Alien Encounter


Registered Member
Has anyone else got an alien encounter experience yourself or someone close that you believe. Like mine is really modern and progressive, and it was not a dream and could be verified by scintific methods in which I was trained. I was amazed because it followed the general 'Grey' with some interesting differences that were confirmed by a skilled medium as being an extraterrestrial spiritual entity from the Pleiades.

The encounter was real, the anwers to my questions made sense after the fact from 'their' point of view and revealed their intentions were much misunderstood, and their concern to be appropriate with us just goes way beyond probable human behaviour. If humans were only that considerate! And there were a couple of new items revealed that were surprising, but I believe we cannot get the whole picture without checking with others to get the rest of the story (Yes, not unlike the terrorist infiltration just because the CIA and FBI were not talking to each other. It's that kind of a communication that we won't get until we can genuinely communicate and cooperate.

I want to hear if there is anything else out there on a one-on-one peaceful encounter that could shed some light on the subject, or even a website, listing or legitimate forum. I don't want to reveal some of the secrets considereing the rules of gathering unbiased evidence, and strangely knowing I could recognize a genuine experience--UFO's are not required for this type of visitation.
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I haven't had any first-contact experiences, but I have witnessed strange phenomenon in the past. I am interested to hear more about your encounter, though. Could you give me some details to further your case?
Sorry kid, but you use the phrases ""scintific method"(sic) and then "confirmed by a skilled medium" together, and if you really were trained in scientific method, you just wouldn't.

So, you had a dream about aliens, and you think it's real. What makes you think this dream, out of all the dreams you've had, is real, however?
“,,, and I will give them dreams and visions in the last days, pouring out my Holy Spirit upon them.”

Yes many today are experiencing strangely intense and more real than real visions, and dreams. Most will never understand what they represent. Yet I know the intensity and uniqueness of these visions compared to a dream or even an intense nightmare. Having all your senses in perfect working order, like perfect vision, causes these visions to be even that more unique as during these types of visions your senses are not used, but instead are directly stimulated somehow. Talk about virtual reality at it’s best.
Surely you're not taking the testimony of a medium as proof are you?
Exactly what "scientific methods" proved that your experience was not a dream?
torn half-way between belief and disbelief, i continute my quest for truth with this query:

Assuming this encounter was real, did the aliens speak english? seriously, I always wondered if they could talk verbally or if it's all ESP or whatever.
phlogistician said:
Sorry kid, but you use the phrases ""scintific method"(sic) and then "confirmed by a skilled medium" together, and if you really were trained in scientific method, you just wouldn't.

So, you had a dream about aliens, and you think it's real. What makes you think this dream, out of all the dreams you've had, is real, however?

agreed entirely,

and as for you Biblical reference, or whatever you want to call it craterchains, the simple fact is that we do not have any record of how many people on the earth at all times experience largescale dreams throughout history. If we did you could possibly make the statement you did, however a lot of people (apparently such as yourself) do not take into account that there is a new burst of communication that is available that had not been available say even 30 years ago.
>>>>Yes many today are experiencing strangely intense and more real than real visions, and dreams.

what evidence do you have for this statement? or is it just an unsupported one? no-one i know is experiencing this.
Boris2 said:
>>>>Yes many today are experiencing strangely intense and more real than real visions, and dreams.

what evidence do you have for this statement? or is it just an unsupported one? no-one i know is experiencing this.

yes indeed, show us 'proof'.

if no proof exists, how can these things ever be taken seriously.

things, all things, must exist within the realm of our senses - otherwise, they can not really exist at all.

therefore - i demand proof.
Visited said:
Has anyone else got an alien encounter experience yourself or someone close that you believe.

A few years ago, I had a Grand Prix that kept breaking down on me and eventually the water pump went out on it outside of town on I-30. I was trying to get a tow-truck to come out when a couple of aliens actually stopped to help me.

No shit. They looked a lot like us: bipedal, a pair of eyes, two arms, cranial morphology was nearly exact! Their skin was a bit darker complected, however, and their eyes were as black as coal... It was as if they could see right through you. The language barrier made oral communication difficult, but it was as if they could read my mind. They kept making hand gestures (I even think I counted five fingers per hand with opposing thumbs) of using a "telephone," so I think they understood that I needed to "phone home," for assistance. They were very gracious and even transported me to the next exit, where I found a payphone.

When I turned around they were gone! I didn't get to say "gracias, mis amigos!", but I think I could make out their beat-up, blue ford pickup getting on the exit... Maybe la migra was nearby.

Who thought I was gone? :cool:
Ever wonder why an alien just doesn't walk into a TV station anywhere and broadcast a live report about itself, or take over a radio station and send us a signal where it is. It is very perposterous that any alien lifeform from another planet or solar system ever reached Earth. There's just no proof except what people say they saw or some visual effects movie about a UFO.
>>>>Proof is in research.

>>>>Do your own.

you made the claim so it is up to you to supply the proof. otherwise it is just an unsupported claim and as such worthless.
craterchains (Norval said:
Proof is in research.

Do your own.

Ask dream analysts maybe? :D

These appear to me as simply words - vacant, lacking meaning, reason and concept.

One, who goes about making claims, needs to substantiate those claims - otherwise those claims are meaningless, empty words without any underlying reason - or proof of concept whatsoever.

Obviously you’ve exercised your right to free speech – now exercise the underlying logic therein as well – if indeed it exists, at all.



Do your own research. You never know what you may learn.
Pete here at scifoolems just discovered the longest crater chain on Mars while double checking our statement.

You may find more evidence of this than we have, but would you share it? WOuld you show it as support of the statement I made of our research? Just read all the crap here at scifoolems abut strange and weird dreams.
>>>>Just read all the crap here at scifoolems abut strange and weird dreams.

that's what you base your "research" on?
Just one source amongst thousands available via the net.

Your signature on your profile is similar to one quote I like.
Will Rogers. "It's not what you know or don't know, but what you know that ain't so that will hurt you."
>>>> "It's not what you know or don't know, but what you know that ain't so that will hurt you."

you must live in a constant state of fear then.
,,, as must you from this quote? Some call it overly, aware!?
"Sometimes it is better not knowing than have an answer that may be wrong"

In any case the dreams / vissions are being talked about.