Alien Abductions - The Final Stage


Valued Senior Member
A Warning to Sci-Members

Very soon now the earth will be completely changed by an alien species that's been interfering with our evolution and over-all society in general. They are not what are commonly referred to as the Greys, instead these beings are insect-like with remarkable abilities of telepathy. The final picture is really quite unique and should not be ignored any longer Essentially these insect-like beings have slowly been carrying out a program of integration into our society. Through the works of people like David Jacobs & Budd Hopkins we can see the entire spectrum of events and their sequence, which invariably leads to REALIZATION.

Jacobs was able to determine the origin point for abduction events by using hypnotic regression on family members. The phenomena is always present within all members of the family line, so if your mother was an abductee then her children would be as well. By carefully examining stories present in family for any abnormal events Jacobs successfully traced the start to somewhere in the late 19th century. The problem with his theory is that it does not encompass the entire scenario as I currently understand it. You see the real aliens are the insect-like beings which then attempted a hybridization of our species with theirs - resulting in the Greys. Because Greys were present in the first abduction events and not the insect-like beings we MUST conclude the actual contact with our species originated before the late 19th century. It's unclear exactly when because there is no way of knowing how long it took them to learn enough to make the Greys.

What's been interesting is the clear goal orientation of this program, you see it's got a beginning, middle, and end. The first phase was abduction, the next phase was hybridization testing, the final is colonization. But there's an important fact to recognize here, the purpose of such a thing is to keep our ecosystem intact while introducing their species into our society. Terr-forming would not work because all the benefits here would be lost (biological specimens) so instead these insect-like beings genetically blend their species with the indigenous population thereby bypassing all that. In-fact it's probably simpler to work this way than try altering an entire planets ecosystem!

According to Jacobs the colonization program is likely already beginning, due mostly to abductees being asked to view images of children playing and other standard everyday events, however they're telepathically asked "can you tell the difference between yourselves and us?" which none of them can! The purpose of colonizing is a place to live, but there's a more sinister approach here. They will integrate into society to gain all our resources, then redirect those to their needs instead of to ours.

What makes these beings real and not mere fantasy you ask? Well there are a few things that we can look at to determine the logical chances of it being a real scenario. The first is what I call the "Tele-Travel Theory." It states simply that "only a telepathic species is capable of bringing together enough resources to achieve space travel to another life sustaining planet." This is because the unique challenges presented in such an endeavor would be both societal and financial, only a unified society that is telepathic could manage such a feat. And we see them display these higher neurological functions just as we'd expect from my theory. Also they have spacecraft which is the PRIMARY component for a species to travel anywhere, thus a conclusion can be made that only if craft were not present would the idea of alien encounters be doubt-able (given the many records we already have of abductions, sightings).

I'd like to continue onward though, Jacobs is able to ascertain certain things about the alien society in general. In-fact he originally discovered through regression the Greys weren't the actual aliens but the first attempt to hybridize the insect-like beings with human beings. It gets even more scary after that though, it would seem the aliens actually mentioned to an abductee that they'd been having some problems with the hybrids because the emotions our species have are unfamiliar to them. It seemed the integration process was slowed because of this although they apparently did not give up :-( Now we have clear signals they've overcome this difficulty but my fear is that once integrated into society the constant contact with humans will cause them to behave like humans, only with telepathic manipulators abilities. Imagine them raping your mind or forcing you to have sex (and you liking it)?!

You may be asking how can they have telepathic abilities? That answer is unclear. Even more bizarre is why they'd be in any way able to influence an entirely different species from a different ecosystem. There may be an answer in their technology, from what we've gathered they use a close staring procedure to investigate peoples thoughts, they can also cause physical responses in this way. The question is why would it work on an alien species? Jacobs has linked this procedure to the optic nerve, he believes somehow they can hook directly into this and then reach the rest of our cognitive functioning. He's wary of the ability we have to fight these beings because not only are they technologically superior to us but they've also seemingly developed what I call a "neurological-based science." You see there is clear indication they can directly interface with their spacecraft using thoughts, that supports the idea of a neurologically based science. I would like to point out my own theory of their evolutionary cognitive abilities though......... when a society reaches a point of telepathic communication and none of them share a separate distinct personality we find some difficulties may arise.

Consider the insect-like beings are basically unable to be as independent as we are. But yet examination reveals the idea maybe we are not so independent as we'd like to think. After-all are we hunting for our own food? Can you cook? Can you build a shelter? Do you know medicine? This creates a skew in both societies because in many ways we are telepathic already, we agree we need the same things, we know what those close to us do daily. It's just that this society has had an advantage of developing far beyond ours in science and likely even modified their own genes.

I'd like to go over a few scientific ideas that help us see why the insect-like beings really are the only aliens currently interacting with us. I once asked a biologist whether a program like the one described presented a real possibility of being done (based on his scientific knowledge). He informed me it would simply not be possible to do this, to which I agreed. However based on the current technology we see being demonstrated by the insectoids it's clear there's a huge gap, and I feel it's just large enough to make this possible despite what the biologist said. Furthermore everything we know about the interactions of abductees with the aliens indicates that indeed nothing is random but also a great deal of resources have already been expended on the ultimate goal. That means they expect RESOURCES BACK.

I do have one theory about why they are able to initiate neurological links with us, perhaps, no matter where life develops, although it may be different biologically, maybe neurologically it's very similar! Neurons are present in all living beings, they fire and act in mostly the same way. It's no surprise then perhaps an alien species would have a science based on this which effected us as well.

So what is the end result of this? According to researchers the alien integration will be done over time, however inconsistent pictures of how make raise serious questions. For example abductees are trained for crowd control because supposedly humans will be running down the street in panic, but logic tells us no one will be able to control that riot (induced by aliens). So there is no real reason to expect them to have an effect on the public. And what event would be so seemingly bizarre as to send people running into the streets? The only thing I can imagine is mass landing. However we KNOW from abductees the aliens cannot survive on Earth which is why they're slowly creating these hybrids. If they can't survive on Earth than exactly how many hybrids can they have already waiting to integrate?

Without knowing the full answers to these issues we can only surmise that indeed the program is successful and the integration proceeds smoothly. But then once they're here what will change? Can they really hold together a society like ours with telepathy alone? Whatever the reasoning there is a clear agenda and once it's completed we should all know...... however disturbing that may be.
Good start to your science fiction novel.
But I bet the butler did it.