Alien God


Registered Member
Alien God
By Kazz Falcon

I don't believe there is a God
I had a feeling that the aliens put us on earth
I was sure about my theory
Some things doesn't add up like the dinosaurs
What time did they roam the earth?
They were never mention in the bible
It took God six days to make everything
On the seven day, he rested
Then he made Adam & Eve as the first humans
Since then, there were no dinosaurs
Another thing, did man evolve from an ape?
Lots of theories, not enough facts
I stuck to my alien theory
I really believed God is an alien
That does make sense to me
God came from outer space, he made the universe
And, yet, no one ever seen him in the flesh
He put Adam & Eve on earth for an human race
He knew we couldn't survive on another planet
Therefore, God is an alien
There must be life on other planets
We do have UFO flying around our skies
Roswell is living proof
God couldn't be human; we must be aliens
We came from the alien God

Copyright ©2003 Kazz Falcon

Any thoughts on Alien god?

I found the theory reasonable without a doubt!
Some interesting points.
I don't beleive the big kahuna is an alien so to speak.
You copyrighted that?:confused:
You probly should have put this in the psuedoscience section.
Just a suggestion.
Peace Out
cause and effect...

somewhere far away, dust settled earlier than it did here and an enviornment capable of supporting life came about. a race of beings, probably not too unlike our own, arose.

only a thought.
I agree

Spirit Alien,

I agree with you about God as we know of might have been an Alien race. This was also proven from the Sumerian text which was the foundation for Torahs, Bible and Quran . Similar stories were also adopted by Persians before the Muslim Invasion of Iran..

I feel the only reason we have not yet found the missing link is because it was the work of Aliens as explained in Sumerian text, which goes in depth to explain the different types of humans experimented by Annunakis or Nephilim to create humans.

Not only that it talks about a Planet Nibiru which revolves around 2 suns including ours with an orbit of 3600 years.. It is very difficult for people to think out of the box..they like to believe in their prophets and messaihs ...which have not given them anything accept a book which has inspired killers in all ages..

Cosmic Alien

When you ask who made aliens you are jumping the gun is like not recognizing your immediate boss(Aliens) and agreeing to answer his boss..which might be other chain of aliens but surely not your God as mentioned in any of your man made religions.

No offence to any believer ....this is not challenging your faith . please do believe in your invisible friend ....he will surely guide you
Re: I agree

Originally posted by Guru
Spirit Alien,
I agree with you about God as we know of might have been an Alien race. This was also proven from the Sumerian text which was the foundation for Torahs, Bible and Quran. Similar stories were also adopted by Persians before the Muslim Invasion of Iran..

I feel the only reason we have not yet found the missing link is because it was the work of Aliens as explained in Sumerian text, which goes in depth to explain the different types of humans experimented by Annunakis or Nephilim to create humans.

Not only that it talks about a Planet Nibiru which revolves around 2 suns including ours with an orbit of 3600 years.. It is very difficult for people to think out of the box..they like to believe in their prophets and messaihs ...which have not given them anything accept a book which has inspired killers in all ages..

Cosmic Alien
When you ask who made aliens you are jumping the gun is like not recognizing your immediate boss(Aliens) and agreeing to answer his boss..which might be other chain of aliens but surely not your God as mentioned in any of your man made religions.

No offence to any believer ....this is not challenging your faith . please do believe in your invisible friend ....he will surely guide you
(Good questions, here! I'd like to offer my input. Since I believe there is only one force of pure energy (God), then all creation came out of this pure spirit. Therefore, aliens are (and have been) a part of this energy field. Possibly, they were angels in the OT and miracle workers in the NT. Since there is only ONE pure energy field, this, of course, leaves no room for belief in Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, or the dark force. Everything is part of the One Spirit of God--even aliens, ETs, UFOs, etc. How they manifest in our minds and imagination is due to our consciousness. How they manifested in the OT was due to the consciousness of the people 5,000 years ago. They saw angels with wings in chariots of fire. We see aliens and ETs in UFOs. They've always been around, and they are all the same thing. Manifestations of our imagination that eminate from the One Spirit of God.
Re: Re: I agree

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Since I believe there is only one force of pure energy (God), then all creation came out of this pure spirit.

Hi Med -Woman ...our paths cross again :)

Why do you think that way, what makes your belief better than any Xian belief in Naming their God. I would say it sounds very Melodramatic to say one force of pure energy. The way the whole universe is made is of positive and negative energy ....som are dormant energy ( Black Matter) ... Why do you say one force...why do we all believe saying One GOD would make him/her more powerful than 5 GODs or 500 GODS acting as one ... why do we tend to assign a human attribute to something that has no explanation.

Don't you feel that if we are from the same pure energy we should be more powerful than our present state of being...I can elaborate on this but I feel you are intelligent to expand on this point.

PS. How are you ....are you keeping Jenyar Busy :D
"God" is ALIEN, alien to most of the world. We dont know what god looks like what god is cuz we search for "god" in all the wrong ways, we put the idea of right or wrong, good or bad, giving him labels and faces and so on, to satisfy ourselves, when we relate our experiences to life. And this way of thinking of believing in "god" is folly, then you think your not in control of your life.... its weak, blind, and foolish. You made what you dont know your leader. When deep down its all really you.

And anyone can be leader, cuz everyone wants to be led.

I think med. means by we are all from 1 God.... what I usually call the "source" for a better term. Is that we all came from this 1 source... the trees the earth the birds - everything is made of energy and everything is an expression of this "source" to experience .. to become aware of itself, in many forms. Positive , negative energy... is still energy in a different expressions, its about harmony. All things are lessons - period!

Be more powerful than our present state of being... hahaha
if you were to go back to the the source in its "pure" state you'd be, you wouldnt be aware of "yourself" you'd be aware of everything else, objective instead of being subjective. We came from nothing and we'll return to nothing. Why do we tend to assign a human attribute to everything? Cuz we humans are egotistical, thru our minds we interpret things and thru that we compare, we think each and everyone one of us is different, better than the other or better than a tree , a dog , a cat, or lessen ourselves. But we are all the same underneath all this form. Energy, Source expression.

And now I am going to tell you a great truth, and if you are wise, you will take it to your heart. All men are stupid. They are full of fear and insecurity- it makes them weak. Always the other man seems stronger, more confident, more capable. It is a lie of the worst kind, for we lie to ourselves.

And out of it we hope for something better, pray to god to make things better. When your actually talking to yourself. WISHFUL THINKING... when all we can do is act, experience and learn... and thru that we better ourselves. what did a saying from the bible say? "god helps those that helps themselves" Life is nothing but a lesson - period!

I'm not religious but, I myself believe in something higher than us something greater thats a part of us yet seperate cuz of us. The universe is a grand and mysterious, how can I not think that?
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To add to the top

This pure energy which I like to just call "light" for the purpose to seperate ego minds thinking of "power"
Is that this source this light isnt about power... its about knowledge. How do you explain your body for example your cells...they seem to know what to do on their own to make humans functional without having a mind. And I know someones gonna say something like its cuz of chemical reactions and such... well how would they know about that? They just ARE. Or when you move your hands when you type... are you seeing your hands moving when you type? Do you think about it before it responds, Middle finger here, pinky there, scratch head here etc etc ?

Or animals and insects... I was watching national geographic last night, and it was talking about a Tiger Beetle, a predator. Well it had a baby Tiger Beetle, from the very instant it came out the embryo it already knew its strategy on how to survive and kill its prey without learning it from a parent. Theres many examples of this in nature.

They all came from the "soure" the "light" and its nothing but knowledge not power. How you UTILIZE this KNowledge is what creates Power.

So for every expression of the source. Bugs, plants, humans, animals, in them is Knowledge, from the source, from the 'whole' and the source is the whole, thats why I think everything in nature is ingrained with some type of knowledge according to its expression to utilize it for its survival... thats what I call power - natural knowledge, from within. From the knowledge of its cells to organs, to brain to view of the world and life ... layers and layers above and within acting as a whole for its survival... for its awareness.

We ourselves can relate to the whole just by that, our own being is like a miniture universe in itself. An expression of the "source" to experience... to be aware of itself. The Microcosm and the Macrocosm.

Cept most people are looking on the outside to satisfy whats within...
from the inside out you can see yourself in everything. If I believed in "god" thats where'd I'd search. But I dont believe in "god" the way most people believe. God to me -from observing nature- is Ruthless , Cunning, Sweet, and extremely Patient. The moods of true Kings.

What do they say "GOD" is all "Knowing". I wonder if the people from ancient times that wrote these things knew the depth of what they were saying?

Knowledge IS power and Knowledge protects.
Life is nothing but lessons.
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Very Good Post Inta'twalamayah

Very aptly put.. our bodies and cells are constantly evolving and they do that by observation and learning from their surroundings...I would like to add a line from the movie Jurrasic Park ... "Life finds a way" and the way it does is it keep on implementing the lessons and the observation learnt during its life cycle only to be passed on to the next generation of cells...

Great Post !!

BTW what does your Nick mean ... it is pretty long one I should say..:D
Thnx Guru

indeed life finds a way :D
I like the saying "live life as if your going to die tomorrow... learn as if you going to live forever" Ghandi.

I wonder where our evolution is going to take us next I wonder.
I got from an "alien" ...heh
That all objects non moving are 1st density, trees , rocks...everything around us is first denisty including elements.
and animals are second denisty - driven by instict -
and we humans are 3rd density -concisous driven-
people say thats what seperates us from animals is higher awareness... our thoughts our conscious. And all densities , permeate, relate, to each other for theyre all expressions of the whole.

I and some others believe our next rung up is in 4th density.... between physical and ethereal... like astral how it is when you astral project...
No time... and since theres no time theres no speed, theres form, but no true form... you'll see what everything really is - which you can bring that sight down to 3rd density - Like people being able to see "spirits" or auras and colors or hear colors and see sound. Like myself I can see energy in a fashion on my will and the way I see it has many degrees of showing itself.

We are practically slowing ourselves down from reaching 4th density cuz of our belief system.... notice how spiritualists always talk about dont worry about what you belief in and such like that, it will hinder you on your path, and no doubt the path is unknown, and since it is, we follow our beliefs or try to come up with ideas to understand, something that our "minds" cant cuz from birth we are fashioned, so to society its not normal and it becomes truly hard to "know" by the mind, cuz it always needs an explanation....... or shamans-which takes the task to something higher- after much practice and exercises and of being able to silent their mind, or by recapitualation, they erase and change, their beliefs that they were taught and made to learn from the parents , society... things outside of themselves -very hard to do- they erase and change their beliefs according to what they've found out of the "greater reality" thru experience or knowledge or vise versa, thru themselves. And thers a total of 7 densities.

A shaman told me, don't have any preconceptions or expectations when traversing infinity.

If you read my post here... forgot the name of the post.. soemthing about the "will the gov. ever tell us aliens exist" or soemthing... I said something about a magician hypnotizing his sheep so they wont run away.....
In a way thats like our belief system. And it IS hard to erase or change it , like in reality theres no such thing as TIME its an illusion.... thats no easy thing to just actuall follow and believe. So like I said in the other post, when a man begins to awaken, tenfold energy is acting on him to put him back to sleep. So hes often dreaming thinking hes awake or awakening.

Nature is closer to the "source" in a backwards type of way( do animals have a sense of time? All they know is that they are born and they will die and everything in between is survival for themselves and or the pack. And to bring a next generation to continue.. a CYCLE), and we are closer in a forwards type of way for understanding, and knowing.
Maybe thats why a lot of people are drawn to nature... cuz its beautiful, closer to the "source", knows what its about - without all this mind stuff- . In balance & harmony. Seeming at peace( peace with itself, which is more important). It might be cruel but its innocent. You can learn many things from observing nature. Before I die....which might be soon, since I'm going to the Middle East this November.... which is strange like its going to be a deja vu....I always dreamt I'd be going there, become a "warrior". Even had a vision a looong while ago of being there. I had a aura of a sword above my head and a real sword on my back...the sword means something like facing your obstacles and such and theres more to it if anyone can elaborate. I have many battle dreams also, where I see battles occuring. But I dont think I'm going to die... someone told me .. two different people told me I'm going to have 2 kids and a wife... and I dont plan on having kids or getting married till a long way from now.
But I'd like to go to Africa... particulary southern center of Africa. To me it represents the warrior manifested, in everything from the weather to the animals to the plants. Ruthless , sweet, cunning, and patient. Plus I believe a major power point is there. Like an Earth Chakra.

Oh and dont get density mixed with dimensions. Like someone said mind is fith dimension. I'll have to post there (someone said we use the term dimension to freely, which is true) . Density is being aware or experienceing the many expressions of a dimenion and this world is a expression so this reality, this world, this universe, you can say is its own dimension. And moving up or down denisites is being aware or experiencing a dimension in its many forms, views, or you can say in a sense "realities" for a lack of better term. Like they say theirs more to life and the world than meets the eyes. All you need is awareness to gain knowledge and knowledge will bring you greater awareness. Form and physicality isnt important but soul and conscious is. Which in part and in a way might answer "why am I here!?"

Lets say... "Density" is vertical, and "Dimensions" is horizontal.
For example.... the Universe is the dimension, and planets in it, are the densities. If we were "aliens" and visited another planet... say Earth... it would be like a whole different dimension for us but its still this universe we are in.

Like animals and humans.... their both in this "dimension" this world, but they both view it in a total different way than us. Like a fish...its in its own total view of reality. If you ask a fish whats water... it would answer "water? whats that?" But basically animals are stuck in 2nd density - instinct driven- so their reality is basic "survival of the fittest" so they adapt to and change accordingly to their expression forced by their "reality" their own dimension... , Ruthless , or , Sweet, or Cunning, and Patient... all mixed in... used in its own strategy or survival.

As for my name Guru :D
In-ta-twa-la-may-ah.... means "he who greets with fire"....I got it from a Lion, a very strong one, out of all the pride(the pack) hes always first to do battle against its enemy, extremely ruthless against them, even alone at times...his bloodfued fears him. And hes a solitary lion tho stays with the pride.(like me...heh) Is it a coincidence that I got this name, without even knowing that I'm going to be headed out to the middle east soon? heh...I dont believe in coincidence tho... I believe in synchronocity. The Dreamspell will help you believe that.
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I am Floored!!


You have a very unique and different perspective of life almost as a parallel Matrix theory...I had read about different astral planes I believe there are 9 such planes and we live in the 3rd just as you mentioned 3rd Density...Correct me if I am wrong...but we can astral travel to the 4th plane but beyond that we can only travel after actually dying and reaching the 4th plane...I read this in one of the Buddhist monk's theory of life...

I would like to read more to get to your point of view it is very interesting and I am always thirsty for more knowledge like you said that we are going to live forever. I would really appreciate if you can suggest me some books on this subject of no time, we being in a deep sleep etc....sounds intriguing.

It is amazing your view is very different from views that are going around out here almost an eastern philosophical type....I really enjoyed reading for a change as most of the post out here are mud slinging and very little exchange of knowledge...

aaahhhh Death.... Life and Death are the same thing to me.
Death is always to your left about arms reach away... look their try to "see" with a quiet mind and ask him, he'll let you know when its time, hes your personal adivsor. Nver be scared.

When you astral project.... you dont travel/project to THE 4th density, the Astral Realm IS the 4th density. The 4th density is between Physical and Ethereal. 1-3 is physical, 5-7 is ethereal.

Most dont understand the depth of these Astral "planes" the astral realm is the key to moving up the densities.

And yes to move past the 4th you have to die. But life and death are the same. One thing I found out as TwoWinds trying to understand opposites I realized Harmony.... not only balance...but balance differences for equality, which is Harmony, which is peace.
When you die, you go to the 5th density....notice when people say they astral project or have a near death experience they seem like theyre alive cuz they see the world in their eyes but they have no real form, have no sense of time(which there isnt any), which can explain why their whole life flashes b4 their eyes, or they seem to just teleport, pass thru walls(4th density, astral realm)....or when they see a light calling them... thats 5th density opening for them. But you dont have to go to it... but I would....well maybe, it depends how I am... I mean when people die and dont want to leave the 3rd cuz they remember all these good times and etc etc they just becoming wandering spirits stuck cuz they, miss to much and dont want to leave all that they remember... so its in a way selfish... sad but selfish... subjective. And thats what holds them back from rising.

Anyway when you get filtered in 5th you might come back as 1st 3rd or maybe even 4th or higher, depending on how you are - which to me is the best way, for then your ingrained with natural knowledge of that expression, you understand it cuz you are born into it.

Like I said and what you read to move up past 4th you have to die, cuz you then become a "being" of the 4th. These astral planes.... is the key, to moving past 4th. Like the atmic, the mental, the buddic, remember there is no form in the 4th and up thats why the astral is the key cuz you can move up since you have no body to keep you stuck like in 3rd. Those are higher densities. To move , to be a being of 5, 6, 7.... depends on your state of mind, anything higher is objective, nothing selfish for yourself. You read how people say when they go to the higher planes they feel mass love and caring for everything around them? To move up or not is up to your intent in 4th density.

But to be aware or experience 4th and up you dont necescarily have to "die" in a way you do....
But you wont be a "being" of it cuz your still in 3rd density but you can still become aware and experience and bring those back with you. But it will certainly change you.

living forever? hehe... I didnt say that I said learn as if you'll live forever.... heh

What makes you think we'll live forever if we move up a density? Living is a subjective matter, living and dying is just a cycle.
I suppose if you reach a higher density "we'll" live forever but they're is no "we" there is "one" remember objective, dont put urself in the front.... maybe thats why people usually come back, to be another "you" to be unique to be alive to experience to taste, to get away from the "we" to be a "one" (subjective) ... HAHAH see how ironic life is?
In another view we actually can say we live forever cuz we cycle back thru "life" and "death" but usually we dont remember. Again it depends on how you are... cuz its a safe guard, in my view.
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