Alien intention


Registered Member
My "thesis" availabe (sole content) at
is based on the iconic 'alien' actually being our distant descendant as a chrononaut seeking healthier genes for their offspring due to their prolonged lack of natural selection, much like animal breeders do to strengthen overly domesticated bloodlines (in short). I believe ET's are out there, but
the chances of our first and only ET contacts looking even more like humans than say a bat looks like a bird or a dolphin looks like a shark seem staggeringly improbable. Lifeforms have got to be more anatomically diverse (and are on Earth) than StarTrek, which began with a budget allowing them only to portrey ET's as having an uncanny tendency to covergently evolve toward the humanoid. I'd be stoked to get a few of you to read it (URL above)
There was actually a TV movie based on a similar premise. Parker Stevenson played a man who found a crashed UFO with one survivor. While they were studying the alien, Stevenson became aware that much of the behavior mimicked human behavior too closely. He established a means of communication with the alien and learned that the alien was from the far future, where natural and genetic resources were all but depleted. The expeditions back in time were to gather material in a desperate attempt to save the race.

It wasn't too well advertised, so I wouldn't be surprised if you never saw it. I do plan to read your thesis when I have more time.
The movie was called "Official Denial," and featured the triumphant return of Erin Gray (Silver Spoons, Buck Rogers) to television.

I think the "alien" was named DOS.


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
Thanks, no I didn't catch it. I've seen a couple of things floating around based on aliens unexpectedly being our descendents, and it just got creepy by the time I noticed a number of seemingly conectable dots among the smaller, more compelling cross section of purported encounters. (I always wondered what happened to that actor, btw!)