)

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited October 06, 1999).]
Yah, but the infernal combustion engine(gag, cough, cough..) works under common everyday
physics. These laws we understand, but they
only produce plodding, clinker machines. I'm
talking about 'knowing' the universe and using its 'essence' to do things. But anyway,
'string theory' is not my idea, thats just my interpetation of what I read. Yah, it would be neat, if we could do it.
over the last six months, articles in the "New Scientist" have proved that:

a)You can warp spacetime to shrink it in front of you, and expand it behind you. Thus effectively teleporting you.

b)Time can be removed from quantum mechanics, thus eliminating time anomalies and all infinities. See ""
it's great.

Other theories, state that the "Rainbow","Philadelphia" and an anonomous german WWII project worked on ripping holes in spacetime or tunneling through it.

Believe the unbelievable!