Alien on video.

The guy who shot it isn't credible. Larry King asked him why it took 5 years to release the video? "Well there's a lot of stuff involved with my case a lot of evidence. The reason it's coming out now uh uh uh uh uh well," then he repeats himself lol. The guy stumbled for about an hour trying to come up with an answer and not making any sense. His body language is clearly communicating that he's lying.

I can get a better mask at the local costume store.

The alien must be here investigating fossil fuel.
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They never showed the video! It was just as still shot of it and then some recreated garbage.
" well, the scientists don't wanna release it". So, IMO, get the **** off the show until you're ready to show the damn thing.
Why is this on Larry King...its not even a story?

Romanek is apparently selling the rights to make a documentary.
It seems like it wasn't very likely that the creature in the video was an extraterrestrial. I assume that I'll have to see the video for myself, first, if it's ever released.
So no one has actually seen the real footage yet?
Guess I will have to wait.
And yeah, that footage in this clip is a "re-inactment".
Puppet (they did a great job with the eyes). The body motion is inconsistent with bipedal movements.
More nonsense and allot of HOOEY! Why are most "aliens" almost humanlike ? Couldn't they come up with something really bizzare and totally different than just dressing up a human and making them look a little different? :rolleyes::(
Why do people try to fool others like this, the originals must be Elsie wright and Frances Griffiths..

Maybe it is a dummy, I'm just saying ... HAUNTED-Ventriloquist-Dummy-Photo-EYES-FOLLOW-YOU-doll_W0QQitemZ120266985384QQihZ002QQcategoryZ19270QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I'm not allowed to post links so you have to google the above to see Charlie McCarthy doll with eyes that move.
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Why do people try to fool others like this, the originals must be Elsie wright and Frances Griffiths..


People like to laugh, some at funny jokes, others at pranks. Of course in the instance of those that generate such mainstream well kept pranks they might laugh a while, but they should realise that it's not as much fun as telling the world the prank eventually. (although saying that, the Roswell Autopsy was identified to be a prank).

I guess there are some people that will do anything for their belief though, for instance people stabbing themselves in the palms of the hand to generate stigmata or making a model saucer fly past a video camera to make more people believe in UFO's and undermine all those "disinformation bunkers" that identify all their beliefs as hogwash in an repugnant manner.