Alien evolution


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
What do the common factors of various, alleged extraterrestrial encounters tell us about the physical beings described?

Do compact bodies and stunning agility indicate a higher gravitational force on the homeworld? Do large, dark eyes demonstrate a different segment of the spectrum? If we take the physical descriptions from the assorted EBE encounters, and separate out the common aspects ... or is that just too much speculation?


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
Everything you said could be a possibility. The alien bodies are differnt than ours due to different gravitational forces on their own world.
It seems to me that the common assumption is that the little buggers develop these massively high-tech space craft and traverse the stars buck naked. Perhaps they're wearing e-suits? The "large black eyes" are tinted goggles. The "thin, slit-like mouth" is a respirator/filter. They "appear to communicate telepathically" because they have radios inside their suits. Their apparent strength and agility could be an enhancement of the suit. If Travis Walton is to be believed, he saw three of these suits without occupants.
Why don't we get our hands on one of the little buggers and check it out for ourselves. But I guess if you believe the hype, that's already been done and those secretive meglomaniacs we call politicians just aint telling us. It's something I doubt, and quite frankly my dear I don't give a damn. Well actually I do but I think it's all sensationalism given to tickle our minds and sell, sell, sell, from TV programmes to board games to soft toys. Alien hype is the store owners dream come true. That's how it looks to me anyway. :)
let me tell you were the grays are from,they are not from outer space but from inner space.just think,man in just the last hundred years has gone from the locomotive to the space shuttle,are we so ignorant to think that we have not had technoligy for over a thousand years greater than this?back when religon was first established by the romans they found great discoveries of ancient text desrcibing techno marvals from the ancient world,yes,we had inventors back then to!,but the church did not want the people to know such things just like our goverment does not today,if the did they would lose control over the masses,so the church kept these writings secret and have so for over a thousand years,later they had any writings by anyone burned and those who had writen them exicuted as heritics and so became the thousand years of darkness,THE DARK AGES.yet there were still scientist,afraid of what the church would do,they formed secret societies and went underground to resume their scientific work,what we have done in 100 years they have been doing for 1000 years,those flying sausers are the result of over 1000 years of research by our ansestors in secret and the greys are geneticly enginered bio drones built for the express pupose of flying these machines,if we humans could do it we would but our bodies are not suited for the tremendous forces these craft would exort on us.

ron bushong